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Fast food chains fail to act on threat from antibiotic-resistant bacteria

A new report reveals that Global fast food brands are not using their supply chain power to counter the threat from antibiotic-resistant bacteria in livestock

A report from Consumers International has highlighted the failure of global fast food chains to confront the challenge posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Leading global fast food chains wield huge influence in supply chains. By sourcing meat from livestock systems that avoid unnecessary antibiotic use, they could drive a significant decrease in the agricultural use of antibiotics -- probably faster than legislative change alone could achieve. But the report finds they are failing to use their power to counter the threat.

For example, McDonald’s has made commitments in just two of the 100 countries in which it operates. The chain has committed to sourcing chicken raised without the routine use of antibiotics important for human medicine in the USA by 2017 and in Canada by 2018.  The commitment does not extend to other types of meat.
Subway has set targets for sourcing several types of meat raised without any antibiotics.  However, this commitment only applies to 1 of the 111 countries in which it operates.
KFC has made no meaningful commitment to sourcing meat raised without the use of antibiotics important for human medicine.

Antibiotic resistance constitutes a global public health crisis, in which the overuse of antibiotics in farming is a major factor. The use of antibiotics in agriculture is predicted to grow by two thirds by 2030. Consumers International, the global federation of over 240 consumer groups, argues that if urgent action is not taken, common infections and minor injuries could become life-threatening again.

Read about Sustain's campaign to Save our Antibiotics here.


Published Friday 26 February 2016

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

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