News Good Food Trade Campaign

Trade law for food after Brexit

A talk at Sustain member’s Centre for Food Policy discusses food after leaving the EU from an international trade law perspective.

Brexit EU flag. Photo credit: Pexels

Brexit EU flag. Photo credit: Pexels

The UK is scheduled to depart from the EU on January 31 2020. 11 days later, at the February Food Thinkers event, Professor Fiona Smith will talk about the immediate and longer-term implications on trade law and how this will impact on the availability and cost of different types of food in the UK. An expert in Brexit and Trade, Professor Smith will use her background in international trade law to give a better understanding of some of the implications that the Brexit deal and subsequent negotiations will have upon what food is available, and for whom, in a post-Brexit UK.


This event is free to attend, tickets are allocated on a first come first served basis so please register to secure your place.

Professor Fiona Smith, University of Leeds

Tuesday 11 February, 5.30-7.00pm

City, University of London

Published Wednesday 22 January 2020

Good Food Trade Campaign: Campaigning for good trade that benefits people and the planet at home and overseas.

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