News Children's Food Campaign

Children's Food Campaign welcomes Jamie Oliver's exposé of decline in standard of food in academies

The Children's Food Campaign welcomes the exposé and slams the Government for declining food standards in academies.

Responding to Jamie Oliver’s revelation that unhealthy food is returning to academies, where the school food standards no longer apply, Children’s Food Campaign Coordinator Christine Haigh said:

“Today’s exposé certainly backs up reports we have been hearing from people on the ground. It’s clear that the loophole created by this Government is going to reverse years of hard work to improve food in schools.”

She added:

“It’s ridiculous that the Government is spending precious public money on a survey of food in academies, when healthy food could be maintained at no extra cost simply by requiring them to meet existing school food standards.”


For further information and interviews, please contact Christine Haigh or Charlie Powell on 0203 5596 777 or 07870 577934 (Christine) / 07817 746786 (Charlie) or /

Notes to editors

1) The Children's Food Campaign wants to improve children's health and well-being through better food - and food teaching - in schools, and protecting children from junk food marketing. We are supported by over 150 national organisations. The Children's Food Campaign is coordinated by Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming and funded by the British Heart Foundation. For more information, see

2) Jamie Oliver appeared on BBC Breakfast News this morning to discuss the problem. The story also appears at

Published Friday 25 November 2011

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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