News Children's Food Campaign

Sustain response to 'FSA - Action Plan on Food Promotions and Children's Diets'

We are pleased to submit this response to the Food Standard Agency's (FSA) Action Plan on Food Promotions and Children's Diets. The comments relating to the promotion of foods to children and the food environments within schools are presented on behalf of the coalition of 115 national organisations which currently support the Children's Food Bill.
Status of and support for this submission

We are pleased to submit this response to the Food Standard Agency's (FSA) Action Plan on Food Promotions and Children's Diets (referred to below as 'the Action Plan'). The comments relating to the promotion of foods to children and the food environments within schools are presented on behalf of the coalition of 115 national organisations which currently support the Children's Food Bill.1 A list of these organisations is presented as Appendix I.

The comments relating to food labelling and health claims are based upon previous submissions made by Sustain to the FSA, which have been developed over a long period together with Sustain's membership.

Support for the Action Plan's aims

We are sure that all those without commercial interests will support the FSA's aim to reduce the proportion of children's diets which are made up of foods, snacks or meals that are high in fat, sugar or salt, in favour of healthier options. Notwithstanding our comments below about the ineffectiveness of voluntary guidance, we particularly welcome the FSA's proposals to publish nutritional criteria for children's food.

Many working in public health, including a wide range of Sustain's member organisations, would include additional factors in the development of criteria for unhealthy foods. The Children's Food Bill (see below) will require the FSA to assess the impact of food additives, contaminants in food, and food production techniques such as GM and food irradiation on children's health. We maintain that when it comes to children's health, the 'precautionary principle' should come into full effect and a holistic approach should be taken.

Please click here to download the document

Published Monday 21 June 2004

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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