News Real Bread Campaign

You said...

Insights from the Real Bread Campaign annual review of our priorities and work.

Image: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Image: CC-BY-SA 4.0

In February 2021, we invited our supporters and wider network of friends to participate in an appraisal of where we are, where we’re going and how best to get there.

The 126 responses contribute towards the evidence of need and benefit that is vital to every charity’s work. Respondents also gave useful feedback and suggestions, which we will feed into our planning.

We acknowledge, however, this isn’t a statistically representative sample of the tens of thousands of people who follow our work via our mailing list and social media channels, or even of our core group of supporters within this network.

The following are some key points harvested from all results.


We gave 11 statements and asked ‘which of these best describes you?’

67% Bake for myself / family / friends
49% Simply a Real Bread lover
41% Just interested in the Campaign’s work
15% Sole trader microbaker
13% Bakery owner

NB Many respondents ticked more than one box and so were counted in more than one category. 

54% of respondents self-identified as male, 45% as female. 91% self-identified as White.

Evidence of benefit

Of 10 stated elements of Campaign activity, those that the highest percentage of respondents said they had benefitted from were:

  • Slow Dough: Real Bread (45%)
  • Information about the differences between bread and industrial loaf products (44%)
  • Recipes (47%)
  • Raising awareness of misleading loaf marketing and labelling (41%)
  • The Real Bread Map (38%)

Continuing priorities

Respondents generally agreed that three stated current objectives should remain priorities

  • Campaigning for legal definitions and other improvements in loaf marketing and labelling legislation. (82%)
  • Encouraging and supporting more - and a greater diversity of - people to set up and run successful Real Bread bakeries. (78%)
  • Encouraging and enabling more people to bake Real Bread at home. (76%)

Future priorities

Of 10 stated areas of possible Campaign activity, those that had the greatest support were:

  • Helping increase the amount of Real Bread social / community enterprise (67%)
  • Driving research into potential benefits of sourdough bread (58%)
  • Addressing how Real Bread can be made more financially accessible to more people (52%)
  • Establishing bread making as a therapeutic tool (47%)
  • The bakery sector minimising its contribution to the climate/nature emergency (47%)


Three reasons that people who responded that they were current Campaign supporters said were most important:

  • Helping to fund a cause I believe in (89%)
  • A feeling of belonging to the Real Bread movement (79%)
  • True Loaf magazine subscription (58%)


38% of the current supporters agreed that they felt included in / part of the Campaign, with a further 42% agreeing somewhat. The top three things that would make people feel more included were:

  • Being invited to virtual/video supporter events (41%)
  • Something physical/tangible eg a badge, card or window sticker (36%)
  • Being asked for my opinion through surveys (35%

The most popular medium amongst supporters for staying informed about our work was True Loaf magazine (89%), followed by email updates (54%).

44% of those who weren’t supporters gave the inability to pay/prioritise £22.50 a year as the main reason, with a further 20% saying they had been unaware we had a subscription scheme.

Vox pops

“The Real Bread Campaign is vibrant and encouraging. Crucial too in supporting all the passionate souls working late nights and early mornings to make real bread.” Marcella FitzGerald, Scotland

“Being a Real Bread Campaign supporter as a home baker has kept me connected to the real professionals and I've benefited from their knowledge, skills and experience.” Heather Scicluna, England

“I think you are doing a great job, it is good that we have an organisation that is promoting real bread and continues to hold the mass bakeries and government to account.” Roy Barker, England

“It's really great to see that the hard work and effort that's gone into lobbying government is having an impact - fantastic effort!” Catherine Drennan, England

“The Campaign has inspired me to buy more and bake more Real Bread, to financially back a Real Bread bakery and to learn more about a new crop of grain growers, plant breeders, millers, bakers and local food activists are redefining Our Daily Bread. It has even inspired me to learn more Dutch to read books about Real Bread made in the Netherlands.”John Harris, Netherlands
“The Campaign raises the profile of eating well for everyone, it makes it accessible to every budget and by sharing recipes it allows microbakeries to be set up with trusted recipes etc.  They share success stories which have grown from the smallest of acorns which inspires the rest of us to keep building our own aspirations of offering Real Bread to those who would most benefit.  Keep up the great work!” Julie Oxley, England    

“The work the Campaign has done is tremendous. They deserve recognition for the enabling work they do and I hope they continue for many years to come.” Steven Hookham, England
“You plug a vital gap and keep us educated, entertained and informed too - Just like the BBC!” Richard Mindel, England

“It's reassuring to hear about the great work that is being done and that the connections and network is there. Without it there would be a big hole - and not a good sourdough one.” Lizzie Fellows, England

“Healing can come in many forms; one of which is baking and breaking Real Bread with your community. The Real Bread Campaign makes that community much bigger and more accessible!” Allison Smith, USA
The UK's staple food is run by an ultimate legacy industry with zero interest in improving, or even debating better nutritional standards. As such it's wide open to disruption, and the persistent of Sustain is helping to push at that door.” Leo Campbell, England

“Very specifically, thank you for the publicity to create awareness of small Real Bread businesses continuing to operate during the pandemic.” Andrew Smith, England


Published Tuesday 9 March 2021

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

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The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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