Harnessing the power of food citizenship

There's a window of opportunity for people to participate in changing our food systems, according to a new report by Food Ethics Council.

Person holding carrots. Photo credit: PexelsPerson holding carrots. Photo credit: Pexels

News Better Food Britain

Published: Tuesday 8 October 2019

The Food Ethics Council, who are part of the Sustain alliance, have published a flagship report on food citizenship. Food citizenship is a growing movement of people acting as interdependent participants in our food systems, not just as producers or consumers in linear supply chains.

This new report, ‘Harnessing the power of food citizenship’, aims to highlight the window of opportunity that is currently opening across the sector for food citizenship to take root. Using examples, case studies and conversations with food citizenship pioneers across UK food and farming systems, it invites us to reflect on how we nurture ourselves as food citizens and how we can engage with others within our organisations and beyond.

Better Food Britain: We want everyone to be able to enjoy food that is good for our health, produced in a way that supports good livelihoods, reduced waste and greenhouse gas emissions, high animal welfare and restoration of nature. Find out how.

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