News Children's Food Campaign

Children's Food Campaign joins Jamie Oliver in fight for school food standards

Children's food campaigners today teamed up with Jamie Oliver to launch a national call to action to Save Our School Food Standards, which are under threat from Government policies.

We’re backing Jamie’s SOS call on school food standards.  Mandatory school food standards give parents peace of mind, knowing that whatever temptations lurk beyond the gate, at least in school their children will eat a nutritious meal and have healthy snacks.  

There is no excuse for poor quality food creeping back on the menu or junk-food vending machines edging their way back onto school grounds.  Yet the move to academy status creates an opening for this to happen.  All the government needs to do to protect over a million children who already attend academy schools is ensure that the mandatory standards apply to all schools, whatever their status.

The Prime Minister should pay attention to his American hosts this week.  The Obamas have led from the top on healthy eating initiatives and, with the newly introduced US school lunch standards, have recognised that only mandatory rules work.

Don’t let British schools slip behind their American cousins.  Tell your MP that school food matters to you.

Today Zac Goldsmith MP has tabled a parliamentary motion urging the government to enforce school food standards across all schools.  Ask your MP to support the motion.  It already has the backing of the Children’s Food Campaign, LACA, The Food for Life Partnership and School Food Matters … and now Jamie Oliver too!

School food should fuel children’s academic growth, not their waistlines.  Let’s remove the current uncertainty and worry for all parents.   

Take action now at

For more information, contact Malcolm Clark, Children's Food Campaign Co-ordinator, on 0203 5596 777 or

Published Tuesday 13 March 2012

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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