How can healthcare facilities support a healthy community with food growing spaces?

Non-profit, Health Care without Harm, has published a new report outlining how green spaces used to grow food in healthcare settings offer an opportunity to support both disease prevention and treatment as well as support wider community health and health education.

J Garget from PixabayJ Garget from Pixabay

News Good to Grow

Published: Tuesday 30 March 2021

Health Care without Harm is a network of European health care professionals, local authorities, academic, environmental and health organisations. This month, they released a report - ‘Growing food, growing healthy community: opportunities for the European healthcare sector’, providing evidence around how creating food growing spaces within healthcare facilities can improve public health (physical and mental), social cohesion and economic healthcare costs.

The report also includes six case studies of healthcare centres across Europe adopting the use of food growing, including North Bristol NHS Trust and Lambeth GP Food Co-op. It also outlinines of recommendations to support healthcare facilities create an effective food growing space. 

Read Report

Good to Grow: Good to Grow Day is all about getting people involved in their local community garden. We hold national events across the UK that aim to raise the profile of community gardens and encourage more people to take part.

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