News Sustainable Farming Campaign

ORFC to host agroecological farming gathering in Scotland

Join leading practitioners for three days of practical workshops, talks, storytelling, music and farm tours in October 2024, in the beautiful 230-acre grounds of Comrie Croft in the Southern Highlands of Scotland.

Rural landscape. Credit: Pexels

Rural landscape. Credit: Pexels

The organisers of the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) will host 'ORFC in the Field' at Comrie Croft, Perthshire, 9th-10th October 2024, plus an optional day of farm visits.

The hands-on event will explore how young people are finding a way back to the land and farming, re-introducing traditional skills, applying new agroecological knowledge and practices, and inspiring more young people to do the same.

Find out more and book your place here

Over three days, the organisers will host a series of practical workshops and talks including:

  • Cultivating and integrating various mushroom species into your garden or farm with Rhyze Mushrooms Co-op
  • Learning how to make a Lazy Bed to produce great soil with seaweed 
  • Heritage Seeds: understand their importance and how to save your own seeds with Seeds of Scotland
  • Tour Comrie Croft Farm with Andrew Donaldson and learn about Andrew’s journey to accessing land in Scotland
  • Explore Tomnah'a Market Garden with lead grower, Catherine

There will be delicious local food offerings for lunches and dinners as well as folktales and music in the evenings. Following the workshops, there is an optional day of farm visits (Friday, 11th October) for participants to see some of the best Scottish agroecological farms.


Published Tuesday 25 June 2024

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain encourages integration of sustainable food and farming into local, regional and national government policies.

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