Sustain / Real Bread Campaign / About / Media

Media coverage

Newspapers. Credit: Public domain

Newspapers. Credit: Public domain

Since 2008, the Campaign has maintained a strong track-record of keeping Real Bread, the people who make it, and obstacles to their rise, in the public eye.


2023 2022 2021 2020 

2019 2018 2017 2016

2015 2014 2013 2012

2011 2010  2009 2008


See also

Related articles  Campaign news

If you work in the media and would like to receive our press releases, please email


National Post - 7 March (Canada)
Cook This: 3 baking recipes from Babette's Bread, including Greek sesame bread rings

Yahoo! news - 7 March
Real Bread event in Stroud will bring together bakers, farmers and food lovers

Stroud News - 7 March
Real Bread Campaign event to take place at Long Table

Stamford Pride - March
Our daily bread

Rutland Pride - March
Our daily bread

Wicked Leeks - 27 February [also in 70,000 Riverford boxes]
Freshly faked bread & supermarket sourfaux

Wicked Leeks - 25 February
Back to our roots: can heritage grains solve the wheat crisis?

Carer - 25 February
Kneading The Way, Care Home Residents Celebrate Real Bread Week

Northampton Chronicle - 25 February 
Kneading the way, Kettering care home residents celebrate Real Bread Week
[Also Northampton Telegraph and others]

Hucknall Dispatch - 25 February
Kneading the way: Care home residents celebrate Real Bread Week

Times - 22 February
The rise of fake sourdough — how to tell if your loaf is the real deal

Irish Examiner
Seasonal Journal

Positive News - 21 February
Flour power: the campaign to get real bread to more people

Kommersant - 21 February
Неделя натурального хлеба: шотландская пекарня продает выпечку по схеме «плати сколько можешь»

Warrington Guardian - 21 February
Room Forty announces new classes for Real Bread Week

Blackpool Gazette - 18 February
15 of the best bakeries in and around Blackpool to celebrate Real Bread Week 2025

Lancashire Gazette - 18 February
27 of the best bakeries in Lancashire to celebrate Real Bread Week 2025

Positive News - 18 February
The bakery that offers pay-as-you-can-afford bread

Bakery and Snacks - 17 February
Bread without borders: The global movement for Real Bread

Farming Life - 16 February
We are lucky in Northern Ireland in that we have some superb bakeries

Sun - 16 February
SUN SAVERS Four ways to save a lot of dough by making your own loaf of bread [all of the recipes use a chemical raising agent, so none is Real Bread - doh!]

Courier and Advertiser - 15 February
Baking memories, using their loaves and rising to the challenge [print only]

Citizen - 15 February [South Africa]
The joy of freshly baked loaves

Belfast Telegraph - 15 February
Paula McIntyre sings the praises of Real Bread with the perfect sauce for a roast chicken

Courier - 13 February
Does Fife sourdough baker hold the key to gut health? Join the real bread revolution and find out!

Wicked Leeks - 13 February
WL Sustainable Food Series: The real deal with bread

Living North - 13 February
The Best Bakeries to Visit this Real Bread Week

Chiswick Calendar - 10 February
Sara Ward on Living the Good Life February 2025

Warrington Guardian - 9 February
Warrington baking school teaches people to make Real Bread

The Herald - 9 February
Is your bread real? Meet the bakers who want to give us better bread

Suffolk Magazine - 3 February
Master baker Rebecca Bishop on life after Two Magpies Bakery

Norfolk Magazine - 3 February
The best bakeries around Norfolk that you should try

Delicious - February
A whole lotta loaf [print only]

Yorkshire Life - February
Flavours of the month: Real Bread Week [print only]

The Scots Magazine - 9 January
Fill up your calendar with these not-to-be-missed events happening in February: The Scottish Festival of Real Bread [print only]


Speciality Food - 10 December
For the love of bread: why discerning shoppers are seeking better

Telegraph - 4 December
The best bread makers for fresh loaves at home, tried and tested

The Press and Journal Weekend - 23 November
Where love of good food comes baked into recipe [print only]

British Baker - 19 November
Proposed standards for wholegrain published as initiative demands ‘unified approach’

BBC Radio 4 - 18 November
You and Yours [from 31 minutes]

Huffpost - 15 November
Doctor Warns Against Fake Sourdough ― Here's How To Spot The Real Thing

Telegraph - 14 November
How M&S trumped Waitrose as the middle-class favourite

ITV News (Anglia) - 14 November
Folic acid to be added to bread and flour to tackle serious birth defects such as spina bifida

Northern Echo - 12 November
The story of Yorkshire Organic Millers flour in Ryedale

Sky News - 8 November
Lidl and Sainsbury's drop 'incorrect' signs from stores

Grocer - 7 November
Campaigners claim ‘victory’ over Lidl and Sainsbury’s in ‘freshly baked’ row

Business Live - 31 October (South Africa)
The rise of ‘fake’ sourdough loaves

The Way - 23 October (Italy)
Pane e salute, Casolaro insegna la retta via

Gaeta - 22 October (Italy)
Corso sulla panificazione artigianale: innovazione e tradizione si incontrano a Nola

Atlantic - 21 October (USA)
Coke, Twinkies, Skittles, and … Whole-Grain Bread?

Wicked Leeks - 15 October
How to bake your lawn (and eat it)

Yorkshire Life - 14 October
The story of Yorkshire Organic Millers flour in Ryedale

Sunday Times Magazine - 13 October
Are carbs good for you? The new rules of bread, pasta and rice

Welingelichte Kringen - 13 October (Netherlands)
Zijn koolhydraten goed voor je? De nieuwe regels voor brood, pasta en rijst

The Merit Times - 11 October (Taiwan)
「真實麵包運動」 推動健康營養、食物正義和生態責任

Positive News - 8 October
Flour power: the campaign to get real bread to more people

Produce News - 7 October (USA)
Industry viewpoint

Living Local DMV - 20 September (USA)
Sourdough September with Bread Furst

Belfast Telegraph - 19 September
‘Sourdough isn’t a bread, it’s a process’: Co Down baker building business from pandemic pastime

Yorkshire Evening Post - 19 September
Fearns, Leeds, celebrates Sourdough September with five ways to repurpose the artisan bread

Eastern Daily Press - 18 September
Andy Newman urges us to embrace the sourdough loaf

British Baker - 17 September
Craft bakers roll out limited-edition loaves for Sourdough September

Good Morning Washington - 16 September (USA)
Discover the art of the perfect baguettes with Bread Furst

East Anglian Bylines - 14 September
Spotlight on sourdough: are you buying bread or chemicals?

Staffordshire Living - 14 September
Fearns, Leeds, celebrates Sourdough September with five ways to repurpose the artisan bread

Velvet - 13 September
Sourdough September: The best local places to buy your daily bread

Good Morning Washington - 10 September (USA)
Sourdough September kneads to be on your calendar

Feast Magazine - 9 September
The Best Recipes to Celebrate Sourdough September

Luton Today - 9 September
Dunstable bakers show local MP slice of the action

Waitrose Weekend - 5 September
Say no to sourfaux

Best - 3 September
Bready, steady, go! (print only)

Wisconsin News Association - 2 September (USA)
Sourdough September: Bakeries in WI

Bakery & Snacks - 29 August
Is your bakery ready to rise with Sourdough September?

WYTV - 26 August (USA)
Sourdough September

Grocery Gazette - 23 August
Faking it: The grocery giants accused of misleading consumers

Country Living - 9 August (USA)
Fall Into September Holidays and Observances for 2024

Retail Gazette - 2 August
Morrisons removes incorrect ‘made from scratch’ in-store bakery signs

British Baker - 2 August
Morrisons to drop ‘made in store from scratch’ bakery claims after Real Bread Campaign complaint

Grocer - 1 August
Morrisons bakery aisles remove ‘incorrect’ from-scratch claim

Bakery Business - 31 July 
Supermarket promises to remove false claim

Love Money - 15 July
Supermarket rip-offs: bags-for-life, misleading prices, and more

Irish Times - 14 July
Bretzel Bakery owner: ‘The Irish have been dumbed down to just want white pan’

Foodful - 11 July
Top 5 Bread Bakers in Northumberland

BBC One - 4 July
Morning Live (from 13m 20s in)

Positive News - July-September
Loaves of the people – how the movement for good, affordable bread is on the rise

Polish Express - 20 June
Myślisz, że kupujesz świeży chleb w supermarkecie? Często to nieprawda

BBC Science Focus - 18 June
Here’s how unhealthy supermarket bread actually is, according to an obesity expert

Bite - 17 June

Bakery and Snacks - 13 June
Loaf tanning salons: Major UK retailer fingered for allegedly distorting ‘freshly baked’ claims

Retail Insight Network - 13 June
UK supermarkets face heat over ‘freshly baked’ bread claims

EFA News - 13 June (Italy)
Cinque supermercati UK denunciati per il claim sul pane

Birmingham Live - 12 June
Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Lidl, Co-op accused of 'misleading' shoppers who buy bread

Grocer - 12 June
Media Bites 12 June: supermarket bread, Diageo, BHS

Just Food - 12 June
UK supermarkets taken to task for freshly baked bread claims

Grocery Gazette - 12 June
Sainsbury’s, Lidl, Co-op and Tesco accused of ‘misleading’ bakery claims

Food Manufacture - 12 June
Complaints made about ‘misleading’ bread claims used by five major UK retailers

Pénzcentrum - 12 June (Hungary)
Súlyos vádak merültek fel a Tesco és a Lidl pékáruival szemben: megtévesztik a vásárlókat?

FødevareWatch - 12 June (Denmark)
Britiske supermarkeder anklaget for at vildlede om "friskbagt" brød

Guardian - 11 June
Four major UK supermarkets accused of misleading ‘freshly baked’ bread claim

Daily Mail - 11 June
Tesco accused of lying to customers about baking bread fresh in store - when loaves are actually pre-made and defrosted in 'tanning machines'

Birmingham Mail - 3 June
Tesco accused of misleading customers with bread advertising

Leicester Mercury - 3 June 
Tesco accused of misleading customers by advertising its bread as freshly baked

Grocery Gazette - 29 May
Tesco accused of 'misleading' bakery marketing claims

Guardian - 12 May
Cheese, please! Eight everyday foods that are great for gut health – and aren’t kimchi, kombucha, ’kraut or kefir

Chiswick Calendar - 7 May
Sara Ward on Living the Good Life May 2024

British Baker - 17 April
Real Bread Campaign launches manifesto for ‘better bread Britain’

Times - 15 April
What's really in your supermarket bread?

Telegraph - 30 March
The healthiest convenience foods and the ones to avoid

Guardian - 24 March
Anyone can enjoy a slice of the breadmaking action

Guardian - 20 March
Britain’s bitter bread battle: what a £5 sourdough loaf tells us about health, wealth and class

Distrifood - 18 March
Supermarktbrood ligt op zonnebank

Mail on Sunday - 17 March
The definitive guide to cutting ultra-processed foods from your diet

Guardian - 12 March
Letters: Our daily bread can be a dietary disaster
(This is the original version of our letter.)

Bakery and Snacks - 12 March
Real Bread Campaign advocates growing your own loaf

Cambridge News - 2 March
We need to use our loaves to make brilliant bread more affordable to all

Daily Mail - 29 February
The grim truth about ultra-processed food

Sky News - 28 February
'Rustic' Hovis bread ads approved by regulator after complaints over 'artificial' ingredients

British Baker - 28 February
ASA rules in favour of Hovis over use of ‘rustic’ and ‘authentic’ in adverts

Independent - 28 February
‘Rustic’ and ‘authentic’ Hovis bread ads cleared by regulator

London Evening Standard - 28 February
Rustic’ and ‘authentic’ Hovis bread ads cleared by regulator

[Story syndicated by the Press Association and run by more than 20 other media outlets]

Nottingham Post - 28 February
Regulator throws out complaint about 'industrial' Hovis bread

Mirror - 28 February
Hovis cleared over 'rustic' and 'authentic' bread adverts after complaints

BNN Breaking - 28 February
Hovis Wins ASA Ruling Over 'Rustic' and 'Authentic' Bread Ad Complaints

Food Republic - 25 February
Your Store-Bought Sourdough Bread Might Be Sourfaux

Belfast Telegraph - 24 February
Real Bread Week: Toast of the town recipes from Paula McIntyre

Daily Independent - 24 February
Lee Ward: Try Real Bread

British Baker - 23 February
Real Bread Campaign initiative urges bankers to support local craft bakers

Little Black Book Online - 22 February
Bakers Call on Bankers to Raise Awareness for Real Bread Week

Waitrose Weekend - 22 February
1.4m That's the number of breadmakers going unused...

Grocer - 21 February
Aldi accused of ‘appropriating’ Real Bread Week with leaflet

Colin Tudge's Great Rethink - 21 February
Real Bread Is On The Rise

Scotsman - 20 February
Real Bread Week 2024: Scotland The Bread to host festival in Fife - and why bread making is relaxing

Farming Life - 18 February
Nothing gladdens my heart to see a queue outside a good, proper bakery

Saturday Kitchen (BBC One) - 17 February
Focaccia demo for Real Bread Week

Heart Belfast - 17 February
Artisan Bread Rising: The Growth of Boutique Bakeries in Belfast

Rye News - 16 February
Real Bread

Fife Today - 14 February
Fife hosts Scotland’s only festival dedicated to Real Bread – this is what you can see

Good Housekeeping - 12 February
30+ of our favourite bread recipes
(Also yahoo! life Best bread recipes)

Express - 11 February
The sourdough bread you're buying could be fake, experts share how to tell

Worcester News - 10 February
Peter Cooks Bread organises Real Bread making demos

UDN - 9 February

Bakery & Snacks - 5 February
Real Bread Week 2024: Is it time to revisit the breadmaker?

delicious - 1 February
Appetisers [print only]

British Baker - 29 January
Half and half loaves don’t have to remove wholemeal from marketing

British Baker - 26 January
Get these baking industry dates in your 2024 diary now

Take a Break - 25 January
What's February [print only]

OOH - 22 January
Dates for your diary

Yorkshire Life - 19 January
In the know: buttering up 

British Baker - 19 January
Defra confirms changes to Bread & Flour Regulations

Bakery & Snacks - 10 January
Roots to Real Bread to unpick the current challenges and opportunities of creating additive-free bread in the UK


My Local News - 17 December
SOURED DOUGH: What is the Chorleywood bread process?

Gambero Rosso - 12 December
Gli inglesi smascherano il pane di Lidl, non era a lievitazione naturale

Baker Business - 6 December
Lidl rename sourdough bloomer

Telegraph - 5 December
Sourdough or sourfaux? How to spot ‘fake’ supermarket bread

Nyheder 24 - 5 December
Lidl bøjer sig - ændrer navn på produkt efter klage

Guardian - 5 December
The sourfaux scandal: what is actually in your supermarket sourdough?

FMCG CEO Magazine - 5 December
Lidl loses sourdough row after breaking recipe rulebook

British Baker - 5 December
Lidl drops the word ‘sourdough’ from ISB loaf

Daily Mail - 5 December
Lidl is forced to rebrand one of its sourdough loaves after being accused of 'misleading' customers with 'sourfaux' in 'fake bread' row

Mirror - 5 December
Lidl forced to rename bread after being accused of misleading customers in 'sourfaux' row

Birmingham Mail - 5 December
Lidl forced to rename bread after complaints and shoppers rage 'it's inappropriate'

BNN - 5 December
Lidl Rebrands Bread Amidst Sourdough Authenticity Controversy

National World - 5 December
Lidl sourdough bread: Firm forced to rename loaf after customer complained the 'sourfaux' is not made from sourdough

Grocery Gazette - 5 December
Lidl forced to rebrand its 'sourdough' bread amid complaints

Telegraph - 4 December
Lidl forced to rename bread in ‘fake’ sourdough row

Grocer - 4 December
Lidl renames loaf of bread following ‘sourfaux’ complaint

The Observer - 19 November
Secrets of sourdough

East Anglia Bylines - 16 November
Sourdough – are you buying bread or chemicals?

British Baker - 30 October
Wholemeal labelling: Will plant bakers have to rename loaves?

Grocer - 24 October
‘Wholemeal’ 50/50 loaves may be instructed to relabel. 

Highway Mail - 27 September (South Africa)
Sourdough September: Durban home baker shares her tips
(Syndicated. Also Berea Mail and Northglen News)

APT 613 - 26 September (Canada)
The Real Bread Festival hopes to spark greater awareness about where our bread comes from

Bakery and Snacks - 26 September
Mad about better-for-you bread

Head Topics - 25 September (USA)
Good In Bread delivers bake-at-home loaveliness this Sourdough September

Belfast Telegraph - 23 September
Paula McIntyre: Well made bread is all about the ingredients

BBC CWR - 21 September
Vic Minett's Vicapedia: what is the Chorleywood Process? [from 2h 39m]

My Weekly - 19 September
We're baking (Print only)

Cairo Times - 19 September (Egypt)
The Sourdough Whisperer: Matthews Cotswold Flour's New Brand Ambassador

Eat.Drink.Sleep - 19 September
Ten years of caterers kicking additives from their diners’ daily bread

Lewisham - 15 September
Interview with Eddy Sleiman from Ed Baker

British Baker - 15 September
Bakers launch new loaves in Sourdough September

Love Food - 12 September
Sourdough starter: how to make it, plus tips and tricks

Cibum - 12 September (Greece)
Τι είναι το ψωμί sourfaux και γιατί οι αρτοποιοί έχουν ξεσηκωθεί εναντίον του (What is sourfaux bread and why bakers have revolted against it)

St. Tammany Public Library - 15 September (USA)
Sourdough September

Bakers Journal - 11 September
Sourdough September and a new BAC board member

Bakery and Snacks - 11 September
Matthews Cotswold Flour enlists The Sourdough Whisperer as brand ambassador

Detroitist - 9 September (USA)
7 Great Challah Bread in Detroit For the High Holidays & Beyond

Inngot - 8 September
Starter for 10

Waitrose Weekend - 7 September
Sourdough is child's play

BBP Media - 6 September
Honest Crust: West Bakers Show Metro Mayor A Slice Of The Action

LDNfashion - 6 September
Good In Bread delivers bake-at-home loaveliness this Sourdough September

RDG.Today - 6 September
Franco Manca launches competition to find the UK’s best sourdough pizza creation

New Results BD - 5 September (Bangladesh)
Sourdough September: History, Observations, Ideas, Activities

About Manchester - 5 September
Two breads crafted by northwest baker shortlisted in national awards

HiDubai Focus - 4 September (UAE)
Embark on a vibrant culinary journey with exciting new menu launches at these restaurants in Dubai

The Scottish Farmer - 4 September
Discover 10 must-know Scottish food & drink artisans!

Harrogate Advertiser - 4 September
Much-loved Harrogate name in coffee shops opens a new cafe in town centre with early morning opening times

Herald - 4 September
10 top Scottish food and drink producers who should be on your radar

Bakers Journal - 1 September
Celebrate #SourdoughSeptember: Raise awareness and create buzz at your bakery

Los Angeles Public Library - 1 September (USA)
A Smorgasbord of Septembers

Living North - September
Six of the Best Bakeries Across the North East and Yorkshire

Fine Food Digest - September
Baking the most of it

Waitrose Magazine - September
Lifting the lid on sourdough

Verge - 31 August
Calling all star bakers and pizza aficionados!

Bakery and Snacks - 22 August
Real Bread Campaign gears up for 10th annual Sourdough September

British Baker - 16 August
Guide explores ways to make bread more affordable

Hospitality & Catering News - 16 August
Farming charity Sustain release the ‘Real Bread for All’ guide

The i paper - 15 August
Can a £22 bread really be worth the money? I tested out the claims of better gut health and improved sleep 

Scottish Food Guide - 14 August
Sourdough September with Scotland the Bread

News Shopper - 8 August
Hither Green Ed Baker bakery business receives five Great Taste Awards

Which - 27 July
Supermarket sourdough: what you need to know

British Baker - 11 July
Why supermarkets are using [white] flour in wholemeal loaves

Guardian - 22 June
Back off, sourdough! All hail the glorious return of the sliced white loaf

Foodism - 16 June
Meet the female food producers breaking gender stereotypes in male-dominated industries

Guardian - 12 June (Australia)
Sourdough may be a star carb but watch the ingredients

Which? Magazine - June
Why is supermarket sourdough half the price of a bakery loaf?

Canberra Weekly - 31 May
Research weighs up sourdough or #sourfaux?

International Bakery - 18 May
Real Bread Campaign responds to industry code of practice

Worcester News - 13 May
Hopmarket's Peter Cooks Bread wins yet another award
(Also run by Yahoo! News and Malvern Gazette)

ITV News - 11 May
Sourdough or sourfaux? [versions shown by 12 regional evening news shows]

The Grocer - 5 May
Labelling code aims to define real sourdough

Palpalá Informa - 4 May (Argentina)
Los 5 alimentos que creemos saludables, pero no lo son tanto

Times - 4 May
Five foods that aren't as healthy as you think

Telegraph - 29 April
Your loaf of bread might be the unhealthiest thing in your kitchen

Places and Faces - 27 April
Inspiring Women: Rebecca Bishop

Daily Mail - 22 April
What happened when I ate ultra processed food
(Also Scottish Daily Mail and Irish Daily Mail)

Bakery and Snacks - 6 April
Consumer watchdog slams UK bread for still ‘containing more salt than a packet of crisps’

Sliced Bread (BBC Radio 4) - 30 March

Marketing Beat - 29 April
ASA takes action over PureCraft false health claims

Grocery Gazette - 29 March
ASA takes action over PureCraft false health claims

Grampian Online - 6 March
Insch baker Culinary Kiwi Bird wins twice at Scottish Bread Championships

Scottish Field - 6 March
Company Bakery wins Scottish Bread Championships

Scotland Food and Drink - 3 March
Winners Announced Scottish Bread Championship 2023

Bristol Live - 5 March
South Bristol 'food desert' helped through community freezer

Press and Journal - 2 March
Backyard baker spreads love of bread from New Zealand to the north-yeast

Mayo News - 23 February
Bread of life

Food Plymouth - 22 February
Ready, set, dough for Real Bread Week 2023

Eastern Daily Press - 22 February
Andy Newman: In Real Bread Week support your local baker

New Food - 21 February
Updating and improving UK bread laws

Cape Talk - 21 February (South Africa)
10 Cape Town bakeries bread lovers 'knead' to know

Mid-Day - 21 February (India)
Real Bread Week: Here's our pick of local bakers who bake artisanal breads in Mumbai

947 - 21 February (South Africa)
It's Real Bread Week! Here are no-knead recipes that needs 5 ingredients or less

Wicked Leeks - 20 February
The rise of the real loaf

BBC World Business Report - 20 February
Interview about Real Bread Week, sourdough and sourfaux [From 19m37s in]

Farmers Guardian - 18 February
Best of British recipes: Fancy making your own bread? Get involved in Real Bread Week

Daily Post - 18 February
We tried the North Wales bakery just perfect for Real Bread Week

EazyDiner - 18 February (India)
Real Bread Week 2023: Top 5 Bakeries Where You Can Sample The Best Artisanal Breads In Delhi

BBC Radio Bristol - 18 February
Martin with the team from The Coexist Community Kitchen

Express and Star - 17 February
Community bakery in Aldridge is backing Real Bread Week

Good Housekeeping - 16 February
Win a hotel stay and baking lesson with Cotswold Flour

British Baker - 15 February
Bakers showing resilience despite cost pressures

Erudus - 15 February
What to Eat with your Favourite Breads

Worcester News - 10 February
Hopmarket's Peter Cooks Bread reopens after beautiful refurb

Grocer - 9 February
Is the first ‘sourdough code’ a good solution to ‘sourfaux’?

Telegraph - 5 February
Comment: The rise and fall of sourdough shows that lockdown tastes are waning

Sunday Times - 5 February
Has our passion for posh bread turned sour?

Telegraph - 4 February
Bakers in furious row over proper way to make a sourdough

Bakery and Snacks - 3 February
Mixed industry reactions to the UK’s new sourdough Code of Practice

British Baker - 2 February
Sourdough code of practice: what the trade groups say

British Baker - 2 February
‘Half and half’ wholemeal labelling regulations referred to Defra

Grocer - 1 February
Sourdough gets first-ever code of practice from bakers’ association

British Baker - 1 February
Britain’s best artisan bakeries of 2023 revealed

Food Manufacture - 31 January
SOS (save our sourdough) comes in the form of new guidance

Delicious - February
Better bread for all [print only]

Dorset Life - February
The Good Loaf

Daily Express - 30 January
Warning to anyone who buys 'half and half' bread as loaves pulled from shelves

Mirror - 28 January
Warning for shoppers who buy 'half and half' bread as products pulled from shelves

The Herald - 28 January
Iceland pulls bread product from shelves with Aldi expected to follow

(This story was syndicated and picked up by more than 70 media outlets across the UK, including Liverpool Echo, Birmingham Live, Wales Online, MSN, Yahoo!) 

Wales Online - 27 January
Campaign group fighting half-and-half bread sees battle taken to the Government

Hull Daily Mail - 27 January
Campaign group fighting half-and-half bread sees battle taken to the Government

International Bakery - 27 January
Real Bread Campaign challenges mislabelling

Westmorland Gazette - 21 January
Sample Lovingly Artisan bread at Kendal Booths

Worcester News - 19 January
Peter Cooks Bread in Hopmarket closes for refurbishment

Grocer - 18 January
Keep yoga mat additives out of bread flour, government urged

Bakery and Snacks - 18 January
Real Bread Campaign drills down on loaf mis-labelling

Grocery Gazette - 17 January
Iceland axes ‘half and half’ bread following wholemeal backlash

i - 17 January
Iceland pulls ‘half and half’ loaf after bread campaign group rises up against ‘wholemeal’ claims

Fife Today - 17 January
First ever bread festival comes to Fife venue

Birmingham Mail - 16 January
Iceland forced to pull loaf of bread from shelves after major complaint

Sunday Express - 15 January
Bakers could be toast when energy support finishes [print only]

i - 12 January
Energy bills: Farms and bakeries consider shutting after Government confirms plans to reduce support

International Bakery - 11 January
Real Bread Campaign responds to energy support cuts

Bakery and Snacks - 10 January
Real Bread Campaign warns UK’s new Energy Support Scheme overlooks microbakery sector

Grocery Gazette - 4 January


New Food - 11 December
Updating and improving UK bread laws

International Bakery - November/December
What makes sourdough, sourdough
OU study shows challenges facing small bakeries

Telegraph - 23 November
Middle-class outcry over wholemeal flour in ‘white’ sourdough

British Baker - 16 November
Top bakery trends: the 2023 edition

British Baker - 10 November
Top threats to small bakery businesses revealed

Bakery and Snacks - 9 November
Report: State of the UK’s artisan bakery sector

Food Manufacture - 9 November
Small bakery owners face serious challenges

Delicious Food - 9 November
The state of the UK’s artisan bakery industry

Bakery and Snacks - 9 November
Bertinet Bakery champions Real Bread Campaign Sourdough mark

FMCG Magazine - 9 November
Bertinet Bakery champions real bread with more nutritious sourdough

Grocery Gazette - 9 November
Bertinet Bakery launches new sourdough recipe in brand refresh

Kam City - 9 November
Bertinet Bakery Champions Real Bread With New Recipe Sourdough Range

Retail Times - 8 November
Bertinet Bakery is first major bread brand to feature the Real Bread Campaign Sourdough mark, as part of bold new look 

British Baker - 7 November
Bertinet Bakery revamps sliced sourdough range

Napi - 7 November
Kétélű fegyveré válhat a Tesco újítása

Grocery Gazette - 4 November
Tesco commits to reducing plastic packaging for its in-store bakeries

Sustainable Food Trust - 19 October
Five foods I never eat

Bakery and Snacks - 19 October
Real Bread Campaign stimulates conversation among Black bakers

Delicious Food - 19 October
Real Bread Campaign encourages conversation among Black bakers

British Baker - 17 October
Real Bread Campaign webinar to highlight work of black bakers

Kennedy's Bakery Production - 14 October
Real Bread Campaign runs webinar for black-owned bakery businesses

Sunday Post - 7 October
The Honest Truth: How bread became the nation’s favourite food

Wicked Leeks - 3 October
Give us this day our daily bread

Telegraph - 2 October
This is the best-value supermarket sourdough

Kennedy's Bakery Production - October / November
Sourdough or sourfaux? Bread consultation 'abandons bakers and insults shoppers'

Sun - 23 September
BREAD-ER BELIEVE IT I’m a food expert, there’s a special word on bread packaging that means you should avoid buying it

Food Magazine - 22 September
Counterfeit carbs: the murky world of sourfaux

Baker and Snacks - 22 September
Industry ‘welcomes’ UK government’s energy price cap with reservations

Roaliment - 20 Sepetmber (Romania)
Brutarii furioși sunt „consternați” de lipsa de acțiune asupra imitațiilor de aluat

British Baker - 21 September 
Real Bread Campaign calls on Truss to support small bakeries

East Anglian Daily Times - 17 September
Expanding bakery chain to take part in produce celebration

Express and Star - 17 September
Using her loaf [print only]

The Dispatch - 16 September (USA)
Slimantics: Wake me up when September ends

Addison Magazine - 13 September (USA)
It's Sourdough September

British Baker - 12 September
What’s driving the phenomenal rise in sourdough?

Dorset Echo - 12 September
Tamarisk Farm's Milling Tour for Sourdough September

Food Safety Africa - 12 September
UK to revise 20-year-long Bread and Flour Regulations

Irish Examiner - 10 September
Menu: Country Sourdough, street eats and top bananas

CW39 Houston - 9 September (USA)
Food & Wine says 3 shops in Dallas, Austin & Houston make the best sourdough bread

Platinum - 9 September
Must EAT: Bread – and sourdough while you’re at it!

Hartford Courant - 8 September (USA)
Need an excuse to eat some bread? Here are 5 Connecticut bakeries to swing by for Sourdough September. 
(also published by Yahoo)

British Baker - 7 September
Bakers urged to try purchase scheme for Sourdough September

Supermarket Perimeter - 7 September (USA)
Bakery professionals in the UK join awareness campaign for 'sourfaux'

International Bakery - 6 September
Label sourdough correctly, says campaign

Telegraph - 5 September
Sales of white bread soar as shoppers run low on dough

British Baker - 5 September
Real Bread Campaign expresses anger at Defra consultation

Yahoo! Life - 4 September
Here's how to celebrate Sourdough September the right way

Daily Standard - 2 September (USA)
Have a Sourdough September!

Food Ingredients 1st - 2 September
Fake sourdough on sale

New Food - 2 September
Defra launches bread and flour consultation launched in the UK

Bakery and Snacks - 2 September
Real Bread Campaign angered by government’s ‘snub' of the artisan baker community’s sourdough demands

Secrets of Your Supermarket Shop (Channel 5) - 1 September
Angellica Bell interviews Chris Young about sourdough and sourfaux

Food Navigator - 1 September
Angry bakers ‘dismayed’ lack of action on sourdough imitations

Waitrose Weekend - 1 September
Campaign for more affordable sourdough

Food - September / October
Counterfeit carbs

Neighbourhood Retailer - September
Craft bakers lash out over sourfaux bread (p.71)

The Good Web Guide - 31 August
The Good Week Guide

Grocer - 30 August
Supermarkets are making a mockery of sourdough bread

Food Heaven - 30 August
Sourdough; the real and the fake explained

KDVR (Fox 31 Denver) - 30 August USA)
Sourdough September at Rebel Bread

Independent Arabia - 29 August
معركة غريبة تدور حول الخبز المخمر في بريطانيا

FR Post US - 28 August
Pain au levain : la campagne Real Bread appelle à une refonte des lois sur le pain des supermarchés

Bharat Express - 28 August (India)
Bizarre battle over sourdough bread breaks out in Britain

Independent - 28 August
War of the loaves: Bizarre battle over sourdough bread breaks out

Times - 27 August
Craft bakers hit back over rise of the supermarket ‘sourfaux’ loafs

Daily Express - 27 August
Sourdough war: Move to make ‘sourfaux’ bread a no-dough area

Teles relay - 27 August
Guerre au levain : Déménagement pour faire du pain « sourfaux » une zone sans pâte

Hero Mag - 27 August
Sourdough bread: Real Bread Campaign calls for overhaul of supermarket bread laws

American Reporter - 27 August
Making Sourdough Sexy: Chef Mel, aka The Happy Chef, is Making Making Loaves and Temperatures Rise this September

Wales Online - 27 August
Bakers to take on major bread brands in sourdough war amid claims 29 high street loaves are fake

(Syndicated story, also featured by sites including Bedfordshire Live, Belfast Live, Buckinghamshire Live, Cheshire Live, Coventry Live, Derbyshire Live, Hull Live, Lincolnsire Live, Oxfordshire Live, Staffordshire Live, Suffolk Live, Teeside Live)

USA Today Post - 26 August
Sourdough war: Move to make ‘sourfaux’ bread a no-dough area

LifeStyle World News - 26 August
Sourdough war: Move to make ‘sourfaux’ bread a no-dough area

British Baker - 17 August
150 bakers sign letter urging Defra to change bread laws

New Food - 17 August
Bakers urge Defra to fight against “sourfaux”

Ooh Magazine - 2 August
The Big Interview: Federation Of Bakers

The Week - 24 July
Chains ‘sell fake sourdough bread’

Telegraph - 23 July
Supermarkets accused of selling 'fake' sourdough bread, as Defra launches investigation

Bakery and Snacks - 15 July
Real Bread Campaign’s call for support

British Baker - 15 July
Real Bread Campaign urges bakers to join Defra letter drive

BBC Food Programme - 3 & 4 July
Bread: Why should we care more about it?

Rutland Pride - 1 July
On the rise: celebrating the success of Hambleton Bakery (pp51-55)

The Open University - 22 June
Our daily bread – how craft bakers fared during the pandemic and what happens now

British Baker - 13 June
OU study seeks bakers to improve understanding of sector

Bakery and Snacks - 10 June
UK bread watchdog debates the marketing rules for ‘half and half’

Daily Mail - 8 June
Is your expensive artisan loaf sourfaux? 

Speciality Food - 8 June
Artisan washing: What is real bread?

British Baker - 26 May
Public ‘lacks confidence’ in supermarket bread ingredients

De Tijd - 25 May (Belgium)
Ligt de toekomst van ons dagelijks brood in het verleden?

CBC Radio - 26 April (Canada)
As It Happens: Alma Mater (from 51m 10s)

BBC Radio Wiltshire
Sue Kinnear (from 12m)

The Daily Express - 25 April
Supermarket bread scandal with major chains slammed for 'misleading' sourdough promises

The Daily Mail - 24 April
'Sourfaux' scandal hits supermarkets...

The Observer - 24 April
An honest crust? UK government steps in over ‘sourfaux’ threat to craft bakers

ET Net - 20 April (Hong Kong)

North Wales Live - 18 April
The new Llandudno bakery where customers queue around the block to get bread

Baking Heaven - April
The Real Bread Campaign presents evidence of ‘need and benefit’ of a legal definition of sourdough bread to Defra

Bakery and Snacks - 24 March
Real Bread Campaign calls on FSA to regulate terms like ‘craft’ and ‘artisan’

British Baker - 21 March
Real Bread Campaign calls on FSA to make Honest Crust Act a reality

Grocer - 3 March
What the humble loaf of bread means to us economically and environmentally

Resurgence and Ecologist - March/April
Just dough it [print only]

Grocer - 25 February
The rules of Real Bread – and 10 examples available in UK supermarkets

The Carer - 25 February
Kneading the Way, Care Home Residents Celebrate Real Bread Week

Wessex Archeology - 24 February
Grains of History: The Environmental history of bread

Mid-Day - 23 February (India)
Hooked on to Hokkaido: This Japanese milk bread is the new favourite of city bread makers

Bristol Post - 23 February
Real Bread Week: Best Bristol bakeries you 'knead' to know if you like fresh bread

Times of Bristol - 23 February
Real Bread Week: Best Bristol bakeries you ‘knead’ to know if you like fresh bread

Shields Gazette - 23 February
Nine archive photos from South Tyneside as we toast Real Bread Week

Experience Henley - 22 February
Real Bread Week: Henley’s Not Quite Baker’s Dozen

Care Home - 22 February
Real Bread Week

22 February
Bath’s Bertinet Bakery raising awareness with Real Bread Campaign

Daily Post - 22 February
The North Wales bakeries which may ensure you never step foot in a Greggs again

Diss Mercury - 21 February
This Suffolk farm's growing its own bread

The National - 21 February
Flour to the people: How better grains and better bread can benefit everyone

International Business Times - 21 February
Real Bread Week: 6 Ways To Celebrate Bread That Have Nothing To Hide

Sunday Life - 20 February
NI’s artisan bakers champion homemade sourdough on National Real Bread Week

Belfast Telegraph - 19 February
Bready, set, go: Paula McIntyre’s malt loaf 

Bristol World - 19 February
Real Bread Week Bristol: The best bread makers and bakeries

War Cry - 18 February
Get a loaf of this

Grocery Trader - 18 February
Bertinet Bakery promotes the rise of a better quality supermarket loaf with the Real Bread Campaign

Luxury Lifestyle Magazine - 17 February
3 Mouth-Watering Bread Recipes That You Can Easily Make At Home

Bold Outline - 17 February [India]
Real Bread Week At Justbe Resto Cafe

Living North - 17 February
Breaking bread

Wokingham Today - 17 February
U can bake this Real Bread Week

Metro - 15 & 16 February
The big green swap
These are the easiest household switches to boost sustainability

Bakery and Snacks - 15 February
Bertinet and Earth & Wheat get behind the Real Bread message

Star Journal - 15 February [Australia]
Celebrate the real bakers

BBC Good Food - 1 February
Use your loaf bake bread [Real Bread Week. Print only]

The Times - 27 January
Sourdough or sliced white?

Bakery and Snacks - 26 January
Real Bread Campaign presents its case to Defra

British Baker - 24 January
St Neots bakery opens after smashing crowdfunding targets

Cambridge News - 21 January
New bakery and school opens after raising thousands of pounds

BBC Hereford & Worcester
Campaign ambassador Peter Cook talks to Malcolm Boyden about Raymond Blanc's comments on bread [from 10m10s in]


British Baker - 13 December
Bakery in review 2021: the industry and the law

The Guardian - 22 October
A new start after 60: ‘I had a lightbulb moment at 67 – I was going to be a baker’

British Baker - 20 October
ASA dismisses Warburtons advert complaint

BBC Radio Shropshire - 28 September
Jim Hawkins and Chris Young talk Sourdough September (from 38m25s in)

British Baker - 27 September
Why Defra is weighing up changes to bread and flour rules

Reading Chronicle - 26 September
New bakery planned for back garden in Newbury

Sunday Brunch - 26 September
'Bake with' Jack Sturgess celebrates Sourdough September

Clare FM - 23 September
Taste of The Week

Great British Food - 20 September
Why You Should Join the Real Bread Revolution

Welsh Border Life - Autumn
Rise of the artisan baker

Irish Examiner - 11 September
The Menu: Sourdough September and a celebration of Limerick's producers

Vancouver Island Free Daily - 11 September
Unofficial holidays: Here’s what people are celebrating for the week of Sept. 12 to 18 [widely syndicated across USA and Canada]

Mint Lounge - 9 September
Why a sourdough summit matters

Rise Up! - 8 September
#146: Chris Young

Berkshire Live - 4 September
Sourdough September: Where to get the best bread in Berkshire
(also published by Get Reading, Daily Advent)

The Green Parent - 3 September
Five Things To Do With Your Family This Weekend

Lovin Dublin - 2 September
Sourdough September is back and better than ever

Lancashire Life - 1 September
The irresistible rise of sourdough

BBC Good Food - 1 September
What’s in season – September

Sribija Danas - 31 August
HLEB JE ZDRAV U OVOM SLUČAJU: Evo kako namirnica koja je zabranjena u dijetama POMAŽE u slučaju ove TEGOBE

SheerLuxe - 31 August
Easy Tips & Recipes To Make Great Sourdough At Home

Living North - 27 August
The best independent bakeries across the North East and Yorkshire

Woman's Weekly - 24 August
Real life: The new brilliant bakers who love bread [print only]

Bakery Business - 18 August
Honest Crust Act: A step closer?

Luxurious Magazine - 16 August
Interview with Lovingly Artisan founder Aidan Monks

Westmorland Gazette - 18 July
Aidan Monk, co-owner of Lovingly Artisan Bakery becomes 12 new Real Bread Campaign Ambassador [sic.]

Bakery Business - 11 August
Sourdough September is nearly here

British Baker - 30 July 
How can craft bakers mill their own flour?

British Baker - 13 July
Real Bread Campaign reveals new ambassador line-up

Baker and Snacks - 13 July
Meet the next batch of Real Bread Campaign ambassadors

Bakery and Snacks - 29 June
Gan gynnwys pawb: Real Bread Loaf Mark rolls out in Welsh

Bakery and Snacks - 1 June
How to turn your Real Bread baking skills into a booming business

Bakery Business - 9 April
Real Bread Campaign seeks ambassadors

Bakery and Snacks - 9 April
Real Bread Campaign shoots for greater diversity and inclusion

British Baker - 8 April
Real Bread Campaign eyes diversity in ambassador quest

British Baker - 8 March
Why this head baker is starting Women Bakers Project

Kenosha News - 26 February
This week's events

Radio Slovensko - 26 February
Ivanine deti / O chlebe

Sunday Post - 26 February
On my Plate: DIY (dough it yourself)… The rise and rise of home baked bread

The Phoenix Post - 26 February
Real Bread Week: Britain’s favourite bread recipes revealed

Eastern Daily Press, East Anglian Daily Times, Norwich Evening News - 25 February
Use your loaf and give us this week our proper artisan bread

Food Voices - 25 February
Revealed: Naan bread beats garlic bread as the most popular recipe among British lockdown bakers

Press General News - 25 February
Methods to make the tastiest walnut bread with figs

Pellicle - 24 February
Bun! A Taxonomy of the British Bread Roll

Mid Day - 24 February
Real Bread Week: Mumbai’s hottest independent bakers

City Milano News - 24 February
How to make the most delicious walnut bread with figs

Farmdrop - 24 February
Stale bread recipes: hacks to use up that leftover loaf

The Storied Recipe - 24 February
Danielle Ellis: Real Bread Campaign Ambassador, World Bread Awards Judge, Bread Making Teacher

Eazydiner - 23 February
Bread Week Exclusive: Bake-off Artisanal Bread with easy recipes

The Lady - 23 February
The rise of home baking

Guardian - 22 February
'When you work from the heart, it's effortless': the lockdown bakers who turned professional

Telegraph - 22 February
Baker Richard Bertinet reveals his ultimate kitchen essentials 

Results Wellness Lifestyle  - 22 February

Scottish Food Guide - 22 February
Join the Real Bread Campaign and add your bakery to the map #realbreadweek

Perishable News - 22 February
Atoria’s Family Bakery Supports Real Bread Week in the US

S4C / BBC - 22 February
Prynhawn Da: Heddiw, bydd Lisa yn y gegin yn dathlu Wythnos Bara go iawn

Channel 4 - 21 February
Sunday Brunch (Bake With Jack talks about Real Bread Week)

Sunday Post - 21 February
Better bread, like gran made
Lockdown has seen us all become bread makers

Radio New Zealand - 20 February
Andrew Whitley: Flour to the People

Bucks Breakfast - 20 February
Interview with Bean & Grain owner David Baines

Newschain - 20 February
Real Bread Week: 5 bakes to master that aren’t sourdough

Western Mail - 20 February
Knead to Try

BBC Radio Ulster - 20 February
The John Toal Show

South West Londoner - 19 February
PODCAST: Breadcast – Real Bread Week 2021

Bedford Independent - 19 February
Raise a glass – or slice – to the Companions and Brewpoint collaboration for Real Bread Week

Wicked Leeks - 18 February
Loaves of goodness

Experience Henley - 18 February
Real Bread Week – The Boston Road Baker

East Anglian Daily Times - 16 February
Real Bread Week 2021: Where can I order fresh bread in Suffolk?

Eastern Daily Press - 16 February
Give yeast a chance - Baker urges people to try out Real Bread

Bakery and Snacks - 16 February
Real Bread Week gears up for annual celebration

Soil Association - 15 February
RealBreadWeek separating the wheat from the chaff

Telegraph - 9 February
The best bread makers tried and tested

Country Living  - 1 February

Living North - 1 February
The best bakeries to support this Real Bread Week

British Baker - 21 January
Bakers gear up for Real Bread Week in February

Early Years Educator - 17 January
Our daily bread


New Food - 16 December
“No plans” to change UK bread regulations

Baker and Snacks - 15 December
Real Bread Campaign disappointed with UK government’s stance on loaf labelling laws

Woking News and Mail - 1 December
Baking expert Jack sets up in new studios

Liz Earle Wellbeing - 4 November
An honest crust

British Baker - 30 October
Real Bread Campaign renews government lobby efforts

Bakery Business - 28 October
A letter from The Real Bread Campaign to George Eustice MP

The Bold Age - 14 October
The Real Bread Campaign: A cultured calling

The i - 7 October
Subway rolls may taste good — but food campaigners say they are not Real Bread

Vice - 1 October
Subway's 'Bread' Is Not Actually Bread, Rules Irish Court

The Bold Age - 30 September
It's the final day of Sourdough September: Love sourdough? Here’s how to get started making it

The Witness - 30 September
Sourdough September

Lux Magazine - 30 September
A Scrumptious Sourdough Recipe to Try at Home

Eastern Daily Press - 20 September
Sourdough September: why you should use your loaf and bake your own

The Herald - 19 September
Joanna Blythman: You might think I'm mad paying £4.50 for a loaf of sourdough but I think it's a bargain

Independent Online - 17 September
Sourdough September: 5 tips to make the perfect sourdough bread

The Edit [John Lewis] - 17 September
Rise up for Sourdough September

Green Parent - 14 September
Organic September: 10 More Actions to Take

Sustainable America - 14 September
The Low-Waste Wonder of Sourdough Bread

Scotsman - 11 September
Edinburgh’s The Breadwinner Bakery to become Scotland’s first vegan wholesale bakery

Exeter Daily - 11 September
Doughn’t Stop Me Now: Exeter independents vow to ‘Get Exeter Baking’ for Sourdough September

White Mountain Independent - 11 September
It is Sourdough September

Waitrose Weekend - 10 September
A celebration of sourdough, not sourfaux [print only]

UK Mums - 10 September
Sourdough September pizza

Worksop Guardian - 10 September
Back to school for fine food in Welbeck

Weekend Candy - 9 September
10 Ravishing NEW Things to Do this Autumn in the UK

Lovin Dublin - 9 September
Dublin bakery giving out free bread starters for Sourdough September

The Bold Age - 9 September
Here’s why baking bread can be good for your mental health

British Baker - 9 September
More than 50 bakeries sign up to use sourdough loaf mark

Bakery Business - 8 September
The Sourdough Loaf Mark and what it means

Food Navigator - 8 September
Bakers bitter about lack of action on sourdough imitations

Great Food Club - 8 September
It’s back to school to celebrate Sourdough September!

Berkshire Life - 7 September
Get involved inSourdough September

The Irish Examiner - 5 September
The Menu: Road breakfasts, bread school and Irish-reared oysters

The Green Parent - 3 September
Five Free Things To Do With Your Family This Weekend

Vogue Arabia - 2 September
Sourdough September: Where to Get Your Artisanal Bread Fix in Dubai

Bakery and Snacks - 2 September
Get your artisanal bread fix – online – with Sourdough September

Wellbeing - 1 September
Organic September

Facebook/JamieOliver - 1 September
How to make a sourdough starter

Resurgence and The Ecologist - Sep / Oct
Slow Dough crumpets: Chris You feeds his starter for Sourdough September [print only]

The Food Programme (BBC Radio 4) 30 & 31 August
Sitopia - a land with food at its centre

The Bold Age - 29 August
The constant baker

The Independent - 29 August
Sourdough September: Everything you need to bake the perfect loaf, as recommended by experts

Boundary Creek Times - 29 August
Unofficial holidays: here’s what people are celebrating for the week of Aug. 30 to Sept. 5

Out of Home Magazine - 21 August
Real Bread Campaign launches new sourdough standard

British Baker - 4 August
Real Bread Campaign unveils sourdough loaf mark

Bakery Business - 27 July
Sourdough September will return this year, says Real Bread Campaign

British Baker - 27 July
Sourdough September confirmed for 2020

Lewistown Sentinel - 22 July
Bakers overcame shortages, made bread

The Scotsman - 2 July
Real Bread Campaign launches initiative to encourage support for local bakers

Dulu - 30 June
Bread expectations

The London Economic - 3 June
Real Bread Campaign urges Brits to use their ‘local loafers’

The Bold Age - 18 May
Here’s why baking bread can be good for your mental health

Bakery and Snacks - 14 May
Jumping on the coronavirus baking boom

British Baker - 13 May
Real Bread Campaign rolls out mindful baking guide

Daily Mail - 30 April
I’ve become a slave to the perfect sourdough

Wired - 28 April
The world is running out of yeast for literally no good reason

The Herald (Scotland) - 25 April
Joanna Blythman: This rapid rise in domestic bread baking isn’t surprising

New Food - 23 April
Food fraud – an evolving crime with profit at its heart

BBC Good Food - 23 April
Joanna Blythman: The great British ‘sourfaux’ scandal

The Telegraph - 16 April
From porridge to mashed potato, the surprising things you can make bread with

Bakery and Snacks - 16 April
#Bananabread and apple pie: Lockdown larder advice to continue creating the UK’s Top 10 quarantine bakes

The Countryman - 15 April
Home breadmaking tips

Associated Press - 14 April
No bread flour? No problem
This syndicated article has been published widely in the USA, UK, Canada and beyond, including by: ABC News, Washington Post, Yahoo News UK, US News, This Is Money, The Seattle Times, Herald Standard, Your Sun, The Dispatch, Reading Eagle, Island Packet, Connecticut Post, Telegam, NU Journal, Trib Live, Ex Bulletin, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Huntington Daily, Minot Daily News, Daily Standard, Aspen Times, Breeze Courier, Federal News Network, The National Herald, Republic World, Town And Country Today, The Hour, News Break, Times Daily, Biloxi Sun Herald, The State, Houston Chronicle, Stamford Advocate...

The List - 14 April
How some grocery store bakeries are scamming you

The Courier - 12 April
Andrew is on a mission to make us use our loaves when it comes to bread

Trinidad and Tobago Newsday - 9 April
Chalet Bakehouse: bringing back Real Bread

News and Star - 3 April
Tips on how to bake your own bread at home

BBC Good Food - 3 April
21 of the best bread-making equipment, tools and kit

Channel 5 - 2 April
Secrets of your supermarket food (fresh versus frozen) [from 30m 18s]

Bakery and Snacks - 27 March
What’s happening in the world of coronavirus: Bakers call on UK government for assistance

Bakery Business - 26 March
Real Bread Campaign's open letter to Boris Johnson

British Baker - 20 March
Chris Young of the Real Bread Campaign looks back at Real Bread Week 2020

The Telegraph - 20 March
The best bread makers tried and tested

National Geographic - 20 March
From challah to injera: 11 ways to fall back in love with bread

British Baker - 2 March
What have bakeries done for Real Bread Week 2020?

Farming Life - 1 March
Like any good product, well made bread is all about the ingredients

Hampshire Chronicle - 29 February
10 things to do in Hampshire this weekend

Lancashire Telegraph - 29 February
It's Real Bread Week so try some BIY - bake it yourself!

The Staff Canteen - 29 February
'All chefs should know how to bake bread'

Local Food Britain - 29 February
Explore Real Bread Week 2020 with Local Food Britain

Stroud News - 28 February
Celebrate Real Bread at Leap Day farmers' market

BBC Essex - 28 February
Ian Wyatt speaks to Chris Young [from 12m 5s in], Fiona Ellis Chadwick [from 23m 42s] and Roman Jedlovec [from 38m 14s]

Bedford Today - 28 February
Bedford mayor joins bakery to celebrate Real Bread Week

Hastings Independent - 28 February
Sourdough’s Rising Star

Five Books - 26 February
The best books on Baking Bread

British Baker - 26 February
Tesco bakery shake-up: how industry has reacted

British Baker - 26 February
Two Magpies Bakery reveals soaring sales as Real Bread Week kicks off

Health - 26 February
Use your LOAF!

Irish Times - 26 February
Even better than sliced bread: Sourdough for beginners

Herald Sun (Australia) - 26 February
Dandenong Market celebrates local bakers during Real Bread Week

The Telegraph - 25 February
Why home baking is about much more than a loaf of bread – it's therapeutic, too

Daily Mail - 26 February
End of the loaf affair... Tesco to shut bakeries

Hospibuz - 25 February
Celebrate Real Bread Week with Mumbai’s best additive-free bread

Eastern Daily Press - 24 February
Know your loaf - 12 of the best bakeries in Norfolk

Because Magazine - 24 February
In Conversation With GAIL's

British Baker - 24 February
Real Bread Week gets underway

West Wales Family Life - 24 February
How to celebrate Real Bread Week with your family

Free Press Journal (India) - 23 February
The perfect loaf: Gita Hari writes about the therapeutic art of baking your own bread

Sunday Brunch (Channel 4) - 23 February
Campaign ambassador 'Bake With' Jack Sturgess talks about Real Bread Week

East Anglian Daily Times - 23 February
The ultimate guide to Suffolk bread - 19 independent bakeries to visit

The Telegraph - 22 February
Real Bread Week begins today - but what is Real Bread, and why is it important?

East Anglia Daily Times - 21 February
Rise of Real Bread provides crumb of hope for traditional bakeries

Bedford Today - 21 February
Rise together in Bedford for Real Bread Week

Border Counties Advertizer - 20 February
Derwen College students on rise during National Bread Week [sic.]

Lowestoft Journal - 20 February
Children turn into mini bakers at community hub event at former hospital

Bedford Independent - 20 February
Breads of Bedford ‘kneads’ you this Saturday…

Round & About - 20 February
Real Bread Week

Warrington Guardian - 19 February
Room Forty to team up with brewery to put Warrington on baking map

Yorkshire Post Magazine - 19 February
These three Sheffield bakers are celebrating an international Real Bread campaign

Sunday Post - 18 February
The Honest Truth: A toast to the humble loaf and its spectacular rise throughout history
(Print version on 16 February)

The WI - 16 February
Recipe of the week: Wholemeal spelt bread

Institute of Optimum Nutrition - 13 February
Five minutes with Chris Young

Reader's Digest - 8 February
International bread recipes for Real Bread Week

i News - 7 February
White bread isn't as healthy as brown but it's no sin to love the taste

The Countryman - 7 February
Rising up together

Telegraph - 6 February
The rise of the 'bakeraunt' – the bakery-restaurant hybrid putting real bread centre-stage

Living North - 1 February
The best bakeries to visit in Real Bread Week

Berkshire Life - 1 February
Real Bread Week

Sussex Life - 1 February
Real Bread Week [print only]

Food and Home - 1 February
Keeping it real

BBC Good Food - 1 February
Get out and about

The Telegraph - 15 January
Ezekiel 4:9: Chapter and verse on the health benefits of Victoria Beckham's favourite biblical bread

British Baker - 9 January
Bake well: How bakeries can give back in 2020

Eater - 2 January
And in other news

The Telegraph - 2 January
10 healthy nutrition hacks that will improve what – and how – you eat

Prima - January
Baking business is on the rise [print only]


The Toronto Star - 31 December
Is it sourdough or sourfaux? Campaign for Real Bread rising up over imposters
[Syndicated, also published by titles including The Peterborough Examiner, The Hamilton Spectator, Niagara  Falls Review, St Catherine's Standard, Welland Tribune]

IOM Today - 24 December
Noa bakery goes back to 1950s to cut plastic

Sheffield Telegraph - 20 December
Row over what makes a sourdough loaf is fascinating

Wales Online - 14 December
Supermarket sourdough is 'sourfaux'
[Syndicated article, also published by Belfast Live, Cambridge News, Grimsby Telegraph, Derby Telegraph, Hull Daily Mail, Leeds Live, MyLondon, Plymouth Herald, Somerset Live and Stoke Sentinel]

il Salvagente - 5 December
La guerra inglese sul pane a lievitazione naturale che riguarda anche l’Italia

Food Navigator - 3 December
Artisan bakers bitter about rise of ‘sourfaux’ bread

Food Ingredients First - 2 December
Ancient craft: The Real Bread Campaign slams “sourdough” misuse

i Newspaper - 30 November
Where do you stand in the great sourdough wars?

MSN Lifestyle - 30 November
The almighty row over sourdough and 'sourfaux' shows that 'simple' food is often anything but

Daily Mail & Scottish Daily Mail - 29 November
Use your loaf and don't be fobbed off with sour-faux! We've all fallen for the chewy wonder of sourdough, but many shops are selling cheap imitations

i Newspaper - 29 November
The almighty row over sourdough and 'sourfaux' shows that 'simple' food is often anything but

Liz Earle Wellbeing - 29 November
Friday Five podcast (From 5m 31s)

Artisan Food Law - 29 November
Sourdough hijacking by loaf fabricators

Food Spark - 29 November
Independent bakers complain about ‘fake’ sourdough

BBC Radio 4 - 28 November
PM (Evan Davies interviews Chris Young from 52m 5s)

BBC Radio 4 - 28 November
Today (item in news bulletin)

Metro - 28 November
Sour-doh! Bakers go to war over loaf label

The Telegraph - 28 November
The sourdough storm in a bread tin shows the true face of tick-box Britain
(Previous day's online article also reproduced, plus front cover and editorial pieces in the paper)

The Telegraph - 28 November
Wednesday evening news briefing: There's no knead: Bakers' concern over definition of sourdough

Yahoo UK News (and Movies, Style, Lifestyle microsites) - 28 November
Sourdough bread: Row breaks out over so-called 'sourfaux' – but how can you tell the real deal?

Food Manufacture - 28 November
Campaign group slams sourdough code of practice

Bakery Business - 28 November
Sourdough or sourfaux: an industry divided

Natural Products - 28 November
Sourdough code of practice is “cheats’ charter” campaigners warn

New Food - 28 November
Campaign aims to clarify definition of sourdough bread

BBC News - 27 November
Sourdough row over code of practice

Daily Mail - 27 November
Artisan bakers battle major bread brands over sourdough recipes claiming many high street loaves are not genuine

The Telegraph - 27 November
Row over 'sourfaux' bread as bakers claim industry-wide definition will see loaves wrongly labelled 'sourdough'

The Times - 27 November
Artisan bakers warn hipsters over ‘sourfaux’ bread

British Baker - 27 November
Details of sourdough code of practice plan revealed

Bristol Post - 27 November
Sourdough bakers angry at rise of 'sour-faux free for all'

British Baker - 27 November
Real Bread Week to focus on the good baking can do

Footprint - 27 November
Industry bread code leaves sour taste

Tin Mới Giờ - 27 November
Sourdough hay sourfaux? Hàng bánh mì nghệ nhân phun trào

News 24 - 27 November
Une bagarre autour du pain "sourfaux", les boulangers prétendant que la définition à l'échelle de l'industrie verra des pains étiquetés à tort "levain"

i Newspaper - 26 November
Bread lovers at war over the correct use of the term sourdough

Foodism - 26 November
Sourdough, sandwiches and the rise of speciality bread in London

Hastings Independent - 1 November
The Rise of Sourdough

Foodism - October
The rise and fall

The Telegraph - 16 October
World Bread Awards 2019: Meet the baker behind Britain's best loaf

Yes! 15 October 2019
The Sustainable Future Town of Your Imagination

Bakery Business - 7 October
Sourdough September inspires 5,600 social media posts in 56 countries

BBC Radio 4 - 29 September
The Food Programme - Food Additives part 2: The Debate

Stylist - 25 September
What’s on in London: 6 of the best things to do this weekend

Irish Examiner: Weekend - 21 September
A taste of the upper crust

Feast - 20 September
Celebrate Sourdough September with Bread Ahead and Branston Pickle

BBC Three Counties Radio - 15 September
Nick Coffer chats to Cinnamon Square's Paul Barker

The Irish Examiner Weekend - 14 September
Sourdough September [print only]

Surrey Live - 10 September
5 bread-baking tips ahead of The Great British Bake Off bread week

BBC Radio 2 - 9 September
Zoe Ball Breakfast: Interview with Campaign ambassador Peter Cook (from 1h 47m 25s)

UK Mums - 6 September
Sourdough September recipes

Welcome to Fife - 5 September
Harvest Time at Bowhouse

Country & Town House - 5 September
What’s On in London This Week?

365 Bristol - 5 September
Sourdough September: 8 places to find sourdough in Bristol

Velvet - 4 September
All rise with Velvet's Lisa Millard

The Simple Things - 4 September
Bake a basic sourdough loaf

York Press - 3 September
Enjoy Sourdough September

Health magazine - 3 September
Sweet & Sour(dough): Celebrate Sourdough September with a touch of 'Hygge'!

Scottish Field - 3 September
A bountiful harvest awaits at Bowhouse market

Food Ingredients First - 3 September
“Amazing alchemy”: Sourdough September flags “sourfaux” as a danger to the traditional sourdough market

Brixton Buzz - 2 September
Brixton Windmill Lecture discusses Real Bread’ at the Brixton Library

British Baker - 2 September
Starters’ orders: Sourdough September gets under way

BBC Good Food - 1 September
What's in season – September

Devon Live - 1 September
The corner of Exeter Quay which has become the hippest place in Exeter

Yorkshire Food Guide - 1 September
Everything you knead to know for Sourdough September from The School of Artisan Food

Stray FM - 30 August
Could this bread be set for a September spike?

Prospect - 15 July
The battle over bread

Scotsman - 29 June
Food and Drink: Brioche

Spartan - 28 June
Why Sourdough Bread Is Way Healthier Than “Sourfaux”

iNews - 26 June
Natasha’s Law: Teenager’s parents ‘delighted’ by changes to food allergy labelling rules

Bakery and Snacks - 25 June
UK introduces Natasha’s Law to protect people with food allergies

Bournemouth Echo - 12 May
'Supermarket sourdough is a travesty': A chef's mission to spread the word about bread

Medium - 12 May
Sourfaux: the bread battle that’s got bakers hot under the collar

Sunday Telegraph - 5 May
The good bread guide [Print only. Revised version of 26 April online feature]

Dorset Echo - 5 May
'Supermarket sourdough is a travesty': A chef's mission to spread the word about bread

Times & Star - 4 May
Andy Walsh enjoys the dream of serving Real Bread – every day

Telegraph - 26 April
The good bread guide – how to make sure you're eating a healthy loaf

British Baker - 23 April
Real Bread Campaign to host Batch Edinburgh event

The Overtake - 21 April
Sourfaux: the bread battle that's got bakers hot under the collar

Times - 4 April
The Real Bread Campaign is fed up that some brands are sticking “artisan” on their labels

British Baker - 2 April
RBC partners with school bread-making programme

Sunday Times - 31 March
Food buyers urged to use their loaf over supermarket ‘artisan’ con

Positive News - 25 March
Rising up: meet the people who campaign for Real Bread

British Baker - 21 March
Diverse ambassador line-up with 12 women appointed by Real Bread Campaign

Independent – 9 March
Lifestyle Barometer: Your guide to what’s hot and what’s not this week from Barbie to gluten-free bread

Channel 5 - 7 March
Secrets of your supermarket food [from 18m 18s]

Sun - 6 March
FOOD TRUTHS The horrifying supermarket secrets you need to know...

Independent - 5 March
Gluten-free bread found to contain ingredients used in makeup and the oil drilling industry

Mirror - 5 March
The 'healthy' supermarket foods carrying hidden dangers revealed

The National / The Herald - 3 March
These are the wellbeing benefits of baking your own loaf

Sunday Express - 3 March
Health risks: Gluten-free bread is full of chemicals

Romsey / Andover Advertiser - 2 March
Residents get kneading in celebration on bread week

Sleaford Standard - 2 March
Visitors enjoy a pizza the action at mill

Whitehaven News - 2 March
A good loaf is worth waiting for, says baker Andy Walsh of The Coffee Kitchen, Cockermouth

News 18 - 2 March
Real Bread Week: 10 Unusual Bakers You 'Knead' to Follow on Instagram

BBC Radio Ulster - 1 March
40 Gael faoi 40 i Meiriceá, Fíor-arán, Nuacht Dhearfach

British Baker - 1 March
Real Bread Week activity from across the UK

Home Style - 1 March
Busting 8 of the common bread myths

Times - 28 February
Mindful bakers, two‑day vegans: the new food tribes

Cost sector catering - 27 February
Dietitian debunks eight common bread myths

Female First - 26 February
Eight bread myths debunked

Your Home - 26 February
10 reasons why you should bake your own bread

Society - 26 February
Celebrate Real Bread Week in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

Bristol Pound - 25 February
Tips for where to buy the best bread in Bristol this Real Bread Week!

Visit Crieff - 25 February
Real Bread Week, celebrating this delicious every day food

BBC Radio Solent - 25 February
Learn sourdough

Irish Examiner - 24 February
Real Bread Week: These are the wellbeing benefits of baking your own loaf

Silver Surfers - 24 February
Real Bread Week: These are the wellbeing benefits of baking your own loaf

Farming Life - 24 February
It’s time to toast all that is good about bread – I mean REAL bread!

Virgin Media Television - 24 February
Real Bread Week: These are the wellbeing benefits of baking your own loaf

Royston Crow - 23 February
Real Bread Week 2019: Meet the Steeple Morden ‘bread lady’ on a mission

Brilliant Brighton - 23 February
Sugardough is celebrating Real Bread Week by giving away some of its almost 10 year old starter, ‘Keith’

Good Taste - 28 February
The day Room Forty met Paul Hollywood’s Mother in Real Bread Week…

The Good Food Guide - February
All you knead - the best bread

Jewish Chronicle - 22 February
I kneaded to know about challah to celebrate Shabbat in Devon

Warrington Guardian - 22 February
Food and drink: Why bread doesn't deserve its bad reputation

The Good Food Guide - 22 February
All you knead- The best bread

Foodism - 22 February
The Foodism guide to...challah bread and the best places to buy it in London

Sleaford Standard - 21 February
Dough to go at Cogglesford Watermill

The WI - 21 February
Recipe of the week: Cottage loaf

Farmdrop - 20 February
Is Sourdough Good For You? (Yes, And For The Planet Too)

Loksatta - 15 February
ब्रेड पुराण: फेब्रुवारीचा शेवटचा आठवडा म्हणजे ‘रिअल ब्रेड वीक’

You and Yours - 14 February
Ancient grains [from 21m 35s]

Feed Your Happy - 13 February
Get stuck into Real Bread Week

Soil Association - 8 February
#RealBreadWeek separating the wheat from the chaff

Telegraph - 7 February
The best bread makers tried and tested

Essential Surrey & SW London - 7 February
Get involved with Real Bread Week

The Countryman - 2 February
Use your loaf

BBC Good Food - February
What's in season - February

Taste Cumbria - February [print only]
All you knead is loaf (loaf is all you knead) [front cover]
Dough try this at home
Something to chew on
For the love of bread

Dorset Life - February
Real Bread Week [print only]

Berkshire Life - February
Looking ahead to Real Bread Week [print only]

Cheshire Living - February
Room Forty's Jen Perry urges Cheshire Life readers to learn how to make a loaf and support Real Bread Week [print only]

Chiswick News - February
Real Bread Week [print only]

Sleaford Standard - 31 January
Appeal to help restore thousand-year old watermill’s wheel

Guardian - 12 January
Bread is on the rise again – but it’s time we Brits demanded a better loaf

Jackal - 11 January
How did bread become the bad guy?


The Caterer - 5 December
Pret launches ingredient label pilot but warns that roll out will take time

Daily Mail - 5 December
Pret a Manger is forced to remove word 'natural' from its packaging after Real Bread Campaign row

Bakery and Snacks - 23 November
UK Government reaffirms commitment to review loaf labeling and marketing laws – after Brexit

Out Of Home - 22 November
A coffee break with...Chris Young, co-ordinator, The Real Bread Campaign

British Baker - 5 November
Real Bread Campaign relaunches Loaf Mark

London Evening Standard - 1 November
The Expert: Fergus Jackson

British Baker - 26 October
More bakeries sign pledge to cut out loaf surplus

Foodism - 23 October
The rise and rise of sourdough baking

Food Manufacture - 19 October
Labelling errors cause recalls

Telegraph - 17 October
Britain's best loaf revealed: a French-style sourdough bread made by a Hungarian baker in Dorset 

New Statesman  - 17 October
All you need for the perfect sourdough bread is a superhuman starter

Sun - 16 October
GREAT BRITISH FAKE-OFF How UK supermarkets’ ‘fresh’ bread is made and frozen in France and Ireland

Mentor Media Training - 13 October
Crisis Communications Case Study: Pret

Guardian - 12 October
The brilliant Pret a Manger marketing con we want to fall for

Gulf Times - 10 October
‘Fresh Pret baguettes are up to a year old’

Love Sport Radio - 10 October
Kelvin Mackenzie and Chris Young talk Pret, freshness and loaf labelling [from 36m]

The Daily Mail - 9 October
'Fresh' Pret baguettes are up to a YEAR old

Metro - 9 October
Fresh Pret a Manger baguettes are ‘up to a year old and are kept in freezers’

The Sun - 9 October

The Mirror - 9 October
Pret a Manger 'fresh' baguettes are 'up to ONE YEAR old and shipped over from France to UK'

iNews - 9 October
Calls for Pret to be more transparent about ‘freshly prepared’ bread that comes from ‘factories in France’

New York Post - 9 October
Pret a Manger’s bread may be up to a year old amid allergy-related deaths

BBC Radio London - 9 October
Jason Rosam and Chris Young talk Pret, freshness and loaf labelling [from 34m 5s]

Independent Online (South Africa) - 9 October
‘Fresh’ baguettes can be 12 months old

The Sunday Times - 7 October
How Pret A Manger lost the plot

The Australian - 7 October
How Pret A Manger lost the plot

Talk Radio - 6 October
Martin Kelner and Chris Young talk sourdough vs. sourdough [5m 53s into the 4.00-4.30am segment]

Good To Know - 5 October
Three quarters of supermarket sourdough isn’t really sourdough

The Independent - 4 October
Rachel Eats Stuff: Which supermarket sourdough breads are authentic?

Treehugger - 4 October
Sourdough or sourfaux: Do you really know what you're eating?

The Guardian - 2 October
Supermarket sourdough is often sourfaux – here’s how to make the real thing

Sky News - 2 October
Sham sourdough: 4 in 5 loaves have wrong ingredients

BBC News - 1 October
Sourdough or sourfaux? Does it go against the grain if your bread is fake?

The Times - 1 October
Baking bad: store loaves fail to pass the sourdough test

The Independent - 1 October
75% of supermarket sourdough breads don't follow authentic recipe

Which? - October
Sourdough or sourfaux? [print only]
Why do the prices of sourdough loaves vary so much? (25 September)

BBC Good Food - September
For the budding bread baker

Vegetarian Living - September
The power of sour [print only]

Delicious - September
Is it really sourdough? [print only]

Choice - September
Make your own Sourdough Starter and Loaf for Sourdough September

Food - September
Breaking bread

Bakery Business - September
The rise of sourfaux

The Sunday Telegraph - 30 September
Great British Fake Off: most sourdough in supermarkets is not authentic

British Baker - 28 September
Real Bread Campaign to address diversity issues

BBC 6 Music - 27 September
Chris Hawkins show [from about 49m 30s]

Irish Independent - 23 September
Bakery offers Real Bread and dreamy sausage rolls

Gazette - 18 September
Popular Sodbury bakery donates 500 loaves to Bristol charity

The Handbook - 17 September
Sweetest Spots For Sourdough This September

Foodful - 14 September
Sourdough September

Virgin Media Television - 14 September
Sourdough September: 7 ways to enjoy sourdough other than baking your own bread

Love Business East Midlands - 14 September
Bakers at The School of Artisan Food All Set for Sourdough September

Sunday Times - 9 September
Flour power and the rise of the artisan baker in Dublin

Scotsman Food & Drink - 4 September
10 of the best food and drink events to try this autumn

The West Country Food Lover - 4 September
Win a copy of modern baker

Speciality Food - 3 September
“Collaboration is the name of the game”

The WI - 3 September
Recipe of the week: Sourdough Pancakes

Food & Wine Magazine - 25 August
Celebrate Sourdough September With Bretzl Bakery

Scottish Field - 23 August
Next Bowhouse Food Weekend is just weeks away

Edible Exmoor - 23 August
Sourdough September 2018

British Baker - 23 August
Bakers gear up for sixth sourdough September

British Baker - 11 August
Mindful baking workshop aims to combat stress

Dluxe - 10 August
Mindful Baking to provide the Antidote to Modern Day Stress

Slow Food - 8 August
Slow dough – a sourdough renaissance

The Guardian - 7 August
Not just a fad: the surprising, gut-wrenching truth about gluten

Resurgence & Ecologist - July / August
Real Bread Campaigners Fight for 'Honest Crust'

Speciality Food - 27 June
New call on MPs to urge for better bread labelling laws

Latitude Festival - 26 June
Less than three weeks to go! Here’s your final line up for Latitude 2018

Ethical Consumer - 21 June
Ethical shopping guide to Bread, from Ethical Consumer

Bakery and Snacks - 21 June
Clearing up confusion: Long-awaiting law to know your sourdough from your whole wheat

Exeter Daily - 21 June
Local veterans Rise to the Baking Challenge for Help for Heroes

Newbury Today - 19 June
Use your loaf - It's time to celebrate real bread

Guardian - 14 June
Shoppers being misled by labels that claim food is 'artisanal' or homemade

Small Business - 12 June
British Small Business Awards winners: Liz Wilson of Ma Baker

Out Of Home - 6 June
Pret claims ruled 'misleading'

Footprint - 4 June
Will Pret ruling change the natural order?

Sustainable Food Trust - 31 May
Five things I never eat

Grocer - 4 May
M&S launches beers and ales made from surplus sandwich bread

Revista Alimentaria - 4 May
Transparencia: los consumidores exigen etiquetas sinceras

Waitrose Weekend - 3 May
Anti-waste initiative encourages bakeries to use their loaves [print only]

Bakery Business - May
Pret a Manger advertised misleading 'natural'  products
Wheat all about it

Observer - 29 April
Raise a toast! New beers made from leftover bread help to cut food waste

Marketing Week - 25 April
Mark Ritson: Pret must bite the cost bullet if it wants to keep its ‘natural’ brand positioning

Today - 23 April
Pret A Manger's 'natural' food is misleading, say UK regulators

Lenovo - 23 April
Pret A Manger's 'natural' food is misleading, say UK regulators

British Baker - 22 April
Earth Day: how bakeries are making a difference

Quartz - 21 April
PASTRAMI ON LIES: Britain is stricter on sandwich labels than political referendums

Munchies - 20 April
Pret’s Natural Food Claim Is ‘Misleading’ Says Advertising Watchdog

Big Hospitality - 20 April
Friday five: the week's top news

Guardian - 19 April
Victory over Pret a Manger means the fight against misleading labels is on

Natural Products Global - 19 April
Natural Products News (UK)

ASA tells Pret not to claim products are ‘natural’

Organic Authority - 19 April
Pret A Manger ‘Natural’ Claims Misleading, Says Advertising Standards Authority

Women's Health - 19 April
Pret's "Natural" Claims Branded 'Misleading' By Advertising Standards Authority

Caterlyste - 19 April
Pret a Manger’s ‘misleading’ adverts banned

Catering Today - 19 April
Pret ads banned over ‘misleading’ natural claims

Corporate Crime Reporter 19 April
Pret A Manger Censured Over Natural Foods Claim

Daily Mail - 18 April
Pret A Manger is BANNED from advertising its food as 'natural' because the bread contains too many additives

Times - 18 April
Pret wrong to call its food natural, watchdog decides

Guardian - 18 April
Pret a Manger censured over natural sandwich ingredients claim

BBC World Service - 18 April
World Business Report

Sun - 18 April
MAKING A PRET OUT OF US Pret A Manger banned from advertising its food as ‘natural’ by watchdog

London Evening Standard - 18 April
Pret A Manger adverts banned over claiming products are 'natural'

Mirror - 18 April
Two Pret A Manger adverts banned for one misleading word

Metro - 18 April
Pret adverts banned because their products aren’t all natural
Who owns Pret A Manger and why have their adverts been banned?

Independent - 18 April
Pret a Manger adverts which claimed it uses natural ingredients banned for being ‘misleading’

i News - 18 April
Pret A Manger adverts banned after promising ‘natural’ ingredients in sandwiches

Sunday Post - 18 April
Pret A Manger ads banned for ‘natural’ wording

The Debrief - 18 April
Think Your Pret Sandwich Contains Natural Ingredients? Think Again

BT - 18 April
As Pret A Manger ads are banned over wording, what does ‘natural’ food actually mean?

Eater - 18 April
Pret a Manger ‘Natural’ Messaging Falls Foul of Advertising Standards

Gizmodo - 18 April
Pret Told to Stop Pretending its Bread is Made By Forest Fairies

Xpose - 18 April
As Pret A Manger ads are banned over wording - what does 'natural' food actually mean?

The Grocer - 18 April
Pret a Manger rebuked by ASA over 'natural' ingredients ads

British Baker - 18 April
Pret ‘natural’ claim banned over E-numbers in bread

Caterer - 18 April
Pret ads banned for ‘natural’ claims

Campaign - 18 April
'All talk': Pret cannot claim food is 'natural' after charity complaint to ASA

PR Week - 18 April
'All talk': Pret cannot claim food is 'natural' after charity complaint to ASA

Big Hospitality - 18 April
Pret A Manger adverts banned over "natural" bread claims

Business Insider  - 18 April
Business Insider (UK)
Business Insider
Business Insider (India)
Business Insider (Netherlands)
Pret A Manger punished by ad regulator for claiming its food is 'natural' — while still using additives

South China Morning Post - 18 April
UK ad watchdog doesn’t swallow Pret a Manger’s ‘natural’ sandwiches, made with E472e, E471 and E300

El Iberico - 18 April
Pret a Manger: ¿realmente tan natural?

My San Antonio - 18 April
Pret A Manger punished by ad regulator for claiming its food is 'natural' — while still using additives

The Drum - 18 April
ASA tells Pret to forget 'natural' food claims

Food And Drink Innovation Network - 18 April
Pret a Manger Censured Over Natural Sandwich Ingredients Claim

The Guardian - 12 April
What is Britain eating? The ultra-processed truth about 10 of our bestselling foods

British Baker - 12 April
Bakeries commit to cutting loaf surplus

The Times - 10 April
How old is your ‘fresh’ food? The truth about what we buy in the supermarket

Essence - 4 April
Harnessing wild yeast in the Surrey Hills

PAN - April
Retreto en primera persona: Real Bread Campaign por Chris Young (print only)

Which? - 1 April
The truth about wholemeal bread

Out of Home Magazine - 27 March
'Feed bellies not bins' says Real Bread Campaign

The Guardian - 15 March
I swapped community nursing for a baker's apron and a bag of flour

MSN Lifestyle - 15 March
What’s in a name: artisanal sourdough

Bakery and Snacks - 15 March
On the rise: Sourdough fermentation ups ‘better for you’ properties to baked goods

The Big Issue - 12 March
Give us this day our daily bread (print only double-page feature)

Brilliant Brighton - 8 March
Sugardough helps Brighton bake up a storm of Real Bread

The Great British Food Revival - 6 March
Michel Roux Jr. on Bread

Farm Week - 5 March
Beetroot Sourdough launched by Yellow Door Bakery

Just Hospitality - 5 March
February Food Round up: 'twas all brrrrrilliant

Saturday Kitchen - 3 March
Chetna Makan bakes for Real Bread Week at Sacrewell Mill (Watch from 1h6m22s)

The Guardian - 2 March
How to eat toasties

British Baker - 2 March
Round up: Real Bread Week so far

Border Counties Advertiser - 2 March
Students at Derwen College baking up a treat for National Bread Week

i News - 1 March
Local food movement: we want to buy British – but we either can’t or don’t

Phoenix Newspaper - 1 March
It’s Real Bread Week – Time to Finally Learn to Bake Bread

Craven Herald - 1 March
This week is Real Bread Week

Waitrose Food - 1 March
How to...shape a bloomer [print only]

Berkshire & Buckinghamshire Life - 1 March
Derbyshire Life
Devon Life
Dorset Magazine
EDP Norfolk Magazine
Hertfordshire Life
Yorkshire Life

The real deal [print only]

Clearly - 28 February
Watch this: Real Bread Week with Virtuous Bread

Foodism - 28 February
The best bakeries in London

Eastern Daily Press - 27 February
Norwich bakery to make all its cakes vegan - including cinnamon buns!

British Food and Travel - 27 February
Real Bread Week 2018

World Class Worcestershire - 27 February
Peter Cooks Bread shares the love of their loaf during Real Bread Week

Asda Good Living - 27 February
3 easy bread recipes for beginners

Ilkeston Advertiser - 26 February
Ilkeston family bakery offers limited edition loaf for Real Bread Week

Foodepedia - 26 February
Meet the Modern Baker. Real Bread from real people

Daily Express - 26 February
Real Bread Week: Top 10 facts about the popular staple food

Babease - 26 February
Real Bread Week: Doughing it for the kids

Sunday Post - 25 February
When good food goes bad: Author Joanna Blythman says consumers are being duped by industry’s unnatural ingredients

Guernsey Press, The Week - 24 February
Use your a bread head [print only]

Female First - 24 February
10 Reasons To Make Your Own Real Bread

British Baker - 23 February
Real Bread Week marks 10th anniversary

Huddersfield Daily Examiner - 23 February
Wales Online
Daily Post
Leeds Live
Get Surrey
Get West London

Real Bread Week: three delicious bakes to try at home

Living North - 22 February
The best bakeries to visit in Real Bread Week

Sustainable Food Trust - 22 February
First it was fake farms, now fake bakeries?

The Sun - 22 February
RAISE A TOAST We’ve searched high and low to bring you the best deals out there on Britain’s much loved kitchen staple – the humble loaf

BBC Radio Bristol
Rich from Fresh Range chats about Real Bread Week

Sleaford Standard - 21 February
Dough to go at town visitor attraction

Eat Drink Yorkshire - 21 February
Let them eat bread! Thomas the Baker urges Yorkshire to ‘Give Yeast a Chance’ in Real Bread Week

Crumbs - 21 February
Real Bread Week 2018

The Comet - 21 February
Artisan bakers share the love of their loaf in North Herts during Real Bread Week

The Guide 2 Surrey - 20 February
Bake with Jack's Bulletproof Bloomers

Eastern Daily Press - 20 February
East Anglian Daily Times - 20 February
10 of the best bakeries in East Anglia

Liverpool Echo - 20 February
Award winning bakery to teach you how to properly bake bread in Liverpool

TimeOut - 20 February
Bread Ahead's Real Bread Week [print only]
39 Incredible London Events To Warm You Up In February 2018

Altrincham Today - 20 February
Raising a toast: Lovingly Artisan teams up with Altrincham Market traders to celebrate National Toast Day

London Loves Business - 20 February
Dare to dream big? How about Stay-At-Home Entrepreneur

Visit Lincoln - 20 February
Real Bread Week

Bristol Bites - 19 February
Enjoy a year’s free bread from for Real Bread Week

Borough Market - 19 February
Every last crumb

Avant Homes - 19 February
Everything you knead to know about celebrating Real Bread Week

Newcastle Chronicle - 16 February
Ahead of Real Bread Week, meet the North East baker who has achieved his life's ambition

Waitrose Weekend - 15 February
Why a little bread therapy could be good for us all [print only]

The Grocer - 15 February
Processed food ‘should not be demonised’ says FDF

British Baker - 15 February
British wrapped bread not ‘ultra-processed’, says FOB

TimeOut - 8 February
Bread Ahead’s Real Bread Week Celebration

Sussex Living - 29 January
Way to dough! - 18 January
Real Bread Campaign steps up pressure to get bakers to reduce surplus

British Baker - 17 January
Five tips for reducing bakery surplus and waste

British Baker - 15 January
Real Bread Campaign launches guide to cutting bakery surplus and waste

In The Moment (issue 7) - 1 January
Bake your way to happiness


The Times Literary Supplement - 19 December
Let them eat bread

British Baker - 18 December
Real Bread's Iceland ad complaint rejected

Food manufacture - 13 December
Iceland ad escapes ban from watchdog

British Baker - 20 November
Baking bread reduces anxiety, study finds

Mail on Sunday - 5 November
SOUR D'OH! The 'fake' sourdough bread on sale in UK high street stores that is no better than sliced white

Current Argus - 5 November
Young's book is a bread lovers dream

Out Of Home Magazine - 3 November
Real Bread Campaign calls for honest crust act

Nottingham Live - 1 November
Leading Real Bread Campaigner becomes First Ever Fellow of The School of Artisan Food

British Baker - 18 October
Winners of Tiptree World Bread Awards announced

The Observer - 24 September
Jay's News Bites

Irish Examiner - 22 September
Upper crusts: Eight sourdough breads tested

Watford Observer - 20 September
Rising above the rest: Rickmansworth bakery scoops ‘baking Oscar’ for prized sourdough - 18 September
What is sourdough, and why should you eat sourdough bread?

Sunday Business Post - 17 September
An evening of pork and beer, sourdough on the rise

iNews - 15 September
Is your fancy bread for real - or is it just 'sourfaux'?

iNews - 14 September
Prove it: How do you tell a genuine sourdough bread from a fake bake?

Eastern Daily Press - 12 September
Bake Off judge Prue Leith’s calls for better bread labelling are backed by Norfolk artisan bakers

Irish Mirror - 12 September
National Bread Week: This Dublin bakery chain is giving away FREE sourdough making kits

Irish Times - 12 September
National Bread Week: 10 brilliant recipes to get you baking

Good Cookery - 12 September
10 brilliant recipes to get you baking

I Love Cooking - 11 September
Sourdough September 2017

Irish Examiner - 9 September
Like a Sourdough Cowboy making your own isn't that hard

Irish Times - 9 September
Natural Bakery goes with the Irish grain on National Bread Week

Windsor Ascot & Eton Express - 8 September
Feeding Time Blog local food hero: Cookham Bakehouse

Restaurant (print) / Big Hospitality (online) - 1 & 6 September
On a roll: the rise of the artisan bakery sector

MSN - 4 September
The secret ways supermarkets make you spend more than you should

Quality Food and Drink - 4 September
Workshadowing a Baker: Sarah Richards

Leeds City Magazine
Bluebird Bakery celebrates Sourdough September with free starter kits

delicious - 1 September
It's Sourdough September

Chefs at School - 1 September
Sourdough September

delicious - 29 August
All rise for Sourdough September

British Baker - 29 August
Prue Leith supports Real Bread Campaign Honest Crust Act

The Taste - 29 August
Sourdough September at The Natural Bakery: Demonstrations and Free Starter Kits In-Store

Ideal - 29 August
10 ideal places to eat amazing sourdough bread in London

The Observer - 27 August
What’s in your supermarket ‘artisan’ loaf? Prue Leith joins push for clarity

British Baker - 23 August
Real Bread Campaign to launch #SourdoughSeptember - 21 August
The secret ways supermarkets make you spend more than you should

Love Food - 18 August
The secret ways supermarkets make you spend more than you should

British Baker - 16 August
New guidance published on ‘wholegrain’ labelling

Bread Magazine - 7 June
Wales: A Journey into the United Kingdom and the Real Bread Campaign

Edmonton Journal - 23 May
More sourdough workshops added to the Ruby Apron's schedule

Ipswich Star - 11 May
9 of the best bakeries in Suffolk

Allergy Insight - 11 May
How ‘real’ does real gluten free bread have to be?

Metro - 10 May
Why we need Masturbation Month

Nottignham Post - 10 May
Crumbs - it's Real Bread Week so who sells the best bread in Nottingham?

Eastern Daily Press - 10 May
(and Norwich Evening News)
From Bread Source to Tudor Bakehouse: 9 brilliant bakeries to visit in Norfolk during Real Bread Week

Living North - 10 May
11 Bakeries to Visit in Real Bread Week

B journal - 10 May
Fancy A Loaf Of Real Wholesome Bread ? It’s Real Bread Week!

View News - 10 May
Packed programme for Lyme Regis MillFest

British Baker - 9 May
Scottish Bread Championships launched

Silversurfers - 9 May
Bruschetta for Real Bread Week

BBC Radio 2: Chris Evans Breakfast Show - 8 May
What's the best bread in Britain?

Hertfordshire Life - 8 May
The Chorleywood Process: making bread the fast way

Sunday Post - 8 May
Might as well face it… we’re addicted to loaf! Today marks the start of Real Bread Week
(Read the full interview on Scotland The Bread website)

Made in Bristol TV - 8 May
The Crunch (from about 17m in)

County Times - 7 May
Llanidloes baker gets 'dough' for eco-friendly delivery bike

Eastern Daily Press - 7 May
(and East Anglian Daily Times, Ipswich Star, Norwich Evening News)
What is chef Richard Bainbridge’s naughty bread-based snack this Real Bread Week?

Bournemouth Echo - 7 May
Cook these: British Asparagus, Mozzarella & Bacon Sliders and Shallot Foccacia

Metro - 6 May
Real Bread Week: Let’s be honest, bread is the best food in the entire world

Dorset Echo - 6 May
Cook these: British Asparagus, Mozzarella & Bacon Sliders and Shallot Foccacia

Convenience Store - 5 May
Homepride partners Great British Bake Off star

The Grocer - 4 May
Homepride to mark Real Bread Week with Bake Off’s Paul Jagger

Bedford Today - 4 May
Become a star baker thanks to Ian

Bakery and Snacks - 3 May
Real Bread Campaign urges Defra to regulate UK bread sector

Sainsbury's Magazine - 3 May
News feed: Real Bread Week, Cinco de Mayo and our brand-new May issue

Yorkshire Post - 2 May
Shallot Foccacia

Country Living - May
Real Bread Week

Ipswich Star - 27 April
Heritage Woodbridge Tide Mill celebrating Real Bread Week

The Guardian (Prince Edward Island) - 26 April
If you splurge on calories, make them count and enjoy

Radio Newark - Girls Around Town - 23 April
The Epsom Bakehouse - Real Bread Week 

The Telegraph - 22 April
Telegraph Food Power List 2017: the 50 tastemakers changing the way we eat and drink

British Baker 19 April
Brexit is ‘unique opportunity’ to update bread labelling laws, say campaigners

British Baker - 18 April
Real Bread Campaign launches 'I Love Gluten' t-shirts and aprons

Indie Farmer - 1 April
Local grain economies and enlightened bread making

British Baker - 29 March
ASA throws out Real Bread Campaign complaint about Tesco ad

Earth Journal - 28 March
伝統的な作り方に回帰した 天然酵母パン
(Natural yeast bread that went back to traditional way of making)

Gresham College - 28 March
The Rise and Fall of Sourdough: 6,000 Years of Bread - Professor Eric Pallant

Sustainable Restuarants Association - 2 March
Grab a slice of the action this Real Bread Week

British Baker - 9 February
Real Bread Week 2017 prepares for launch

Herts Advertiser - 3 February
Green light for another GM trial, growing wheat in the field, at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden

The Guardian - 4 January
I love sliced white bread. It’s the best thing since … er, sliced white bread

The Sunday Times - 1 January
All you knead to know to make loads of dough


The Grocer - 20 December
Give us our daily bread, but naturally please Pret

British Baker - 20 December
Pret A Manger to trial sandwich bread with fewer additives

Nourish Books enewsletter - 10 December
The ancient craft of Slow Dough: Real Bread

Hereford Times - 27 November
A real passion for bread (feature syndicated in other Newsquest Midlands South titles)

Broke and Beautiful - 21 November
Slow Dough: A #RealBreadCampaign Cookbook for Next Level Bakers

Irish Examiner - 19 November
Real bread: The reasons why you should make and eat this quality staple

Waitrose Weekend - 17 November
Books - Slow Dough Real Bread [print only]

A Foodie In Italy - 17 November
Pappy birthday to you

UK Handmade - Winter 2016
Our Daily Bread [4.4MB PDF]

ITV Central - 15 November
News [TV feature about artisan bakers, featuring the Campaign, on the 6pm news]
Artisan Food: Ditching the day job to bake bread

Rai 3 - 14 November
Indovina chi viene a cena

Time Out Kuala Lumpur - 4 November
The Best Bakeries in KL

Food Ingredients 1st - 31 October
SPECIAL REPORT: Sustainable Ingredients – The Ethics of Food

Share Radio - 1 October
We take a look at the Real Bread campaign and the growing popularity of baking in Britain

Taste of The Wight - 29 September
The Real Bread Campaign

Luton Today - 26 September
‘Hobby gone wrong’ allows Jo to use her loaf in a winning way

Rude Health Rants at Abergavenny Food Festival - 23 September
Chris Young ranting about Real Bread

Loughborough Echo - 23 September
Edible Forest Festival is a tasty success

Chris Evans, BBC Radio 2 - 22 September
What does it take to bake a World Bread Award worthy loaf?

Chilterns Food Magazine - 19 September
Feel the difference this #SourdoughSeptember

Yorkshire Post Magazine - 17 September
A slice of life for the sourdough boys (and website version)

The Daily Telegraph - 16 September
20 foodie ways to celebrate autumn: what to do, see, eat and drink this season

Saga Magazine - 16 September
Goat's cheese and honey maslin
Dragan bread

England, Naturally - 16 September
Support your local artisan bakery

Loughborough Echo - 15 September
Food to suit all tastes at the Edible Forest Festival

Daily Mail - 12 September
Trend that makes your dough go a long way (below paralympics article)

BBC Radio London - 11 September
Tim Arthur chats to Chris Young about Slow Dough Real Bread and Sourdough September

London Evening Standard - 5 September
5 of the best Real Bread makers in London

The Telegraph Magazine - 3 September
Time to use your loaf (print only)

Sainsbury's Magazine - September
Celebrate Sourdough September (print only)

Phonebox Magazine - September
Sourdough September

Irish Times - 27 August
Even better than sliced bread: Sourdough for beginners

British Baker - 26 August
#SourdoughSeptember countdown

The Daily Mail - 23 July
From salad to fruit and bread, TOM RAWSTORNE reveals how old the food in your supermarket basket really is

The Sun - 17 July
Old storage: Supermarket scams that are making your food last longer than you think

The Sunday Times / The Dish - 3 July
The hidden nasties in your supermarket bread

Waitrose Weekend - 9 June
Backroom bakers warm to their task (JPEG)

Food Manufacture - 25 May
Advertising watchdog ruling ‘disappointing’: RBC

British Baker - 25 May
Real Bread Campaign lodges ad complaint

Food Navigator - 24 May
B2B firms know artisan doesn’t mean….well, artisan, says ASA
(article also on Food and Drink Europe)

Jamie's Food Revolution - 19 May
Real Bread Week: Doughing it for the kids

High Living - 19 May
Behind the scenes at Victoria Bakery

I Love Manchester - 18 May
Real Bread in Manchester the Companio way

Plymouth Herald - 17 May
It's Real Bread Week: here's how to make Jacka Bakery sourdough

Warrington Guardian - 17 May
Recipe: Share your baking exploits to mark Real Bread Week

This is Cheshire - 17 May
Recipe: Share your baking exploits to mark Real Bread Week

North Lincolnshire Council - 16 May
Local schools raise a toast to bread

Hertfordshire Life - 14 May
Herts artisan bakers rising to the challenge

British baker - 13 May
Are you ready for Real Bread Week?

Sustainable Food Trust - 13 May
How British is our ‘British’ cuisine? A look at marmalade on toast

BBC iWonder - 12 May
What's the easiest way to bake bread

Rip Off Britain Food - 10 May
Food: Series 1: Episode 1

The Guardian - 9 May
Sandwiches are toast: why we swapped sliced bread for wraps and salads

Food Tank - 1 May
Why Bread Matters: An Interview with Andrew Whitley

British Baker - 13 April
New Real Bread Week plans

The Guardian - 31 March
Sourdough taste test: can supermarkets do artisan bread?

The Daily Mail - 22 March
Why giving up BREAD is half baked

Cambridge News - 10 March
Meet Mark Webb: the man behind Over Real Breads

The Week - 9 March
Why is artisan bread suddenly so popular?

Fine Food Digest - 2 March
Defra dismisses campaign for legal definition of ‘artisan’ bread

British Baker - 26 February
Chiltern bread competition

Fine Food Digest - 3 February
Real Bread Campaign slams ASA ruling on Eat ‘sourdough’ toastie

The Community Channel - 2 February
My Brilliant Moment

The Independent on Sunday - 31 January
Supermarkets cash in on sourdough bread craze as popularity surges

British Baker - 26 January
Real Bread Campaign to consult supporters over labelling

Waitrose Weekend - 21 January
Fulfilling a daily knead [download]

The Daily Telegraph - 12 January
Is it toast for the white loaf?


Shropshire Live - 14 December
Shrewsbury artisan bakery celebrates first year

Dublin Inquirer - 2 December
For Real Bread Ireland, a Mission to Improve Dublin’s Loaves    

BBC One - 9 November
My Life on a Plate  (from 27m 30s)

Country Living - November
Let Your Talent Shine: The Breadmaker (print only)

Irish Independent - 11 November
Whispers from the gastronomicon

Schumacher College blog - 21 October
THE UPRISING - A Conference dedicated to the future of Real Bread

Wragge Law - 20 October
#PowerofFrozen - how industrially produced frozen bread can be 'artisan'

Irish Examiner - 17 October
Forget low-carb, gluten-free diets, praise the loaf and celebrate National Bread Week

Waitrose Weekend - 15 October
On the rise

Time Out Kuala Lumpur - 15 October
The best bakeries in KL

The Guardian - 14 October
Iceland bread advert banned for making baking seem too simple

The Scotsman - 14 October
Iceland bread advert banned over use of windmill

The Evening Standard - 14 October
Iceland 'windmill' ads banned after Real Bread Campaign claims shoppers are being misled over 'artisan' loaves

British Baker - 14 October
Iceland has bread advert banned

Retail Week - 14 October
Iceland's 'misleading' bread ad banned by advertising watchdog

Food Manufacture - 14 October
Iceland’s ‘misleading’ bread advert banned - 14 October
Crumbs! Iceland advert banned over use of windmill in bread advert

The Press and Journal - 14 October
Iceland bread video with windmill banned

Insider Media - 14 October
ASA rules on Iceland bread complaints

The Nouse - 13 October
The knead for real bread

Nottingham Post - 3 October
Rise in baking bread is not just run-of-the mill

Yorkshire Evening Post - 21 September
Health: Kneading a release? How baking yourself better might help

World Bakers - 17 September
Real Bread celebrates sourdough in September

BBC Radio Tees - September
Mike Parr talks to Campaign coordinator Chris Young (from 53m 42s in)

British Baker - 16 September
Real Bread urges legal ‘sourdough’ definition

The York Press - 14 September
New bakery opens off Shambles

Bread Matters - 13 September
The Uprising: Andrew Whitley's Keynote Speech

York Mix - 11 September
New bakers opens off Shambles to bring Real Bread to the people

The Telegraph - 10 September
The rise and rise of sourdough

The Staff Canteen - 9 September
10 Minutes With: Andrew Whitley

British Baker - 4 September
Sourdough September underway

Saga Magazine - 3 September
How to make a sourdough starter

Foodepedia - 3 September
What is sourdough? And how to make it

House to Home - 2 September
This is the only way to celebrate Sourdough September

Time Out - 1 September
All rise for Sourdough September

Yorkshire Food and Drink - 1 September
Life's sweeter with sourdough

Shropshire Live - 1 September
Shrewsbury artisan bakery issues challenge for Sourdough September

Gallery - 1 September
Slow Baking: Sourdough

Cambridge Edition - September
Make your own sourdough (pp68-69)

BBC Good Food - September
Learn to make sourdough (print only)

Resurgence & The Ecologist - September / October
Better Baking is on the Rise

Friends of The Earth Manchester - 29 August
UYL - Sourdough September

Daily Telegraph - 15 August
You are never too young - or too old - to succeed on the Great British Bake Off

Kukbuk - 15 August
Chleb Na Emeryturze

Bakers Journal - 14 August
Legislating bread

BBC Countryfile - 12 August
How to bake bread

Sussex Express - 2 August
Pizzeria hoping to change world’s attitude to wheat

BBC Food Programme - 26 July
Bread for Scotland

The Times - 23 July
Artisan baker seeks to nourish Scotland with heritage bread

London Evening Standard - 24 June
London lunch box: a recipe inspired by Brick House Bakery & Cafe in East Dulwich

Love Food - 10 June
Why we deserve a legal standard for Real Bread

Basingstoke Gazette - 10 June
Children taught how to bake bread

Writing in Transition - 9 June
Bread of Heaven
(Originally from the book Roots, Shoots and Seeds, published  in 2009)

Going Places - 27 May
Discover the best breads in Klang Valley

Food Ingredients First - 27 May
UK Real Bread Campaign Triumphs in Advertising Standards Investigation

BBC Radio Berkshire - 19 May
Anne Diamond Show (interview whith Chris Young)

Sobromesa - 19 May
La revolución de la tahona tradicional: otro pan es posible

Food Manufacture - 18 May
Scottish food industry to get £70M

The Independent - 15 May
The rise of artisan bakeries has led to DIY classes and a Campaign for Real Bread

Land Love - 15 May
Saving the ancient grain

The National - 15 May
Lochhead launches £70m food fund for processing businesses across Scotland

Mess in the Ness - 15 May
Real Bread Night - Aviemore

b daily - 15 May
Bread making is ‘rising’ amongst wannabe bakers

Brighouse Echo - 14 May
Opening of new kitchen is highlight of Real Bread Week - 14 May
Food funding (media release)

Nourish Scotland - 14 May
New £70 million Scottish Government grant for food businesses

The Guide 2 Surrey - 13 May
Sourdough and the Real Bread Revolution

Hold The Anchovies Please - 13 May
October 26, Artisan Bakery

Brooklands Radio - 12 May
Epsom Bakehouse interview

The Daily Express - 11 May
Top 10 things you never knew about bread

British Baker - 11 May
Scottish co-operative gets behind Real Bread Week

Bishop FM - 10 May
Chris Young from the Real Bread Campaign talks about the Real Bread Week

Bishop FM - 10 May
Alex Lister, owner of local artisan bakery talks about the Real Bread Campaign

Sleaford Today - 9 May
Visit Sleaford's historic mill

MSN Food - 7 May
21 amazing bakes for Real Bread Week

Darlington TV - 6 May
Earth Talk: Mind How You Bake! The Transformative Power of Sourdough Bread with Andrew Whitley

Borough Market - 6 May
Isn't Real Bread great?!

Daily Express - 5 May
Beachcomber: 98 years old and STILL worried by midwives...

Financial Times - 1 May
Knead to know

Hereford Times - 30 April
Competition for budding bakers

BBC Good Food - 1 May
Real Bread Winners (print only)

Time Out - 28 April
All Rise for Real Bread Week (print only)

Essential Surrey - 27 April
Slice of loaf Real Bread Week

Borough Market - 13 April
TOAST x Borough Market Bread Debate  (video)

Food Manufacture - 12 April
Campaigners renew call for fresh supermarket bread

Bakery and Snacks - 10 April
Coles fined A$2.5m for ‘fresh’ bread claims

The Irish Times - 10 April
Food File

British Baker - 8 April
Real Bread Campaign launches bread week

Brighouse Echo - 28 March
Bakery spreads the joy of quality food far and wide

The Daily Telegraph - 21 March
Inside the murky world of convenience food

British Baker - 6 March
Perfecting provenance [print only]

The Daily Mail - 4 March
Read this and you'll never eat a ready meal again: JOANNA BLYTHMAN spent months probing Britain's convenience food industry.

The Guardian - 25 February
Gluten-free: health fad or life-saving diet?

British Baker - 29 January
Scotmid to extend Breadwinner offer

The Vine - 15 Janaury 2015
Shut up, you can eat gluten (unless you're a coeliac)

Huddersfield Examiner - 13 January
Business Profile: Stephen Harrison of Farnley Market

The Sentinel - 5 January
Eccleshall cafe owner David Wiggins reveals Artisan Bakery venture


The Observer - 14 December
Will going gluten-free help save the earth?

Mail on Sunday - 30 November
Meet your makers: The 20-somethings turning their backs on technology in favour of old-school skills

BBC Scotland - 18 November
Stark Talk: Andrew Whitley

Cambridge News - 13 November
Meet Cambridge's baker boys

The Southern Reporter - 27 October
Scotland the Bread

Great British Chefs - 3 October
Supporting the Great British Bakeries

Nanaimo Daily News - 22 September
Passion for artisan baking on the rise

The Telegraph - 19 September
The Kitchen Thinker: Campaigning for real sourdough

Norddeutsche Rundschau - 17 September
Kunsthandwerker in der Backstube

Sleaford Standard - 11 September
Bread makers adding extra dimension to Heritage Open Days at Cogglesford Mill in Sleaford

BBC Derby - 8 September
Andrew Auld of The Loaf chatting about Sourdough September and Real Bread in general

Exmoor Magazine - 7 September
Wee Beastie Beer Bread Launch at Wiveliscombe Street Market Today

The Telegraph - 6 September
This sudden fashion for making your own bread leaves old enthusiasts feeling sour

BREAD - 4 September
Sourdough September Ideas

British Baker - 4 September
Sainsbury’s joins price war on loaves

Olive - 1 September
Lulu's Notes: Sourdough September

delicious - 1 September
All rise for Sourdough September

BBC Good Food - 1 September
Sourdough September (print only)

British Baker - 21 August
Sourdough September launched by bread campaigners

Lancashire Life - 20 August
Pain de Campagne bread recipe

The Peckham Peculiar - 19 August
Mother's Pride

The Guardian - 12 August
The rise and rise of sourdough bread

Food Liability Law Blog - 14 July
"Tanning Salons" Versus "Edible Art": What is Artisan Bread?

British Baker - 16 June
Real Bread Campaign calls for transparent bread labelling

Northern Echo - 23 May
Moving from the Ritz - chef goes from Ritz Hotel to Stockton Farmers Market

The New Statesman - 23 May
Sourdough start-ups: the politics of the bread world

The Social Issue - 16 May
Raana, a real bread maker

News Shopper - 15 May
Harrington’s Kitchen has got things in the oven

West Briton - 15 May
Camborne Produce Market helps celebrate National Read Bread Maker Week

Artisan Food Law - 13 May
And now … Real Sourdough!

Rude Health - 12 May
Think twice about going gluten free part 2: What you knead to know about bread

Sussex Life - 12 May
Celebrating Sussex produced bread

The Daily Express - 12 May
97 years old and STILL taking things a week at a time...

Sustainable Food Trust - 9 May
You gotta roll with it

Islington Gazette - 1 May
Baking helps young rise to job challenge / bakery offers chance to swap dole for dough

British Baker - 25 April
New bread price war could spell ‘race to the bottom’

Food Manufacture - 25 April
Bread will fare better than milk in price wars

The Alliance for Natural Health - 23 April
The Chorleywood Process and the rise of Real Bread

The Huddersfield Daily Examiner - 22 April
Healthy Hipperholme Grammar up for top school dinners award

ITV Anglia news - 8 April
Rising number of micro bakeries in East Anglia

The Telegraph - 4 April
Shouldn't British wheat flour be free from additives?

The Food Programme (BBC Radio 4) - 23 March

Rip Off Britain: Food - 17 March
Episode 1 ['wholemeal' factory loaves from 31m 45s]

Country Life - 12 March
Raising their game [print only. features the Campaign and ten of our members]

Fine Times Recorder - 7 March
Companies support the Real Bread Campaign

NOW Bath - 21 February
Thoughtful Bread Company Opens Cookery School

British Baker - 20 February
Thoughtful Bread Company opens bakery school

Metro - 18 January
Hot Trend Artisanal Toast (print only)

BBC1 - 17 January
James Martin: Home Comforts (Campaign member Lucy Steele's microbakery from 31m30s)

The Talent Zone - 17 January
Bread baker Lucy Steele bakes her bread in a Shipping Container featured on James Martin: Comforts

Bake It Better - 21 January
Interview with Chris Young


Radio Talk Europe - 5 December (Spain)
Bill Padley interviews Chris Young

The Star - 1 December (Malaysia)
Can baking make you happy?

Gloucestershire Citizen - 26 November
Villagers investing dough in Longhope community bakery

BBC radio Oxford - 24 November
Garden Cafe (from 1h3m, inc. Phil Mercer interviewing Campaign coordinator Chris Young)

Healthcare Asia Daily - 21 November (Asia)
Can baking make you happy?

The Irish Independent - 18 November (Ireland)
Is 'gluten-free' really best for everyone?

La Gran Época 12 November (International)
Hacer pan eleva el estado de ánimo

The Guardian - 9 November
Italian food, the Welsh way

The Daily Telegraph - 7 November
The great gluten-free scam

Crossmap - 6 November (USA)
Baking Helps Fight Depression According To A New British Movement

Most Wanted - 6 November
Baking Can Make You Happy

Her World Plus - 5 November (Singapore)
Can baking make you happy?

The Star - 5 November (Malaysia)
Can baking make you happy?

The Sowetan- 5 November (South Africa)
Can baking make you happy?

The New Age - 5 November (South Africa)
Can baking make you happy?

The Huffington Post - 4 November (International)
Baking And Depression: How Cupcakes Can Make You Even Happier

New York Daily News- 4 November (USA)
British movement uses baking to fight depression, mental health issues

Sophie Myron - 4 November
New report questions wholesome claims on supermarket loaves

Newsmax Health - 4 November (USA)
Can Baking Battle Depression

Hindustan Times - 4 November (India)
Bake some cakes, avoid depression

Free Malaysia Today - 4 November (Malaysia)
Can baking make you happy?

Mad In America - 3 November (USA)
Getting What You Knead

The Malyasian Insider - 3 November (Malaysia)
Baking the new antidepressant?

CTV News - 2 November (Canada)
Can baking make you happy?

Yahoo! News Philippines - 1 November (Philippines)
Can baking make you happy?

The Irish Independent - 1 November (Ireland)
Do you need to knead?

The Hindu - 1 November (India)
Happiness is baking

Herald Scotland - 1 November
Bread benefit if you knead a lift

The Guardian - 31 October
Jam in crisis? The end of the British breakfast as we know it? … Not likely

Time Out - 31 October
The Cheese and Wine and Real Bread Festivals

720 ABC Perth - 31 October (Australia)
Breakfast with Eoin Cameron (Campaign coordinator Chris Young interviewed about Rising Up)

The Epoch Times - 30 October (International)
Bread Making Raises the Mood
(print version here)

Green Me - 30 October (Italy)
Fare il pane per combattere la depressione. Accade in Inghilterra

Counselling Directory - 30 October
Rise out of depression – Research reveals that baking is a helpful therapeutic tool for individuals with mental health issues

Independent Education Today - 30 October
The Mount School’s loaf lessons

Federazione Nazionale Unitaria Titolari di Farmacia - 28 October (Italy)
Depressione? In Gb la si combatte impastando il pane Tanti i gruppi ed esperienze per persone con disagio mentale

ANSA - 28 October (Italy)
Depressione? In Gb la si combatte impastando il pane

BBC Radio 4 - 27 October
Broadcasting House (from 58 minutes)

The Independent on Sunday - 27 October
Feeling depressed? Maybe you need to knead: New research reveals how baking is helping to lift thousands of people out of depression

This story was syndicated by ANI News and consequently appeared in many publications around the world, including:

The Hindu - 29 October (India)
What's baking?

Nigeria Sun - 27 October (Nigeria)
Baking can ward off depression

Zee News - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

Deccan Chronicle - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

Republika Online - 27 October (Indonesia)
Memanggang Roti Bisa Kurangi Depresi

Business Standard - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

Detik - 27 October (Indonesia)
Terbukti, Membuat Kue Bantu Atasi Depresi

Real Bollywood - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

IMDB - 27 October (International)
Baking can ward off depression

Yahoo News India - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

Irish Sun - 27 October (Ireland)
Baking Can Ward Off Depression

New Kerala - 27 October (India)
Baking can ward off depression

Devon Life - 24 October
Heavenly heritage breads

Holsworthy Today - 24 October
Children make their own lawn - using bread!

APVA - 23 October (Lithuania)
Revoliucija mitybos evoliucijoje (Revolution Nutrition Evolution)

The Press - 14 October
Haxby baker Phil Clayton wins Tiptree World Bread Award

The Independent - 6 October
Feeling kneady: The rise of artisan baking

The Guardian - 5 October
Bread: dough you know the facts?

Rude Heath on YouTube - 24 September
Real Bread rants at Abergavenny 1: Why Britain Needs The Real Bread Campaign
Real Bread rants at Abergavenny 2: The Great British Fake Off

The London Evening Standard - 19 September
Down The Cakehole: Sourdough September [print only]

Ms Marmite Lover - 18 September
How to cure a sick mother

Metro - 17 September
Tasty Titbits: Sourdough September

Spear's - 13 September
Food Friday, The upper crust: Chris Young's guide to baking real bread

Indigo Memoirs - 13 September
Sourdough September

Metro - 11 September
Young British Foodies: Meet the award-winners leading a British foodie revolution

Hot Dinners - 10 September
Second YBFs awards rate the best in British food and drink

The Daily Telegraph - 6 September
A baking bonanza

Transition Free Press - 6 September
Using our (real) loaf (page 19)

NYR Natural News - 5 September
In prise of sourdough

British Baker - 4 September
The Real Bread Campaign rewards caterers

Bread Ovens and Bicycles - 1-30 September (30 daily blog posts)
Sourdough September

Great British Chefs - 30 August
Sourdough September

The Daily Telegraph - 27 August
Rose Prince's Baking Club: Welsh cakes

Bakery And Snacks - 27 August
What makes sourdough any more "real" than other breads?

Royal College of Art - 22 August
RCA Graduates’ Take First Step in Insects-as-Food Vision

British Baker - 15 August
Coundown to World Bread Awards

British Baker - 14 August
The Real Bread Campaign announces Sourdough September

ITV Tonight - 13 August
Food Facts & Fiction - What's in Our Food?

GREEN - 1 August
The Real Bread Campaign, UK
[PDF copyright GREEN, hosted here with permission] - 29 July
Make Your Own Bread: the benefits of a home-made loaf

Cost Sector Catering - 22 July
Caterer Wilson Vale gets behind the Real Bread Campaign

Hospitality & Catering News - 19 July
Wilson Vale rolls out the Real Bread Campaign

BBC Oxford (Phil Gayle) - 18 July
Bake Your Lawn at Garsington Primary School (from 2h28m into show)

London Evening Standard - 5 July
The food blog: the London loaf challenge

Permaculture - 1 July
Knead to Know - The Real Bread Starter

Kinfolk - 1 July
The Baker Brothers

The Independent - 21 June
The 50 Best food websites

Chicago Tribune - 5 June
Should gluten free research focus more on causes than substitutes?

Faversham Times - 5 June
James proves a man can live on bread alone

British Baker - 4 June
Bakery organisations call for transparency on GM trials

Bakery and Snacks - 4 June
Let’s not search for the perfect ‘miracle’ gluten-free substitute: Real Bread Campaign

Farmers Weekly - 4 June
Rothamsted challenged over GM wheat trial aims

All About Worcester - June/July
Basic Real Bread

What's Brewing - June
Save dough [CAMRA members' newspaper - print only]

Veggie food writer - 27 May
Our weekly bread

Sleaford Standard - 22 May
Old windmill rises to the occasion

Money Saving Expert blog - 21 May
How we joined the Real Bread Club

Blackmore Vale Magazine - 17 May
The Real Bread Campaign – Real Bread Maker Week

Yorkshire Post - 16 May
Give us our daily bread

British Baker - 16 May
T-shirt promoted for Real Bread Maker Week

Salisbury Journal - 16 May
New bakery celebrates real bread week

The Daily Express - 15 May
96 years old and still weakened by weeks...

The Guardian - 14 May
Use your loaf: when only sliced white bread will do

The Daily Express - 14 May
Top 10 facts about sandwiches

Friends of The Earth - 14 May
40 Handy Stale Bread Tips

Discover Northern Ireland - 14 May
Taste our great local Northern Ireland produce at Balmoral Show 2013

BBC London 94.9 - 13 May
Jo Good show (Real Bread interview from 10m 54s into show)

BBC Radio Nottingham - 13 May
Mark Dennison show (Real Bread feature from 1h 17m into show)

The Guardian - 11 May
Bread with character: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's recipes for sourdough

Brighouse Echo - 10 May
Bakery to roll out the red carpet for grand opening

Simon Mayo Drivetime (Radio 2) - 9 May
Another Foodie Thursday with Nigel Barden (fr. 1h6m30s into show)

Lincolnshire Echo - 9 May
Delicious bread to taste at historic mill

Exeter Express and Echo - 9 May
National Mills Weekend

Watford Observer - 1 May
Children to get baking at Cinnamon Square's bread making class in Rickmansworth

Love Baking: Bread - Spring
Real Bread
(101 bread recipes, including many from Campaign ambassadors and members, plus interview with Chris Young)

Waitrose Kitchen - May
A brief history of bread (print only)

Smallholder - May
Our daily bread (three page feature, print only)

Essentially Catering - May to July
Rise to the occasion during National Real Bread Maker Week
Competition: Baking, B&B and Bistro in the Brecon Beacons
[PDFs copyright Essentially Catering, hosted with permission]

Lifestyle Planet - 29 April
Why We Knead to Care About our Bread

Grazia - 29 April
Friday night flake out (sandwich recipe, recommending the Real Bread Finder, print only)

The Guardian - 27 April
Go flat out: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's yeast-free bread recipes

Vegetarian Living - May
The rise of real bread

Vegetarian Living - 25 April
The rise of real bread

Community Buzz - 25 April
The Nation Celebrates Real Bread Maker Week

STV - 24 April
Bread, beer and a bite to celebrate the rising popularity of breadmaking

News Shopper - 24 April
WIN! A Bread baking masterclass in Bexleyheath

Sophie Conran blog - 17 April
Perfect Picnic Baguettes – The Felix Way

Little Black Book - 16 April
Real Bread Supper

The Green Parent - 16 April
5 real bread bakeries

Oxford Mail - 11 April
What's hot, what's tasty, what's new

Parents News - 9 April
The art of baking in a wood fired oven

Western Morning News - 6 April
Rise to the bread challenge yourself

Hull Daily Mail - 4 April
Real Bread Campaign for Hull's Wildlife Watch
Hull Kids baking for Real Bread Campaign (YouTube clip)

Ormskirk and Skelmersdale advertiser - 4 April
Burscough-based Artisan Foodworks secures contract to train staff at The Atkinson’s artisan bakery

The Exeter Daily - 3 April
The art of baking in a wood fired oven

Burton Mail - 02 April
A cut above

Simple Things - April
Learn something new: breadmaking (print only)

Salisbury Journal - 18 March
Grants for community groups

Marketing Week - 4 March
Bread brands deny claims they are misleading shoppers

Food Manufacturer - 3 March
Machines to replace 28 jobs at Warburtons’ bakery

Ethical Consumer - 1 March
Ethical shopping guide to Bread

Bakery and Snacks - 1 March
Federation of Bakers: Real Bread Campaign report is ‘selective and misleading’

The Soil Association - 1 March
Bread Capitals

European Bakery Innovation Centre - 28 February
De ‘Real Bread Campaign’ verwijt misbruik term volkoren door Industriële bakkerijen

Bakery and Snacks - 27 February
The Real Bread Campaign slams UK industrial loaf sector on ‘wholemeal’ and ‘wholegrain’ misuse

British Baker - 27 February
Real Bread Campaign questions wholemeal claims

Insanely Interested - 26 February
Real Bread with Chris Young

The Daily Mail - 21 February
Is 'health bread' a scam?
[This link is to the full version posted by the journalist on his own site. The Mail published an edited version as 'It's claimed to make you fitter, slimmer and cleverer. But is 'healthy bread' worth the dough?']

The Great British Food Revival - 18 February
Michel Roux Jr on Real Bread

The Financial Times - 15 February
Five of the best: London bakeries

Inside Europe (DW) - 15 February
Radio feature on the rise of Real Bread in Britain

Great Food - 15 February
A partnership of beer and bread

My Year Without Supermarkets - 13 February
Getting onto the better bread bandwagon

Food & Drink (BBC2) - 11 February
The best thing since sliced bread?

Express & Star - 9 February
It's ready, steady, dough for Mark's home bakery [print only]

Country Living - 1 February
Go with the grain

The Jellied Eel - 1 February
To Market: Herne Hill

Transition Free Press - 1 February
Dunbar born and bread (p.19)

Good Housekeeping - 31 January
The perfect loaf, from the Fabulous Baker Brothers...

One And Other York - 29 January
Real Bread for The People of York

Blandford forum - 28 January
Bryanston students raise dough for charities

Guardian & Observer Sampler - 17 January
The modern food lover's A - Z (print only)

Love British Food - 17 January
Give us our British daily bread with The Sauce

RFI Accents d'europe - 16 January
Faire son pain dans sa cuisine et les vendre à ses voisins, c’est la mode des micro-boulangeries au Royaume-Uni. [from 10m 25s]

BBC Radio Northampton - 13 January
Vanessa Kimbell's show (from 1h 31m 38s into the show)

BBC Radio Oxford - 13 January
Bill Buckley's show (from 1h 7m into the show)

Taste Buds - January/February
The Real Bread bake off

Luxe - January/February
The rise of the loaf (pages 30 & 31)


British Baker - 18 December
Twickenham welcomes first artisan bakery to high street

North Devon Journal - 13 December
Rod Landman learns to bake bread at the Red Dog Bakery

BBC News Magazine - 10 December
A tale of two breads

The Financial Times - 7 December
Specialist flours in demand

Love Food Surrey - 6 December
How big is your bread bin?

Restaurant - 1 December
Using your loaf [1.2MB PDF file]
© William Reed Business Media Ltd 2012, hosted here with permission

Clean Slate - Winter (issue 86)
Crumb together: community supported baking

Food and Farming Awards (Radio 4) - 30 November
BBC Food and Farming Awards 2012

Education Guardian - 30 November
An experiment in making bread at school the sustainable way

British Baker - 30 November
Pump Street wins BBC Award

Forum for The Future - 30 November
Use your Loaf!

Mature Times - 29 November
Show us your bloomers

The Food Programme (Radio 4) - 25 November
Best Big Food Ideas

Which? - 25 November
Bread making tips from the Real Bread Festival

Irish Times - 17 November
Real Bread

Resurgence & Ecologist - 2 November
The rise of Real Bread

Otesha - 1 November
Let there be bread

Cambridge News - 1 November
CamBake: hearty, homemade, local loaves

The Guardian - 31 October
Farmers' markets: digging for wider choice

Resurgence and Ecologist - 25 October
The Rise of Real Bread

Derry Journal - 20 October
Earning an honest crust! - 16 October
Food and Farming Awards update

The Independent on Sunday - 14 October
A baker's life: Lots of rising (early) and not much dough

Speciality Food Magazine - 9 October
London’s Best Loaf Announced

Zagat - 8 October
London Loaf: Who Is the Best British Baker?

Retail Times - 8 October
Peckham Rye bread named The Londoners’ Loaf in first real bread contest

Food Manufacture - 8 October
British Army bomb disposal expert turns artisan baker

Time Out - 5 October
Earning a crust: the Real Bread Festival

Love Food - 5 October
Best London loaf revealed

British Baker - 5 October
Brick House claims Londoner's Loaf title

Which? - 4 October
Is bread a cornerstone of your diet?

Community Buzz - 3 October
Paul Hollywood Supports Cinnamon Square’s Lessons in Loaf

British Baker - 2 October
Real Bread Campaign up for award

Shropshire Magazine - October 2012
Slice of baker's life (print only)

The Herald - 1 October
Fake bake

The Foodie Bugle - 1 October
The Food and Farming Awards

Blue Tomato - 26 September
Breaking bread

Great Food - 25 September
Bread meets art: visual guide to making a loaf

London Evening Standard - 24 September
Rise of the microbakery

The Cake & Bake Show Guide - 22 September
An honest crust (Double-page spread. Print only.)

British Baker - 19 September
Charity Bakery opens in Hampshire

Campaign - 19 September
ASA rejects Real Bread Campaign claims that Allinson misled consumers

British Baker - 19 September
Real Bread Campaign loses battle with Allinson

British Baker - 17 September
Bakers' dozen meet in London for baking industry first

Observer Food Monthly - 16 September
The modern food lover's A-Z [see A for artisan]

The Food Programme - 16 September

BBC Food - 16 September
Could 100 year old sourdough be a myth

Great Food Magazine - 5 September
Harvesting the milling wheat in Car Colston, Nottinghamshire

Worksop Guardian - 4 September
Pupils are well bread

Warwickshire Living - 1 September
Flour power

British Baker - 30 August
London loaves go head-to-head

Time Out - 14 August
Use your loaf: London’s best bread revealed

Hackney Citizen - 14 August
Hackney bakers in bid to win Londoners’ Loaf award

The Guardian - 1 August
Local loaves for Lammas

Green Parent - August/September
Bake Your Lawn

Fuss Free Flavours - 1 August
Recipe: Cheese & Beef Loaf – Local for Lammas Day

BBC Radio Wales (Something Else) - 29 July
Interview with Campaign Coordinator Chris Young

The London Evening Standard - 24 July
Games should be better bread?

The Daily Mail - 24 July
Rosemary and rock salt focaccia?

British Baker - 24 July
No bread guidelines for Olympic Games

BBC Good Food - June
The rise and rise of real bread (print only)

British Baker - 22 May
First UK GM wheat trial vandalised

Yahoo! Lifestyle
The real meanings behind our food labels

Shropshire Live - 17 May
Philpotts and Shrewsbury Bakehouse offer ultimate additive-free sandwich

Have I Got a Bit More News For You - 12 May
True Loaf featured as guest publication in the missing words round

The Grocer - 12 May
focus on...bakery

Eastern Daily Press - 11 May
Ravi uses his loaf to create new Reydon bakehouse

Melton Times - 11 May
Rachel’s Food Column: Join the real bread campaign

Sheffield Telegraph - 11 May
Sign up for slice of the action

Which? - 10 May
Real bread versus the other stuff

British Baker - 10 May
Anthem for Real Bread Campaign

Make Wealth History - 10 May
Real Bread Week, and why it matters

delicious - 9 May
The Real Bread Campaign

Which? - 7 May
Celebrate Real Bread Maker Week

Great British Chefs - 7 May & 9 May
Celebrating Real Bread Maker Week
Behind the scenes at E5 Bakehouse

The Independent - 5 May
Dough nuts: There's a new breed of amateur foodie - men who bake their own bread

The Times - 3 May
Rise of the community bakery
(also available to read at Huma Qureshi's website)

Good Food Channel - 3 May
How to make real bread

Exeter Express and Echo - 3 May
Use your loaf and get real

indymedia - 3 May
Open letter to Rothamsted from Take the Flour Back

British Baker - 2 May
GM plea to protesters

Time & Leisure - 2 May
Real Bread Maker Week

delicious - 1 May
May events

BBC News - 26 April
Pasty tax sparks anger from bakers large and small

Transport and Environment - 26 April
Letter to Barroso from 100+ organisations on biofuels

British Baker - 25 April
Real Bread Campaign steps up anti-GM wheat protest

Cornish Guardian - 25 April
Samantha uses her loaf to prove point

The Star - 23 April (Malaysia)
High demand for artisanal breads

Farmers Guardian - 21 April
Leading food industry figure calls for GM rethink

Food Manufacture - 20 April
Warburtons denies signing campaigners’ GM pledge

Bakery and Snacks - 19 April
Real Bread Campaign mounts anti-GM wheat pledge

Metro - 4 April 2012
Get ’em while they’re hot: Meet four of the UK's best hot cross bun makers

Going Places (Malaysia Airlines in-flight magazine) - 1 April 2012
All rise! (six-page feature on Campaign member Martin Prior)

BBC News - 15 March 2012
Why is bread Britain's most wasted food?

The Guardian - 14 March 2012
Top 10 budget restaurants on the north Cornwall coast

Western Daily Press - 3 March 2012
Quality rises as thinking bakers use their loaves

Western Mail - 3 March 2012
Top Talk [Bake Your Lawn with the Fabulous Baker Brothers]

British Baker - 2 March 2012
Anti-GM wheat campaign launched

The Scotsman - 28 February 2012
Interview: Andrew Whitley, baker

Salisbury Journel - 26 February 2012
Lantern community extends good work

British Baker - 23 February
Kids bake for free at Cinnamon Square [Lessons in Loaf]

Watford Observer - 20 February
Cinnamon Square offering free service to schools [Lessons in Loaf]

BBC Radio Oxford - 19 February
Bill Buckley talks to Penny Williams of Campaign member Love Loaves and Campaign coordinator Chris Young [from 1h7m an 1h17m]

Telegraph Magazine - 18 February
Bready, set go [article © Telegraph Magazine]

York Press - 18 February
York baker Al Kippax of Bluebird Bakery hopes to set up new shop

Food Manufacture - 17 February
Real Bread Loaf Mark bakers pass 50

The City Planter - 17 February
Beer, bread and threads: cottage industries grow in the city

The Grocer - 11 February
Real bread loaf mark signs up 50th baker

British Baker - 5 February
Bakers sign up to Real Bread Loaf Mark

Southwold Gazette - 3 February
Local baker joins first fifty using The Real Bread Loaf Mark [article ©Southwold Gazette]

British Baker - 31 January
Call to support Real Bread Maker Week

British Baker - 27 January
Bread ambassador

The Citizen - 24 January
Digging in to homegrown loaves

Channel 4 Food - 23 January
Tom Herbert: the face of Bake Your Lawn

This is Local London (40 editions around London) - 23 January
Real Bread Campaign launches bake your lawn challenge

News Shopper (editions in 6 London boroughs) - 23 January
Real Bread Campaign launches bake your lawn challenge

Yorkshire Post - 23 January
Making bread can be an education

The Times - 19 January
From seed to sandwich (online version only available to subscribers)

British Baker - 17 January
Real Bread Campaign supports pupil education

Fork - 5 January
The Rise of Real Bread


Horticulture Week - 21 December
Garden Organic launches real bread campaign

British Baker - 16 December 2011
2011 review of the year

The Foodie Bugle - 15 December 2011
The Real Bread Campaign

BBC2 - 5-7 December 2011
The Big Bread Experiment

The Metro - 30 November 2011
An honest crust: How to make a great British loaf of bread

The Guardian - 25 November 2011
What you like: Guardian Weekend readers' tips

Soil Association - 24 November 2011
Andrew Whitley receives a Special Judges' Award in the BBC Food & Farming Awards 2011

British Baker - 15 November 2011
Real Bread champion nominated for award

BBC2 - 14 November 2011
The Great British Food Revival: Michel Roux Jr on Real Bread
Watch on YouTube - 13 November 2011
Teacher Network newsletter: lessons in loaf, anti-bullying and brilliant blogs

Food Manufacture - 1 November 2011
Industrial ideals
(PDF © William Reed Business Media Ltd, reproduced here by kind permission)

Savista Magazine - 1 November 2011
A sense of community with the Real Bread Campaign

Cost Sector Catering - 31 October 2011
Caterers urged to put Real Bread on The Menu (also on

BBC Food - 20 October 2011
The glamorous life of an artisan baker

Bakery and Snacks - 19 October 2011
Federation of Bakers and Real Bread Campaign at odds over labelling of bread processing aids

Hackney Gazette - 17 October 2011
Hackney children become masterbakers thanks to Real Bread Campaign

You & Yours (BBC Radio 4) - 3 October 2011
Chris Young talking to Julian Worricker about The Real Bread Loaf Mark, plus Dan & Johanna at The Handmade Bakery (from 24m 20s)

BBC Radio Oxford - 3 October
Chris Young talking to Malcolm Boyden about The Real Bread Loaf Mark (from 1h 8m 30s)

BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire - 3 October 2011
Chris Young talking to Annie Othen about The Real Bread Loaf Mark (from 1h 30m 30s)

Food Manufacture - 3 October
Criticism builds for Sustain campaign

BBC Radio London - 2 October 2011
Richard Johnson talking to Nikki Bedi about The Real Bread Loaf Mark (from 2h 20m)

Open for Business (BFM radio Malaysia) - 20 September 2011
The craft of baking Real Bread

You & Yours (BBC Radio 4) - 02 Septemeber 2011
Chris Young interviewed re: low salt in Real Bread (from 15 mins in)

British Baker - 26 August 2011
Reporting in: Working for an honest crust

The Grocer - 20 August 2011
Bakers urged to put ‘real bread’ mark on additive-free loaves

Inter TV (Kiev) - 13 August 2011
В Британии борются против чорливудского хлеба
(In Britain, struggling against the grain 'chorlivudskogo')

Patissier (Korea) - 1 August 2011
Five page article on the rise of Real Bread in the UK

The Food Programme (Radio 4) - 31 July & 1 August 2011

On FM 101.4 - 28 July 2011
20 minute interview with Chris Young of the Real Bread Campaign

The Watford Observer -14 July 2011
Two rival bakery factions faced off to prove their loaf is the upper crust at an annual village day in Chorleywood

The Sunday Times: Style - 10 July 2011
Bread is Heaven

BBC Three Counties Radio - 9 July 2011
Gaz Wesley interviews the Campaign's Chris Young

The Guardian - 2nd July 2011
Dan Lepard's spelt and corn batch rolls

The Daily Telegraph - 28 June 2011
The best thing since sliced bread

You (The Mail on Sunday) - 26 June 2011
Things you didn't know about bread
(PDF © 2011 Associated Newspapers Ltd)

The Sunday Telegraph - 19 June 2011
Does sliced bread make you feel bloated?

British Baker - 16 June 2011
Daily Mail takes modern bread quality to task

The Daily Mail - 15 June 2011
Is your bread making you ill? 100 years after the Daily Mail campaigned to improve the British loaf, how today's version is just as bad

BBC Breakfast - 7 June 2011
A feature by David Sillito in response to us saying Pappy Birthday to the Chorleywood 'Bread' Process

The Ecologist - 11 May 2011
TAKE ACTION: Make a loaf of bread for the Real Bread Campaign

National Trust Magazine - 1 May 2011 (summer issue)
The National Crust

British Baker - 18 April 2011
Real Bread Campaign in beer and loaf link up

Morning Advertiser - 18 April 2011
Everards’ artisan pub push

The Wheat Movie (blog) - 17 April 2011
Real Bread in Great Britain

The Ecologist - 15 April 2011
CAMPAIGN HERO: Nick Mole, Pesticide Action Network

The Daily Telegraph - 30 March 2011
The truth about your supermarket loaf

Radio New Zealand - 29 March 2011
Bread campaigner decries 'loaf tanning salons'

The Daily Mail - 28 March 2011
Fresh supermarket rip-off? The bakery products that can be up to a year old

The Sunday Times - 27 March 2011
Ah, the just baked smell of year old bread

The Daily Mail - 26 March 2011
Just how fresh is fresh food at the supermarket?

The Scotsman - 12 March 2011
Reclaiming our daily bread from supermarkets requires time, a little science and passion

The Times - 10 March 2011
Save bread, grow your own loaves

BBC Food Blog - 9 March 2011
The lost art of bread making

BBC2 - 9 March 2011
The Great British Food Revival: Real Bread

The Observer - 27 February 2011
The Innovator: Chris Young, bread evangelist

The Daily Telegraph - 15 Feburay 2011
Britain's dreadful bread shows signs of improvement

British Baker - 1 February 2011
Real bread option urged

The Daily Telegraph - 13 January 2011
Joy of sourdough

The London Evening Standard - 13 January 2011
The Smart Shopper: bread of heaven



British Baker - 14 December 2010
Real Bread Campaign launches beginners' guide

The Food Programme - 26 November 2010 (repeated 25 December)
Richard Bertinet named BBC food personality of the year at the Food & Farming Awards

Woman's Hour - 29 October 2010
Real Bread

The Guardian - 3 October 2010
Can I buy bread and be green?

British Baker - 13 August 2010
For the love of Lammas

The London Evening Standard - 30 July 2010
The Smart Shopper: way above the breadline

The Daily Mail - 28 July 2010
The unpalatable truth about supermarket bread

You & Yours (BBC Radio 4) - 21 July 2010
Live interviews on the Tesco/ASA ruling with Andrew Whitley and Chris Young of the Real Bread Campaign

The Guardian - 21 July 2010
Tesco rebuked by ASA over bread advert claims

The Daily Mail - 21 July 2010
The great fresh bread swindle: Tesco ad that 'misleads' shoppers is banned

The Daily Telegraph - 21 July 2010
Tesco warned over 'misleading' bread advert

The Independent - 21 July 2010
Half-baked, the verdict on Tesco's bread boasts

Sky News - 21 July 2010
Tesco Rapped For Cooking Up Its Bread Ad 

Retail Week - 21 July 2010
Tesco rapped for 'misleading' bread ad

Campaign - 21 July 2010
Tesco in-store bakery ad falls foul of food campaign complaint

British Baker - 21 July 2010
Real Bread’s Tesco complaint upheld

The Daily Telegraph - 20 July 2010
The Kitchen Thinker: Real Bread

The Guardian - 12 June 2010
The family that bakes together…

The Daily Telegraph - 29 March 2010
Supermarket bakeries 'just loaf tanning salons'   

The Grocer - 29 March 2010
Bread makers slam supermarket bakeries

The Daily Mail - 27 March 2010
Supermarket bakeries 'are just loaf tanning salons'

British Baker - 2 February 2010
Jamie Oliver’s head baker teams up with Real Bread Campaign


The Food Programme, BBC Radio 4 - 27 December 2009
Bread skills, featuring several members and friends of the Real Bread Campaign

The Grocer- 16 December 2009
Hovis cleared by ASA following Real Bread Campaign complaint

The Food Programme, BBC Radio 4 - 15 November 2009
Sheila Dillon talks to Real Bread Campaign co-founder, Andrew Whitley

Radio New Zealand - 13 November 2009
Simon Morton interviews Andrew Whitley

The Times - 30 July 2009
Masterclass - how to bake your own bread

The Independent 13 June 2009
Use your loaf to bring bread back to basics

The Guardian  - 11 May 2009
The Best of the Fest – 29 April 2009
Enzymes and Bread

British Baker 28April 2009
Is ‘clean label’ clean? - 28 April 2009
Producing the humble slice

The Metro - 27 April 2009
Most bread ‘not fit for vegetarians’

Bakery and Snacks - 24 April 2009
Pressure group calls for enzyme labelling on packaged bread - 24 March 2009
Bread Matter: a Real Food Campaign - 3 February 2009
Jam tomorrow - 12 January 2009
Real Bread Campaign - 12 January 2009
National Real Bread Campaign


British Baker - 12 December 2008
Real Bread Campaign starts

Bakernet - 29 November 
Real Bread Campaign: "Use your loaf! Buy Real Bread" - 21 August 2008
Real Bread Campaign

The Guardian- 17 April 2008
Crust of living

The Guardian - 16 April 2008
Against the grain

Food Mapping - 13 April 
How to Grow Wheat
Why we need a Real Bread Campaign


The Campaign was officially launched on 26 November 2008 but the concept had been slowly fermenting for some time before that...

The Food Magazine - 29 November
Making the slice right: A new, Real Bread Campaign is being started by Andrew Whitley of Bread Matters and Sustain

The Food Programme (BBC Radio 4) - 19 August
Perfect bread "The high philosopher of baking, Andrew Whitley, ready to lauch a new Real Bread Campaign."


Earlier references to campaigning for better bread were about the Real Bread Campaign's antecedants - a necessarily long line, sadly. They included the Campaign for Real Bread (AKA CAMREB), launched and run by the Vegetarian Society in 1976 as part of its Green Plan, written by Dr. Alan Long. He left the society in 1991, forming VEGA (Vegetarian and Green Agriculture) in 1992.

CAMREB inspired the Campaign for Real Bread run throughout 1980 by The Sunday Times magazine in its Lifespan section. This led to the publication of The Sunday Times Book of Real Bread (written by Lifespan editor Michael Bateman and his wife Heather Maisner) in 1982. Some of the 1980 articles are reproduced in Bateman's book A Delicious Way to Earn a Living.

It is unclear when CAMREB ended. There are few references to bread in VEGA's news archive between 2003 and 2009, which are generally reports about product recalls of contaminated factory loaves. In his April 2006 obituary to Bateman, Long referred to his campaign in the past tense, calling it a predecessor to VEGA and asking if it had acheived its purpose. In 2009 (soon after the Real Bread Campaign's official launch), however, Long had resumed writing about CAMREB in the present tense. VEGA appears to have become inactive in 2014 or 2015.

British Medical Journal - 10 March 1979
Prescription for a better British diet [letter from Alan Long]

Australian Record - 25 April 1977
Let's have a CAMREB


Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.

Ways to support our charity’s work

Join today Buy gifts Make a doughnation The Loaf Mark

Real Bread Campaign
C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

The Real Bread Campaign is a project of Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming.

© Sustain 2025
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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Real Bread Campaign