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News: Bread consultation ‘abandons bakers and insults shoppers’

Real Bread Campaign reacts in anger and dismay.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 1 September 2022

News: Sourdough September is only weeks away: Get involved!

2017 marks the international celebration of sourdough’s fifth anniversary, and the Real Bread Campaign needs YOUR help to make it another success!
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 5 July 2017

News: NHS: Sourdough is ‘tummy friendly bread’

According to The NHS, ‘some people with wheat sensitivity have no problems when they eat […] sourdough bread […] or any bread from a specialist bakery, rather than a supermarket.’
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 7 August 2018

News: The Loaf Mark scheme simplified

We’ve made application and renewal quicker and easier!
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 19 May 2023

News: Real Bread Campaign disappointed at ASA sourdough shambles

On 3 February 2016, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled that a series of advertisements for ‘sourdough’ toasties were not misleading, despite the product being made with added yeast.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 3 February 2016

News: Get ready for Sourdough September

The Real Bread Campaign is encouraging all bakeries and baking schools to make and publish their plans as soon as possible for the annual, international celebration of genuine sourdough.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 9 May 2018

News: Remember, remember Sourdough September

The Real Bread Campaign is calling on Real Bread bakeries, baking schools and other additive-free fermentalists to make their plans for this year’s annual, international celebration of genuine sourdough, and the people who make it.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 5 June 2019

News: Not all loaves are created equal

Our letter to The Guardian.
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 13 March 2024

News: Scottish Real Bread Festival details announced

Full line up revealed.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 16 February 2023

News: No sign of better bread regs

Wholegrain, fresh and artisan bread still not on Defra’s menu.
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 6 June 2023

Ways to support our charity’s work

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Real Bread Campaign
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

The Real Bread Campaign is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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Real Bread Campaign