News Sustainable Farming Campaign

Choking on a global scale

Thinktank Chatham House has analysed global food trade routes and identified 'chokepoints' --  places where large volumes of foods pass through bottlenecks, posing an unrecognised risk to the world's food system.

Chokepoints on global food routes are found at sea, on coasts and inland. They are relatively small bits of terrain or infrastructure -- canals, ports, routes -- which handle large volumes of traded commodities and finished foods. If they were disrupted or threatened, the consequences for the world's supply of foods could be swift and severe. Chatham House has mapped the chokepoints, and proposes some remedies, which include integrating 'chokepoint analysis' into mainstream risk assessment of the food system, and improving infrastructure to spread the risk. Read the report, Chokepoints and Vulnerabilities in Global Food Trade, here.
The Sustain Alliance campaigns for greener, fairer and healthier food systems, for everyone. Find out more about our work and support us here

Published Friday 21 July 2017

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain encourages integration of sustainable food and farming into local, regional and national government policies.

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