​On 20 April, Welsh Government and Public Health Wales convened a Food Poverty Think Tank in Cardiff. The purpose of the all-Wales meeting was to bring together partners to identify strategic actions that could be collectively delivered to improve outcomes for people at risk of food poverty.

Welsh Government and Public Health Wales are working to develop a single definition of food poverty that could be used to measure the extent of the problem within Wales. Judith John, Public Health Wales Dietician, put forth the follow working definition for attendees to consider:

“Being in food poverty means the inability to afford, to have access to, or to have the skills to use foods which make up a healthy diet.”

Attendees were given the opportunity to comment on the proposed definition and agree upon a set of priorities for advancing work around support services, education, access and affordability and engaging businesses which will be carried out by Welsh Government, Public Health Wales and many community partners.

Published Friday 1 May 2015

Food Poverty: Millions of people in the UK struggle to get enough to eat. We’re working to change that through people-powered projects and campaigns that tackle the root causes of food poverty and ensure everyone has dignified access to healthy, affordable food.

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