News London Food Link

Olympic Procurement Policy consultation

London Food Link have submitted a response to the consultation on the ODAs (Olympic Delivery Authority's) procurement policy.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to comment on this policy. London Food Link is part of the charity Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming, and we run a network of over 100 organisations and individuals, with members as diverse as farmers, food writers, restaurant owners, independent food retailers, food producers, caterers and community food projects. Both London Food Link and its members run projects that help to:

  • increase the availability of sustainable food in London; 
  • tackle the barriers preventing access to sustainable food for all Londoners; 
  • celebrate and protect London's diverse food culture.

In responding to this inquiry, we have endeavoured to consult our network, although this has proved difficult as we were only made aware of the consultation very shortly before the closing date.  However, we are confident that the views expressed below are broadly representative of London Food Link's network.

We warmly welcome the emphasis on sustainability throughout the document.  However, we are dismayed that food is not mentioned in the document.  Food production, processing, packaging and transportation have a major impact upon the environment, accounting for a quarter of London's ecological footprint (London Remade and London First, 2004).  Some estimates are higher, calculating that around a third of our environmental impact can be accounted for by the food and farming system. Recognition of the critical importance of food to sustainability is reflected in the Mayor's Food strategy Healthy and Sustainable Food for London (2006) and the Government's Strategy for Sustainable Farming and Food (2002) which make this a priority for both the capital and the nation.  In addition, the Sustainable Procurement Task Force action plan Procuring the Future (2006) refers to the UK Government as taking a lead on sustainable food procurement at a European level.  London Food Link therefore considers that it is vital that this momentum is carried forward in the Olympics, and that food is addressed as a priority issue within the procurement policy of the Olympic Development Agency. We would consider the policy to be seriously deficient without it.

There are many cases where sustainability considerations such as energy and waste are mentioned, in particular Annex A, section 3.1.6 and 3.2.6 referring to Mayoral and HMG (Her Majesty's Government) objectives, where we feel food should also feature.  In section 3.11, which refers to contracts, we would urge you to include more detailed specifications for food contracts, similar to those that have already been developed for public sector caterers such as hospitals, schools and care homes.  We would be happy to work with you on the sustainability criteria that could be used in these contracts, drawing upon our extensive experience and contacts in this area – within local government, national government, food businesses and sustainability specialists.

We welcome the emphasis that is given to opening contracts to SMEs, particularly those run by BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities in sections 7.35, 7.39 and 7.40. As mentioned above, we run a large network representing London's sustainable food sector – including many catering operations of different sizes including SMEs, and many BAME operations.  We would therefore be happy to circulate information through our networks when you are putting out the catering contracts for tender.  We also support your proposal for a 'business club' in section 8.6, on the assumption that it is open to all.  In the following sections (8.7/8.8) which refer to the creation of groups of stakeholders for different areas of procurement policy, we think it is vital that one is established for food contracts.  As similar groups exist for other public sector issues in London, including a working group to the Mayoral Food Board, we would be happy to recommend people with relevant expertise.

In section 7.30, 'Maximising Community Benefits', whilst we applaud the intentions of this section, they seem at odds with current ODA practices, particularly regarding the redevelopment of the Manor Gardens allotments which falls within the Olympic Park. 

It would be hard to find a more effective emblem of sustainability in the Olympic village area than Manor Gardens allotments.  This site reflects the cultural diversity and history of the area (dating back 100 years), and provides something that will be used by the local community well into the future.  We believe that there is a strong case for incorporating the allotments into the plans and hope that the ODA reconsiders their plans to destroy a valuable historic and cultural asset to this community. 

We are keen to continue to be consulted on and involved in the development of food procurement policy for the Olympics. We are able to offer expert advice on a wide range of sustainable food issues, having worked on sustainable public sector procurement with the Greater London Authority family, London Borough contracts, and individual schools, hospitals and health trusts throughout the capital.

We hope these points are helpful, and please feel to contact me if you have any queries on 0203 5596 777 or

Published Monday 2 October 2006

London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

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