News Jellied Eel

Save Dalston Curve Garden

The much-loved Dalston Eastern Curve Garden have launched a Go Fund Me to cover costs of social distance renovations and loss of profits due to the closure of their café. 

Marie Murray

Marie Murray

The team at Dalston Curve Garden are seeking support to continue to be a breath of fresh air in the busy city. As well as offering a beautiful green space with edible planting, they provide free workshops, children’s activities, and community events. Since lockdown they have lost all the revenue from their cafe, which means they need community support to continue their wonderful mission. 

The garden is situated in one of the most built-up areas of London, giving access to nature . This green space is an oasis of wildlife, flowers, trees, and bugs. It is also a community hub, bringing people together in social, educational and support groups. Few Dalston residents have their own gardens so this green space provides a vital rest bit from the bustling main streets.  

The crowdfunder has got off to a flying start with £45,000 raised in just four days. The garden is hoping to raise £100,000 to enable them to keep providing their vital services to people in Dalston and beyond.  

Donate to their funding appeal here.

Published Tuesday 7 July 2020

Jellied Eel: With more than 50,000 readers, The Jellied Eel is the magazine for ethical eating in the capital. Published by Sustain's London Food Link to celebrate the best of London's local larder, each issue showcases the people and projects helping to put good food on the table. Annual subscription starts from less than £2 a month.

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