News Children's Food Campaign

Jamie Oliver is star witness at Health Select Committee inquiry into childhood obesity

Jamie Oliver appeared before the Health Select Committee to discuss the evidence for and the necessity of introducing a radical obesity strategy, including a sugary drinks duty. Jamie told MPs on the House of Commons' Health Committee a tax would be the "single most important" change that could be made for the current obesity problem. He continued on to say that the tax would be deeply symbolic, and that David Cameron should “be brave” and show big business “who is boss.”

The Government has come under fire for failing to publish a review of evidence on measures to cut sugar consumption. These measures included advertising regulation and taxes, conducted by Public Health England. Mr Oliver continued to say that it “didn’t seem right” the public did not have access to this information.

Mr Oliver said that any tax could be tested for three years. He also called for a ban on TV junk food advertising before 9pm, and tighter controls over food and drink adverts online as measures for the upcoming obesity strategy.

The evidence session attracted huge media attention, including a piece on BBC Newsnight with Evan Davis, and gave the sketchwriters a field day. Other coverage included: BBC, Independent, and this great sketch

Watch Jamie's appearance at the Select Committee (approx 30mins in)

Read Jamie's answers to the Committee's questions

Published Tuesday 20 October 2015

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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