News Better Hospital Food

Help to stop the slop

The Campaign for Better Hospital Food needs your photos and stories to urge the government to fix hospital food for good.

In August 2014, Sustain’s Better Hospital Food Campaign won the fight to have the government set standards for hospital food in England. Despite this step, we believe that hospital food served to many patients is still a cause for national shame. It seems that little progress has been made and that the standards for hospital food are still weak. What’s worse, we believe they are not being properly monitored and in some cases simply ignored.  

Away from the wards, there is also far too much junk food (ie high in fat, salt or sugar) in cafés and vending machines on offer to visitors and thousands of NHS staff.

We plan to produce a snapshot of hospital food in London hospitals to show how it’s lacking, and need your help to illustrate where things are still going wrong.

If you have been a hospital patient, visitor or worker in the past 12 months, please email your photos and stories you encountered there (good and bad) to: sofia [at]

Read more about the Campaign for Better Hospital Food.

Published Monday 1 August 2016

Better Hospital Food: The campaign represents a coalition of organisations calling on the Westminster government to introduce mandatory nutritional, environmental and ethical standards for food served to patients in NHS hospitals in England.

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