Growing the good food movement

WebinarThursday 9 September 2021 • 14:0015:30

What is the good food movement? Who is building it across the food and farming sector? How can we help grow the movement to ensure it’s a vibrant, diverse force for change that is led by the people and communities who stand to benefit the most?


This webinar heard from organisations that are growing and supporting their own food movements. Be it local food partnerships, land managers, food traders or others, we’re all working towards a better food system that supports both people and planet. We heard their stories and found out how to get involved in the movement for a fairer food system. 

Speakers included:

  • Betsy Dilner, CEO, Social Change Agency who talked about what movements are and the tools available to ensure maximum impact, such as this movement building canvas
  • Vera Zakharov, Local Action Coordinator, Sustain introduced the local good food movement being developed through the Sustainable Food Places network and ways you can get involved
  • Natasha Soares, Project Leader, Better Food Traders talked about the movement of food growers, traders and consumers that support better food for people and planet
  • Kate Swade, Director, Shared Assets, talked about looking at structures and resource building to build movements across silos.

This webinar was organised as part of Sustain's Food Learning Forum in partnership with Sustainable Food Places, with support from the National Lottery.

The Food Learning Forum is a peer-learning network made up of programme managers of Lottery-funded projects related to food. It aims to draw together expertise from both within the organisations and from external facilitators as appropriate and share this with the wider network. It is coordinated by Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming and has been running since October 2019. 

Food Learning Forum: The Food Learning Forum is a peer-learning network of food focused organisations that connects and develops the food and farming sector through learning, development and peer discussion.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2025
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