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Article: Now we are ten

Plenty has happened in the decade since our launch event one cold November day in 2008. Here’s just a snapshot of the many high (and a few low) points on the Campaign trail so far… 
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 26 November 2018

News: Marketing year-old baguettes as fresh 'wrong' says Real Bread Campaign

In light of a newspaper front page revelation, the Campaign has renewed its long-standing call for a legal definition, and criteria for use, of 'freshly-baked' and similar marketing claims.
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 9 October 2018

Blog: Sourfaux September?

In the month that the Real Bread Campaign is helping to share the delicious delights of genuine sourdough, and champion the people who make it, Campaign coordinator Chris Young questions the way some industrial loaf fabricators are using the term.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 20 September 2018

News: Real Bread Week raises awareness smiles and dough

With the likes of Jamie Oliver to Chris Evans helping spread the word, the ninth annual international celebration of bakeries that make additive-free loaves and encouraging people to bake Real Bread at home has been another success.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 25 May 2017

Blog: An Honest Crust Act for a better bread Britain

Real Bread bakeries help to support more jobs per loaf than largely automated industrial loaf fabricators.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 9 December 2020

Article: Gut instinct

Why does it sometimes feel that everybody is avoiding gluten these days, asks Naomi Devlin. 
Real Bread Campaign | Monday 13 May 2019

News: Bread consultation ‘abandons bakers and insults shoppers’

Real Bread Campaign reacts in anger and dismay.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 1 September 2022

News: Local bakeries on the rise but facing multiple threats

Open University study finds the number of small bakery businesses in the UK has increased over recent years but that they are threatened by rising costs and a skills shortage.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 9 November 2022

News: Shop The Sourfaux Suspects!

Check, snap and post on social media.
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 20 September 2022

News: Sliced factory loaves saltier than crisps

Action on Salt reports some sliced, wrapped industrial loaves have more salt than crisps, burgers and fries.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 30 March 2023

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Real Bread Campaign
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

The Real Bread Campaign is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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Real Bread Campaign