News Good Food Local

Funding opportunity for evaluation of systems interventions now open

Are you a local authority conducting built and natural environment or systems interventions that are likely to have important impacts on population health and health inequalities? Would it benefit from evaluation?

Advertising boards and signs on a UK high street. Credit: Glitch Images | Shutterstock

Advertising boards and signs on a UK high street. Credit: Glitch Images | Shutterstock

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to identify and prioritise local authority initiatives which have the potential to impact on health, and which require evaluation.

Look no further (unless you are/ should already be evaluating!). NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Expressions of Interest from local government for evaluations of interventions by the NIHR’s Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST). At no cost to you, PHIRST are fully funded to co-design and undertake robust and independent evaluations in partnership with you and your partners.

Examples of food systems interventions that could be considered include:

  • healthy catering commitments
  • planning policy interventions to modify the food environment such as restrictions to hot food takeaways
  • introduction of healthier food advertising policies
  • school meals interventions

Deadline for applications is 24 September 2024.

Full information on NIHR website


Published Thursday 20 June 2024

Good Food Local: Good Food Local supports local authorities to prioritise good food and commit to action on a breadth of food issues.

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