Members event. Credit: The Pesticide Collaboration
The Pesticide Collaboration shares ambitious targets to reduce pesticide use in rural and urban areas, including requests to the government ahead of the General Election.
Members event. Credit: The Pesticide Collaboration
On the 23rd of May, the Pesticide Collaboration organised its annual event for members, where they shared highlights of their ongoing work to raise awareness and influence policy about pesticide use in the UK.
It was highlighted at the event how many European countries have tried to set pesticide reduction targets with mixed results. The Pesticide Collaboration argue we can learn from their experiences to establish realistic and ambitious targets suited to the UK context.
In their recent briefing, the collaboration provides a summary of the main concerns regarding pesticides and human health. The briefing outlines that certain pesticides have been proven to be detrimental to human well-being and that there are different groups of UK citizens who are most exposed, including farmers and farmworkers, rural and urban residents, children, women, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Ahead of the upcoming General Election, a document with the most important asks has been published. The key asks of the collaboration for the next government are:
Will, Sustainable Farming Campaign Coordinator said:
“The ongoing work of The Pesticide Collaboration is vital at this time of continuing biodiversity loss. We strongly endorse their policy recommendations, which are aimed at reducing pesticide use while supporting farmers to transition to more agroecological ways of farming”
Find out more about The Pesticide Collaboration and the work they do.
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