News Climate Change and Nature

Think and act like a forest garden

The National Forest Garden Scheme (NFGS) are holding a round table dialogue at their AGM in Manchester to connect climate and food focused groups.

Forest. Photo credit: Pexels

Forest. Photo credit: Pexels

The event, Climate Resilience: Think and Act like a Forest Garden will be held on 28 September 2019 at the Green Fish Resource Centre in Manchester.

There will be a round table dialogue with a range of climate crisis experts in Manchester, together with a number of national and regional organisations in support. They will discuss what level of connection we need across all climate and food focused groups and agencies in order to build the resilience that's necessary?

NFGS will also showcase their first offering as a community interest company: Forest Garden in a Box. You can book your place here.

Published Saturday 24 August 2019

Climate Change and Nature: Sustain has taken a keen interest in the rapidly accumulating evidence about the effect of food and farming on climate change and nature, as scientific evidence emerges that our food system is a very significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

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