News Sustain

Kindling Trust seeks community investors to help purchase new farm

Sustain member The Kindling Trust is offering community shares to investors in their 120-acre organic farm outside Manchester.

Paul Crudgington, The Kindling Trust

Paul Crudgington, The Kindling Trust

In order to buy a 120-acre farm on the outskirts of Manchester, The Kindling Trust is looking to raise between £390,000 and £650,000 by launching a Community Share Offer scheme. Anyone is able to become a community shareholder with a minimum investment of £200 and projected 3% return by 2024/25. 

The organic farm will use the pioneering practices of agroforestry to grow wildlife-friendly fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses to provide the citizens of Greater Manchester and beyond with fresh, organic produce.

Helen Woodcock, co-founder of Kindling Farm:

“In response to an industrialised and unsustainable food system, Kindling Farm will value the growers and producers of our food and create a farming blueprint for the future while looking after the land and the wider environment in the North West. Kindling Farm is about growing food, but it is also about growing hope. It is about creating a food economy rooted in fairness and sustainability; one that values the farmers and producers of our food, respects and nurtures the land and wildlife, and puts the health and well-being of our communities at its heart.“

The campaign to attract community investors kicked off in April, with shares available for purchase until 3 July. The Kindling Trust has been working towards making Kindling Farm a reality for over a decade; with the need for more resilient and localised food systems increasingly urgent in light of Covid-19, as well as the climate and nature emergency.

Learn more about investing in Kindling Farm.

Published Tuesday 27 April 2021

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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