News Sugar Smart UK

Help the people of Loughborough get drinking water

A campaign is running to install drinking fountains in Loughborough town centre.

Water fountain. Photo credit: congerdesign

Water fountain. Photo credit: congerdesign

38 degrees Loughborough and Charnwood are calling on their borough council to install drinking water fountains in the town centre and Queen’s park.

Drinking water fountains in Loughborough would mean that residents and visitors could refill bottles for free, drastically cutting down on the number of single use plastic bottles being used. Ben Reynolds, the deputy CEO of Sustain has written about the “insanity of bottled water” and the need for public water fountains.

He commented on the local campaign, "It’s great to see this grassroots action starting to crop up across the country. As we all pay our water bills, we have a right to access to tap water, and we believe that a widespread roll out of drinking fountains is a cost effective way of reducing a much more costly burden of pollution and diet related disease that come from plastic bottled alternatives. We hope that local government in Loughborough and Charnwood listen to the needs of their local residents."

Please sign the petition to get fountains installed in Loughborough. 

Published Friday 4 May 2018

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