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Recipie: So simple sourdough

Three ingredients = a world of bread
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 10 April 2023

Article: In sourdough we crust

Dan and Duncan Edwards, owners of Four Hundred Rabbits in London, share their sourdough pizza passion.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 9 February 2023

News: Sliced factory loaves saltier than crisps

Action on Salt reports some sliced, wrapped industrial loaves have more salt than crisps, burgers and fries.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 30 March 2023

News: New call for wholemeal law clarity

Hull trading standards echoes the Real Bread Campaign’s call to Government.
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 26 May 2023

News: Government commits to Honest Crust Act review

Replying to the Real Bread Campaign, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has stated Defra’s commitment to reviewing loaf labelling and marketing laws.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 21 November 2018

Article: Real Bread review of the year

A look back at highlights of the Campaign’s work and achievements during 2019.
Real Bread Campaign | Sunday 29 December 2019

News: Sourdough code of (mal)practice?

The Real Bread Campaign believes that a document sent to Defra is a cheats’ charter that attempts to legitimise abusing people’s growing love of sourdough by hijacking the word.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 27 November 2019

News: Mother superior

A week today sees the start of the fourth annual #SourdoughSeptember, when fermentalists of the world unite to help everyone discover that life’s sweeter with sourdough!
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 25 August 2016

News: It’s #SourdoughSeptember!

Fomented (and fermented) by the Real Bread Campaign, #SourdoughSeptember is the international celebration of genuine sourdough, encouraging people to buy it from small, independent Real Bread bakeries, or make it at home.
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 1 September 2017

News: ASA ruling shows Iceland ‘finest ingredients’ loaf claim is meaningless

Responding to a complaint by the Real Bread Campaign, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has given the opinion that the frozen food chain’s ‘crafted using only the finest ingredients’ advertising claim for additive-laden loaves is not misleading ‘because “finest” had no defined meaning’.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 13 December 2017

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Real Bread Campaign
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

The Real Bread Campaign is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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Real Bread Campaign