News Sustain

Supermarket watchdog looking for suppliers' views

The Groceries Code Adjudicator, the body that monitors how supermarkets treat their supply chains, is compiling its 2016 survey and wants to hear from suppliers.

The GCA is seeking experiences and views from suppliers and others in the sector on how the 10 largest grocery retailers are complying with the Groceries Supply Code of Practice.

This is the third survey from the GCA, and comes after the publication of its first investigation, which found that Tesco had been treating its suppliers unfairly. The GCA is interested to know whether retailer practices have changed over the past 12 months. The information provided will help the GCA decide what to focus on in the year ahead.

All the information provided is treated in strict confidence. The answers are collated and analysed by YouGov and respondents are not identified to the GCA without their prior consent. The results will be presented at the GCA Conference on 27 June 2016. The survey is here, and it is open until 29 April 2016.

Read more on Sustain's work on the food supply here.



Published Friday 18 March 2016

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

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