Writing and photography opportunities for the Real Bread Campaign magazine

The editor of True Loaf magazine is looking for voluntary feature writers and phototgraphers.

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Wednesday 3 May 2017

Features seeking writers are:

  • Pizza the action: While the industrial version is easily dismissed as mere junk food, when crafted properly, a pizza can be a delicious, well-balanced meal and more. [WRITER NAME] meets some of the people who bridge the gap between Real Bread baker and proper pizzaiolo.
  • Underneath the arches: Why is it that so many Real Bread bakers seem to have found homes in railway arches? [WRITER NAME] tracks some of them down in their (apparently) natural habitat to find out.
  • Urban Mills: Once common, the inner city mill is an endangered species. [WRITER NAME] asks why and looks at a few of the working traditional urban flour mills that survive.
  • Young British Breadies: The Young British Foodie awards recognise the spirit and individuality of people of all ages who continue to lead the nation’s brilliant food and ever evolving food and drink culture. WRITER NAME chats to the Real Bread bakers who have been celebrated by The YBFs since it launched in 2012.
  • Bread winners: Winning an award can provide a great boost to a Real Bread baking business. Expert recognition can help generate free publicity and attract shoppers’ interest and trust. WRITER NAME speaks to prize flour arrangers to learn some secrets of their success.
  • Dust to Crust: A photo feature celebrating the relationship between a cereal grower, a miller and a Real Bread baker

The deadline is 22 May and they are either 500 or 900 words, with the exception of Dust to Crust, which is under 200 words.

If any of these grabs you, please volunteer here.

The editor will then get back to you with the full brief and contacts.

Your stories
The editor is also keen to hear from budding writers who have a bread-related feature they’re burning to write. We’re interested in themed features, rather than profile pieces of one baker/bakery. This can range for something of interest to the home bakery, right through to hardcore bread science.

There is also an opportunity for visual features, telling a farinaceous tale by means of reportage photography.

Please send a very short, bullet point outline of the feature, including the theme/topic, the points it will cover and who you plan to interview and quote, to realbread [at] sustainweb.org

Accepted features will be published in the print and PDF versions of True Loaf, the magazine read by the paid-up Campaign supporters in more than 20 countries.

News and photos
If you run a Real Bread bakery, please keep us up to date. We’re keen to share news of:

  • New bakeries
  • Awards
  • New schemes/initiatives that relate to our work and interests
  • Job vacancies

Again, please send us a very short outline and we’ll let you know if we need more information. realbread [at] sustainweb.org

Sustain, the charity that runs the Campaign, is sorry it’s unable to pay contributors so understands if this is a deal breaker for anyone.

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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