News Capital Growth

Saving London’s seeds

Capital Growth have joined forces with the London Freedom Seed Bank to kick-start a seed saving programme to help Londoners regain the critical skills needed to save seeds.

On Saturday 23 October, 18 new seed buddies received the first stage of their training which will set them on course to support over 20 community food gardens to save seeds in 2017.

"Seed saving is critical for our food system not only because it closes the circle of food growing and creates self-sufficiency, but also because it allows the development of adapted vegetable varieties that are more likely to survive London's microclimate. Seed saving is also a political act, encouraging people to take control of their food system" explained Julie Riehl, from Capital Growth. 

The seeds saved will be shared between the gardens and the London Freedom Seed Bank, creating a pool of London-grown seeds, adapted to the capital climate and soil. The seeds will be redistributed for free, and the Seed Buddies will hopefully inspire others to start their seed saving journey.

Anyone interested in seed saving or any community gardens who could benefit from a buddy visit can get in touch via the website.

Published Monday 31 October 2016

Capital Growth: We believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow food as part of a healthy, resilient food system and we are working with our network of growers in London to make this happen.

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