News Local elections

West of England Mayoral elections 2021: How can the regions response to the climate and ecological emergencies be fair and fast?

Book your place for the West of England Mayoral hustings 2021 taking place 19 April, share your questions for candidates and tell what matters most to you and your community.

Credit: William Hook, unsplash

Credit: William Hook, unsplash

Book your place and share your questions here

The West of England Mayoral election will be held across Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire council areas. The West of England mayor is responsible for four main portfolios which include planning, transport, post-16 skills and business infrastructure. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility in our food supply chain but has also proven that smaller-scale and localised food supply chains are resilient and can adapt to demand and support the emergency response. Food organisations, from growers to restauranteurs, who provide vital jobs in our local economy have been hit the hardest. To rebuild the West of England, better investment in the local, sustainable food economy will be vital in safeguarding our unique food culture while protecting livelihoods and our high streets to build back better. If you or your organisation are working across any the portfolios controlled by the West of England mayor there is a unique opportunity to interrogate candidates on the issues you are passionate about.

The event is organised by Bristol Green Capital Partnership in collaboration with Avon Wildlife Trust, Black & Green Ambassadors, CPRE Bristol and Avon, Friends of the Earth, Sustrans and Extinction Rebellion.

Book your place and share your questions here

Published Monday 15 March 2021

Local elections: Amid a pandemic, economic downturn and a nature and climate emergency, elections are taking place for the Scottish Parliament, Senedd Cymru and many local councils and combined authorities in England on May 6 2021.

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