Reflections on Rootz into Food Growing

This new report reflects on the outcomes of Rootz into Food Growing, the collaborative project to understand and reduce barriers to entry into social enterprise food growing. It calls for new spaces for BPOC growers to come together and a Black-led accredited training programme for growers.

Reflections on Rootz into Food Growing
10pp - 2023 | 1688Kb


Reports Capital Growth

Published: Wednesday 29 November 2023

Rootz into Food Growing (RIFG) was a collaborative project delivered in partnership by The Ubele Initiative, Black Rootz, OrganicLea, and Land In Our Names (LION). It was a programme running from November 2020 to February 2023 and funded by Farming the Future. This new report is a reflection on the outcomes of the work, sharing learnings from the process and recommendations for the future. 

Key learnings were that people value BPOC only spaces to connect and are interested in developing a Black-led accredited training programme that speaks to the heritage and cultures of Black people and offers advanced skills and knowledge to upskill growers and keep them on the land. 

This report was entirely written and edited by Zahra Dalilah with the support of the RiFG team, and as such does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Sustain. Capital Growth was able to support the production of this report as part of Sustain’s wider commitment to support Black and People of Colour lead organisations. In this instance, this was made possible thanks to our funders, City Bridge Trust. 

Capital Growth: Connecting a network of London growers.

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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