FoodWise Leeds launches #GoodFoodStories campaign

Foodwise Leeds launch a campaign to share #GoodFoodStories from across the city and celebrate their local good food movement.

#GoodFoodStories. Credit: FoodWise Leeds#GoodFoodStories. Credit: FoodWise Leeds

News Sustainable Food Places

Published: Wednesday 25 January 2023

FoodWise Leeds has launched the #GoodFoodStories campaign to celebrate the vibrant food scene across Leeds and to inspire others to join their local good food movement. FoodWise Leeds is the host for the city's food partnership and is a member of the Sustainable Food Places network. They received a Good Food Movement grant in 2022 to develop their digital storytelling campaign and interactive map.

The first series of #GoodFoodStories is a collection of short interviews with pioneers of the Leeds good food movement. Eight videos give a taste of Leeds’ ever-growing community of sustainable, healthy and accessible food projects and organisations.

Watch the #GoodFoodStories interviews, explore the map and take action.

The #GoodFoodStories map can be used to journey around the diverse neighbourhoods of Leeds. The map has been created to help people see what these places have to offer and get involved in their local community. Whether they want to eat more sustainably, grow their own food, reduce their waste or access community food, this map captures some of the brilliant examples of communities gathering and taking action around healthy, sustainable and equitable food.

#GoodFoodStories will be promoted on the FoodWise Leeds social media platforms over the coming months, spotlighting each interview. FoodWise are looking to grow the #GoodFoodStories campaign later in 2023. 

Sonja Woodcock, Sustainable Food Places Coordinator at FoodWise Leeds, says:

We’re very excited to have launched our new #GoodFoodStories campaign. We want to celebrate the vibrant food scene across Leeds and inspire people to join the #goodfoodmovement. Our vision for these videos and our map is to help people to know what’s going on near them, get involved locally and become part of something bigger. Bring on 2023 the year of #GoodFoodStories!

Follow FoodWise Leeds on social media: Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Sustainable Food Places: The Sustainable Food Places Network helps people and places share challenges, explore practical solutions and develop best practice on key food issues, so if you are working to drive positive food change or are interested in developing a programme, please do get in touch.

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