News Ethical Eats

Search is on to find London's greenest pub

Londoners are being challenged to vote for the pub they think is the greenest in London, with almost 50 of the capital's pubs in the running for this award.

Londoners are being challenged to vote for the pub they think is the greenest in London. Whether it’s a vegetarian-only menu, stocking the biggest range of real ales, using only local or organic ingredients in the food, offering space for local community groups, or doing a bit of all of these, almost 50 of the capital’s pubs are in the running for this award.

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and the Jellied Eel magazine have teamed up with the Ethical Eats catering network to ask Londoners for their help in awarding the mantle of most ethical pub. Voting closes on 17 June, after which those with the most votes will go to a panel of expert judges who will look at the pubs’ ethical credentials to decide the winner.

Claire Cain, CAMRA’s Campaigns Officer said: “There is an urgent need for pro-pub planning policies to be adopted by London councils to help communities in their fight to protect their local from closure and we thank Jellied Eel for highlighting this. It’s also important to recognise the whole host of innovation, community spirit and support for the local economy offered by London’s pubs and the Jellied Eel competition is a perfect way to showcase this,” she added.

Kelly Parsons, of the Jellied Eel magazine commented: “Our latest pub-themed issue highlights how two pubs a week are currently closing in the capital, many of them to be turned into small supermarkets or blocks of flats.  This competition can play an important role in the battle to save our best boozers, by making sure those watering-holes that are pushing themselves on the sustainability-front get the recognition they deserve.”

Not only will the winning pub get the credit they deserve, but voters have a chance of winning a meal for two at the pub if their choice is voted top.  CAMRA is also offering a free year-long CAMRA membership, Good Beer Guide 2013 and bottle opener to one lucky voter.

For the full list of pubs, or to vote, go to



For more information and pictures please contact Ben Reynolds on 07939 202 711 and


1. CAMRA is a not-for-profit campaigning organisation for real ale and community pubs with 150,000 members and 160 beer festivals. @camra_offical

2. The Jellied Eel is a quarterly London magazine about ethical eating.  It is produced by London Food Link, part of the charity Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming.  20,000 copies of the free magazine are distributed via 170 outlets across London. and Twitter @jelliedeelmag.

Published Tuesday 14 May 2013

Ethical Eats: Ethical Eats ran a network of London restaurants and catering businesses that care about sustainability.

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