Double Yield: Jobs and sustainable food production

This is a republication of the 1997 report with a new foreword. Double Yield is about getting back something we have lost. We value our countryside, our rural landscapes and wildlife, our rural communities. We value healthy nutritious food and respect for farm animals. Yet we are losing many valued aspects of our natural environments, including meadows, wetlands, woodlands, birds and other wildlife. Increasingly, we no longer trust the food we eat nor believe that all animals are treated fairly.

Double Yield: Jobs and sustainable food production
52pp - 2015 | 1402Kb


Reports Sustainable Farming Campaign

Published: Monday 27 April 2015

This is a 2015 republication of the original 1997 report, and includes a new foreword by Vicki Hird.

Report contents

Foreword 1997     
Foreword 2015     

Part 1    Executive summary     
    1.1     The potential for increasing employment opportunities     
    1.2     Policies for a Double Yield     

Part 2    Why food, why jobs and why now     
    2.1     Introduction     
    2.1.1         Jobs and the environment     
    2.1.2         Agriculture, jobs and the environment    
    2.2     The rural economy and employment     
    2.2.1         An urban view of rural life?     
    2.2.2         Rural poverty and employment    
    2.2.3         Working the land     
    2.2.4         Where have all the farms gone?   
    2.2.5         The Government response: Rural and farm policy     
    2.2.6         Sustainable Communities and food chain    
    2.3     The Environmental impacts of current food production     
    2.4     Sustainable food production is the solution     
    2.4.1         What makes a sustainable food system?    
    2.4.2         Good for the environment and good for economies    

Part 3     Steps to rural employment    
    3.1    Farming and food systems    
    3.1.1         Organic Farming     
    3.1.2         Other integrated farming systems    
    3.1.3         The local food factor    
    3.1.4         Community gardens    
    3.2     Sector case studies    
    3.2.1         Horticultural production    
    3.2.2         Egg production    
    3.2.3         Orchards    
    3.2.4         Whole Farming systems     
    3.3     Conservation based farming    
    3.3.1         Agri-environment schemes and their socio-economic impacts    
    3.3.2         Wildlife, jobs and access     
    3.4     Tourist help or hindrance?     
    3.5     Collaborative approaches     
    3.5.1         The benefits of collaboration     
    3.5.2         The Worker cooperative     
    3.6     The knowledge deficit - training for change     

Part 4    Double jeopardy: farm policies and employment    
    4.1     The Common Agricultural Policy     
    4.1.1         The Case for Reform     
    4.1.2         What Kind of Reform?     
                A whole country Agri-environment programme     
                Basing payments on labour use     
                Modulation to maintain diversity     
                Better support for Early Retirement and New Entrants     
                Why not remove all support for farming?    
    4.2     Structural Funds     
    4.3     A policy of export     

Part 5    The double yield conclusions and recommendations     
    5.1     Conclusions     
    5.2     Recommendations     

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain encourages integration of sustainable food and farming into local, regional and national government policies.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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