News Better Food Britain

England and Wales on the verge of losing food safety standards

UNISON have launched a new campaign calling on FSA to scrap plans that would permit slaughterhouses to carry out their own safety inspections. minkun minkun

UNISON national officer, Paul Bell, commented:

“What the FSA is trying to do is move to a risk-based approach to inspection with slaughterhouses. What that means is that instead of independent meat hygiene inspectors being on the ground every day watching what’s happening, the agency “wants to have businesses inspected less frequently”.

Their campaign comes as polling they have published with Savanta ComRes shows that only 3% of the British public say rules on meat quality standards should be relaxed, with over 80% worried that standards will be sacrificed by ministers in pursuit of trade deals.

Read more on UNISON’s campaign
Read more on the polling

Published Monday 2 March 2020

Better Food Britain: We want everyone to be able to enjoy food that is good for our health, produced in a way that supports good livelihoods, reduced waste and greenhouse gas emissions, high animal welfare and restoration of nature. Find out how.

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