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Recipie: Chris Young’s bag o’ bread

One bag = three large loaves
Real Bread Campaign | Saturday 20 February 2021

Article: The Real Bread Campaign turns fifteen

Looking back on decade and a half of the battle for better bread.
Real Bread Campaign | Sunday 26 November 2023

Article: Sourdough bread mythbuster

Real Bread Campaign coordinator Chris Young tries to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 25 September 2023

News: Are Supermarket Bloomers (Still) Pants?

Eight years since publishing its original Are Supermarket Bloomers Pants? report, the Real Bread Campaign believes that what much of supermarket ‘in-store bakery’ still amounts to is little more than in-store theatre.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 11 October 2018

Article: Lay all your loaf on me

In 2016, Scotland The Bread founders Andrew Whitley and Veronica Burke visited Denmark and Sweden to to meet plant breeders, farmers, millers and bakers at the heart of a Nordic bread revolution.
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 9 November 2020

Page: Honest Crust Act

The Real Bread Campaign calls for improved loaf labelling and marketing laws in the UK. 
Real Bread Campaign

Article: Focus on phytate and FODMAPs

Dietitian Sophie Turigel and Chris Young look at two potential benefits of sourdough fermentation.
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 16 October 2023

News: On your marks…

When out and about on your weekly food hunt, keep your eyes peeled for The Real Bread Loaf Mark.
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 23 February 2021

Article: Bread: the whole truth

Full version of The Honest Truth Q&A for The Sunday Post
Real Bread Campaign | Sunday 9 October 2022

News: Look for The Sourdough Loaf Mark!

For shoppers seeking genuine sourdough bread.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 1 September 2021

Ways to support our charity’s work

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Real Bread Campaign
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

The Real Bread Campaign is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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Real Bread Campaign