News Children's Food Campaign

New parents get healthy eating advice for young children

A new publication from Sustain member First Steps Nutrition Trust provides crystal-clear guidance on healthy food choices and portion sizes for 1-4 year olds

Healthy eating guidelines talk a lot about portions -- but how big is a portion? Especially for a child. How much rice to serve? How much milk? How many chapatis?
First Steps Nutrition Trust has provided an invaluable guide for parents and carers to help answer these questions. Good food choices and portion sizes for 1-4 year olds provides information on recommended portion sizes for a whole range of foods, and also provides photographs showing what the recommended portions look like on a plate or in a bowl. (And it also gives the dimensions of the utensils used in the photos).
So it is possible to see, for example, that a 100g portion of porridge made with milk (containing 15g of oats and 100ml of milk) takes up a surprisingly small amount of space in a bowl; that five Brussels sprouts make up a 40g portion; and the recommended portion of oven chips -- 80g-- consists of just 8 chips.
There is also lots of advice on choosing healthy foods for children, including useful comparisons on milk and non-dairy alternatives, and meat and meat alternatives, plus lists of other sources of information.
At present, the publication is only available as a pdf, via the link above.
Find out more about Sustain's campaign work for better children's diets here

Published Friday 3 June 2016

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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