News Children's Food Campaign

Response to Health Committee's Inquiry into the Government's Public Health White Paper

Responding to the House of Commons Health Committee's Inquiry into the Government's Public Health White Paper, the Children's Food Bill campaign welcomes the Government's recognition of the strong case for action to restrict unhealthy food marketing to children. However, having identified the problem, restated the strength of research and noted the huge public support for protective action, the Government places undue reliance on ineffective voluntary codes.


Memorandum from the Children’s Food Bill campaign, co-ordinated by Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF


1.1 The Children’s Food Bill campaign, co-ordinated by Sustain: The alliance for better food and
farming,[1] is currently supported by 125 national organisations (Appendix I).  These organisations have come together in recognition of the fact that the growing crisis in children’s diet-related health requires a multi-faceted solution which recognises the ineffectiveness of voluntary attempts to end commercial practices which encourage unhealthy food environments both in and out of school.

2.1 This memorandum is in response to the Health Committee’s invitation to submit comments about the effectiveness of the proposals contained in the Government’s Public Health White Paper.[2]  It focuses on those proposals which refer to the regulation of marketing of food to children and which make reference to school food environments.  
2.2 A draft of this response has been circulated for comment to all 125 national organisations which currently support the Children’s Food Bill.  


3.1 The Health Committee acknowledges in its Obesity Inquiry that the ‘epidemic’ in childhood obesity is now well-documented, as are the numerous ill-effects it has on children’s physical and psychological health.  The Inquiry also acknowledges that food advertising and promotion to children is intense, relentless and exploitative and influences the types of foods children eat.[3]  This “onslaught”[4] compromises children’s health, by encouraging over consumption of energy dense foods, and also of other dietary components, such as saturated fat, sugar and salt which, independently of obesity, lead to the early onset of a range of diseases.

3.2 We welcome the Government’s recognition of the strong case for action to restrict further all forms of unhealthy food advertising and promotion to children.  However, we are concerned that the Government  proposals place undue reliance on voluntary codes of practice instead of introducing robust protective legislation.  This weak response is in stark contrast to the pre-White Paper press reports of bans on junk food advertising,[5, 6, 7] which have misled many into believing that the Government is taking effective action.

3.3 The White Paper is also full of advice for schools rather than requirements, relying again on voluntary action.  However, as the Obesity Inquiry noted, children’s nutritional requirements do not vary according to where they go to school and it does not make sense for healthy food provision in schools to be a matter purely for local determination.  Thus, the White Paper’s advice that schools should balance the “benefits” of food promotional activity with the ethos of a healthy school (p36, para 57) will be interpreted differently by different schools.

3.4 An alternative approach is Sustain’s Children’s Food Bill, which was presented to Parliament by Debra Shipley MP in May 2004 and which will be re-presented during February 2005.  The purpose of the Bill is to improve children’s current and future health and prevent the many diseases and conditions which are linked to their ‘junk’ food diets.  This will be achieved through a number of statutory measures - as opposed to ineffective and weak voluntary guidance - which will improve the quality of children’s food, both in and out of school, and protect them from commercial activities which promote unhealthy food and drink products.  

3.5 By the end of the Parliamentary session in November, 248 MPs had signed Early Day Motion (EDM) 1256 in support of the Children’s Food Bill (Appendix II), making it the twelfth most signed EDM out of nearly 2000 that were tabled during the session.  In addition, more than 120 national organisations, including the British Medical Association and other leading medical and health charities, have confirmed their support.  This wide professional and cross-party political support is matched by very strong public support for its provisions.  


4.1 In July 2004, the Government announced a new cross-departmental PSA target of “halting the year on year rise in obesity among children under 11 by 2010 in the context of a broader strategy to tackle obesity in the population as a whole”.[8] The White Paper states an aspiration to change the balance of children’s food preferences, but for this and the PSA obesity target to be achievable and sustainable, it is essential that children’s food environments promote healthy eating from an early age.  

4.2 However, the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) 2003 systematic review describes the sharp contrast between a healthy diet and the one which is marketed to children.[9] The FSA review also establishes that food promotion has a direct effect on children’s food preferences, purchase behaviour and consumption.  The Obesity Inquiry acknowledged that the culture of ubiquitous food marketing to children, which presents unhealthy foods as positive and desirable choices, increases children’s consumption of these products and undermines attempts to encourage healthy alternatives.  

4.3 Since the publication of the Obesity report, Ofcom has also published research which supports the FSA’s conclusion of the direct effect of television food advertising on children’s diets.[10] Both the FSA and Ofcom agree that there are also significant indirect effects of advertising, which according to Ofcom have a “powerful influence” on young people’s diets.  

4.4 As obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, both diet and physical activity are important in determining children’s weight.  The central role played by diet in the aetiology of obesity is highlighted by a recent Department of Health report which states that burning off the calories supplied by a cheeseburger, fries and shake requires a nine-mile walk.[11] However, it is important to emphasise that the alarming rise in childhood obesity is but one of a number of dietary issues which affect children’s health.  The vast majority of children consume more saturated fat, more free sugar and more salt than the Government maximum recommended levels for adults.[12] Quite independent of obesity, consumption of these dietary components results in premature hardening of the arteries,[13] the formation of dental caries,12 and increased risk of asthma,[14] and stroke in later life.[15] Increased physical activity per se does not, therefore, make an unhealthy diet any less unhealthy.  

4.5 We do not consider that the Government will be able to meet its stated obesity public health goal, nor protect children’s health from a range of other diet-related diseases, without tougher proposals than those contained within the White Paper.


5.1 We welcome the White Paper’s formal acknowledgement of the causal link between food marketing and children’s food choices. However, having identified the problem, restated the strength of the research and noted the huge public support for protective action, the Government opts for inappropriate policies.

5.2 The efficacy of these proposed policies rely on the unknown outcome of an unnecessary further consultation on unspecified proposals which is to be undertaken by Ofcom. It also relies on the development on a meaningful voluntary code on food promotion, which will require full industry compliance. As all previous efforts to persuade the food and advertising industries to exercise social responsibility in their marketing of food to children have met with failure, the Government’s preferred option of consultation and voluntary control lacks credibility.

5.3 In July 2004, the FSA’s Board formally agreed its Action Plan on Food Promotions to Children, which introduces a range of policies to improve children’s diets.[16] Echoing earlier calls for social responsibility by the Chief Medical Officer,[17] the FSA acknowledges that the success of its Action Plan depends crucially upon industry adopting a responsible approach to food promotion.[18] However, the FSA’s earlier attempts in 2000 to develop a voluntary code on the promotions of food to children were met with fierce objections from the food advertising industry.[19] There are no indications that the current FSA Action Plan is any more likely to be welcomed by industry and lead to a reduction in children’s exposure to junk food marketing.  

5.4 Moreover, in its Obesity Inquiry, the Health Committee accepted that the food and advertising industry was “genuine in its desire to be part of the solution” and called upon them to, among other things, voluntarily withdraw from all television advertising of unhealthy foods to children.  This recommendation has been contested by industry and, to date, not implemented.

5.5 Paradoxically, whilst agreeing that advertising can play a role in healthy eating and behavioural change, food industry representatives continue to refute arguments that unhealthy food promotions contribute towards the poor state of children’s diets.[20] In order to shift responsibility away from an industry that aggressively markets energy dense foods to children, the food advertising industry routinely and misleadingly characterises obesity as being a problem predominantly about insufficient physical activity.[21] The perpetual resistance from most within the food industry to acknowledge its role in the problem suggests that industry will, again, object to and then ignore the Government’s proposed voluntary controls.  

5.6 The White Paper states that the Government “wants to see” schools provide food education and skills, promote healthy food, and restrict other options, but gives no indication of what – if anything – will happen if schools don’t follow this advice (p57, para 54). Other proposals pertaining to the school food environment are similarly weak.  Although a commitment is given to invest in improving nutrition in schools, no specific monetary figures are given and the option to “strongly consider introducing nutrient-based standards” for school meals (p58, para 57), is not a commitment to do so.

5.7 As it is clear that the Government’s proposals will be ineffective, they will not help to reduce the ever-increasing burden of obesity and associated illness upon the NHS and economy. The Government states that it does not plan to consider the need for more interventions in relation to the marketing of food to children until 2007 and it does not commit itself to any specific action at that time.  At current trends another 220,000 children each year may become overweight or obese,[22] further undermining children’s health and escalating the economic burden to the country.


6.1 The Ofcom and FSA research establishes firmly that, both directly and indirectly, food advertising affects children’s food preferences, knowledge and behaviour. An appropriate and proportionate response from the Government would therefore be to act in the best interests of children’s health by introducing legislation to remove this influence.  

6.2 Instead, the White Paper offers non-specific consultation by an industry-sympathetic regulator and voluntary codes which will be developed with the food and advertising industries.  The Children’s Food Bill campaign therefore maintains that the proposals in the Public Health White Paper fail to provide the necessary health infrastructure and mechanisms to safeguard children’s health.  Furthermore, the White Paper does not detail any mechanism(s) for independent monitoring to assess whether the voluntary approach has ‘worked’ by 2007.

6.3 By definition, voluntary codes do not have meaningful sanctions and companies which flout them often place themselves at a competitive advantage.  This dilemma has also been highlighted recently by the Office of Fair Trading, which has recognised the anti-competitive nature of voluntary approaches.[23] The Children’s Food Bill, or equivalent legislation, will ensure a ‘level playing field’ for all food manufacturers, so that no company is placed at a competitive disadvantage for not marketing ‘junk’ foods to children.  

6.4 There is also concern about Ofcom’s impartiality to conduct the White Paper’s proposed consultation to tighten the rules on broadcast advertising and sponsorship of food and drink to children.[24] In a media release in early 2004, the National Consumer Council stated that by placing commercial interests above consumer protection, Ofcom’s proposals for the future of broadcast advertising regulation lacked independence.[25]

6.5 Following publication of Ofcom’s research into food advertising to children, Sustain wrote to the regulator to criticise some of its conclusions and its related media release, which led to inaccurate reports that it had already decided not to ban junk food advertising during children’s television. It is not surprising that such poor communication from the Government’s  communication’s regulator leads many to suspect that, behind its public façade, Ofcom opposes the controls required to protect children from unhealthy food advertising.[26]

6.6 Enactment of the Children’s Food Bill would result in the introduction of statutory regulations prohibiting the marketing to children of unhealthy foods, using criteria defined by the FSA.  This includes foods which may not be exclusively children’s foods, for instance crisps, sugary soft drinks and chocolate bars, but which are aggressively marketed to them.  This will bring to an end the many commercial activities, including all forms of advertising, which promote unhealthy foods to children.  

6.7 The Bill will make manufacturers producing foods for the children's market legally obliged to comply with the FSA specified thresholds (e.g. for maximum levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt, additives and contaminants).  The result will be substantial improvements in the quality of children’s food.  Improving the quality of the foods children eat will benefit the health of children living in poverty in particular, as they have the poorest quality diets and suffer disproportionately from diet-related diseases.[27]

6.8 The Children’s Food Bill also requires mandatory nutrient and compositional standards for all school meals, an end to the sale of unhealthy foods and drinks from school vending machines, and food education and practical food skills (such as those needed choose, grow and prepare healthy food) for all schoolchildren.  Moreover, the Bill requires Government to promote healthy foods to children (such as fruit and vegetables), thereby providing a multi-faceted solution to the crisis in children’s diet-related health.


• acknowledges that the Government’s Public Health White Paper is insufficiently robust to guarantee improvements in children’s health; and
• calls upon the Government to adopt the Children’s Food Bill, or equivalent protective legislation, at the earliest opportunity.

6.11 Sustain’s Children’s Food Bill Campaign would welcome the opportunity to give oral evidence to the Health Committee.


Date: 27 January 2005
Name: Charlie Powell
Position: Project Officer
Address: Children’s Food Bill Campaign, Sustain, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF
Telephone: 0203 5596 777


1. Sustain advocates ethical and sustainable food and farming policies and practices – see:
2. Department of Health, Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier, published on 16 November 2004
3. ‘Obesity Report Published’, House of Commons Health Committee Press Notice, dated 26 May 2004
4. House of Commons Health Committee, ‘Obesity’, 10 May 2004, para 196 states, “Children are subject to an onslaught of food promotion in their daily lives, and the school environment appears to be no exception….”
5. ‘Junk food ads banned to fight fat epidemic’, The Observer, 14 November 2004 (lead article)
6. ‘Junk food TV adverts to be banned’, Sunday Times, 14 November 2004 (lead article)
7. ‘Move to ban junk food ads for children on television’, The Independent on Sunday, 14 November2004 (lead article)
8. HM Treasury, 2004 Spending Review – Public Service Agreements 2005-2008, July 2004
9. Food Standards Agency, (2003), Review of research on the effects of food promotion to children, FSA, London
10. Office of Communications, (2004), Childhood Obesity – Food Advertising in Context, Ofcom, London
11. Dept. of Health, (2004), Summary of Intelligence on Obesity.
12. Food Standards Agency, (2000), National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Young People 4-18 years, TSO, London.
13. Berenson G., (1998), Atherosclerosis: a nutritional disease of childhood, American Journal of Cardiology, 82, 22-29
14. Wiss S. & Schwartz J., (1990), Dietary factors and their relation to respiratory symptoms, American Journal of Epidemiology, 132, 1, 67-76.
15. MacGregor G. & He F., (2003), How far should salt intake be reduced?, Hypertension, 42, 6, 1093-9
16. ‘Food Standards Agency agrees action on promotion of foods to children’, FSA Press Release, dated 6 July 2004
17. Chief Medical Officer, (2003), Health Check: On the state of public health – Annual Report 2002, Dept. of Health
18. Food Standards Agency Board paper 04/03/02, ‘Promotional Activity and Children’s Diets’ (para 14)
19. ‘Code of Practice on the Promotion of Foods to Children’, FSA notes of industry meeting on 13/12/00 (unpublished)
20. ‘FAU expresses concerns about advertising recommendations in Health Committee Report’, Food Advertising Unit press release, 28 May 2004:
21. For example, in Carlisle D., (2002), Do children need a commercial break?, Health Development Today, 7 (March)
22. International Obesity Task Force estimate based on Health Survey for England 2002 figures
23. ‘Food firms are warned obesity fight ‘is illegal’’, The Telegraph, 10 October 2004
24. The Guardian Editorial on 17 November 2004 describes how following the publication of the White Paper, Ofcom claimed a ban was not necessary.  The Editorial concludes that “Even the regulator seems to have been captured.”
25. National Consumer Council, ‘New regulator, Ofcom, puts first foot wrong’, NCC News Release, 21 January 2004
26. See for instance Media Release issued by Debra Shipley MP on 16 November 2004, which criticises the Government for inappropriately asking Ofcom to consult on food advertising to children.
27. James W. et al., (1997), Socioeconomic determinants of health: The contribution of nutrition to inequalities in health,   British Medical Journal, 314, 1997, 1545-9.


Appendix I:  National organisations supporting the Children’s Food Bill (at 27.01.05)

Action Against Allergy
Allergy Alliance
Allotments & Gardens Council UK
Alliance for Childhood
Arid Lands Initiative
Association for the Study of Obesity
Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Autism Unravelled
Baby Milk Action
Biodynamic Agricultural Association
Blood Pressure Association
British Allergy Foundation
British Association for Community Child Health
British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
British Cardiac Society
British Dental Association
British Dental Health Foundation
British Dental Hygienists’ Association
British Dietetic Association
British Heart Foundation
British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group
British Hypertension Society
British Institute for Allergy & Environmental Therapy
British Medical Association
Cancer Research UK
Centre for Food Policy
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Child Growth Foundation
Child Poverty Action Group
Children’s Society
Coeliac UK
Co-operative Group (CWS) Ltd
Community Health UK
Community Nutrition Group
Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association
Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)
Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH)
Coronary Artery Disease Research Association
Coronary Prevention Group
Day Care Trust
Diabetes UK
Digestive Disorders Foundation
Eating Disorders Association
Ecological Foundation
Elm Farm Research Centre
Faculty of Public Health
Family Welfare Association
Farmers’ Link
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
Food Additives Campaign Team
Food and Chemical Allergy Association
Food Commission
Food and Health Research
Food Justice
Food Matters
Foundation for Local Food Initiatives
Foundations UK
Friends of the Earth
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Guild of Food Writers
Hands Up For    Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome Help (HUSH)
Health Education Trust
Heart UK
Homeopathic Medical Association
Human Scale Education
Hyperactive Children’s Support Group
International Society for Food Ecology and Culture
Institute of Health Promotion and Education
Land Heritage
Latex Allergy Support Group
Magic Breakfast
Maternity Alliance
McCarrison Society for Nutrition and Health
Migraine Action Association
National Association of School Governors
National Children’s Bureau
National Council of Women
National Consumer Council
National Consumer Federation
National Family and Parenting Institute
National Federation of Women’s Institutes
National Governors’ Council
National Heart Forum
National Obesity Forum
National Oral Health Promotion Group
National Union of Teachers
The National Youth Agency
New Economics Foundation
Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association
Organix Brands
Parent Organisation Ltd
Permaculture Association
Positive Parenting
Royal College of General Practitioners
Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Surgeons
Royal Institute of Public Health
Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
Save the Children Fund
Scottish Consumer Council
Scottish Heart and Arterial Disease Risk Prevention
Small and Family Farms Alliance
Social Equity in Environmental Decisions (SEEDS)
Society of Health Education and Promotion Specialists
Soil Association
Soroptimist International of Great Britain
Stroke Association
TOAST (The Obesity Awareness & Solutions Trust)
UK Public Health Association
Vega Research
Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation
Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals)
Weight Concern
Welsh Consumer Council
Welsh Food Alliance
Woodcraft Folk
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
World Cancer Research Fund
Young Minds                                                    

The above organisations support the Children’s Food Bill, presented to Parliament by Debra Shipley MP.


Appendix II:  MPs who signed the Children’s Food Bill Early Day Motion (EDM 1256 03/04)

That this House notes that there is a crisis in children's diet-related health, demonstrated by alarming increases in childhood obesity and the appearance of adult-onset diseases, such as type II diabetes, in schoolchildren, which the Food Standards Agency has described as a timebomb which needs to be defused; further notes that the 2000 National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows that nine in 10 children consume more saturated fat and eight in 10 children consume more sugar and five in 10 children consume more salt than levels recommended for adults; recognises that this situation is caused by a number of factors, including marketing to children of foods containing high levels of fat, sugar and salt, the poor composition of foods on sale in schools, the lack of practical cooking skills in the national curriculum and insufficient promotion to children of healthy foods; and therefore supports in principle the Children's Food Bill which will result in the implementation of a range of measures which will improve children's diets and future health.

Diane Abbott
Richard Allan
Graham Allen
David Amess
Donald Anderson
Candy Atherton
David Atkinson
John Austin
Adrian Bailey
Vera Baird
Norman Baker
Harry Barnes
John Barrett
Hugh Bayley
Nigel Beard
Anne Begg
Roy Beggs
Alan Beith
Andrew Bennett
Joe Benton
John Bercow
Roger Berry
Harold Best
Clive Betts
Bob Blizzard
Peter Bottomley
Keith Bradley
Peter Bradley
Tom Brake
Colin Breed
Kevin Brennan
Annette Brooke
Nicholas Brown
Malcolm Bruce
Chris Bryant
Karen Buck
Colin Burgon
John Burnett
Paul Burstow
Vincent Cable
Patsy Calton
Anne Campbell
Gregory Campbell
Menzies Campbell
Ronnie Campbell
Alistair Carmichael
Roger Casale
Martin Caton
Colin Challen
Sydney Chapman
David Chaytor
David Chidgey
Michael Clapham
James Clappison
Helen Clark
Tony Clarke
Ann Clwyd
Harry Cohen
Tony Colman
Iain Coleman
Michael Connarty
Frank Cook
Jeremy Corbyn     
Brian Cotter
David Crausby
Ann Cryer
John Cryer
Jim Cunningham
Tony Cunningham
Claire Curtis-Thomas
Tam Dalyell
Edward Davey
Valerie Davey
Wayne David
Geraint Davies
Janet Dean
Parmjit Dhanda
Andrew Dismore
Jim Dobbin
Frank Dobson
Nigel Dodds
Jeffrey Donaldson
Brian H Donohue
Sue Doughty
Jim Dowd
David Drew
Julia Drown
Angela Eagle
Huw Edwards
Jeff Ennis
Bill Etherington
Annabelle Ewing
Paul Farrelly
Mark Fisher
Paul Flynn
Barbara Follett
Derek Foster
Don Foster
Hywel Francis
Mike Gapes
Andrew George
Neil Gerrard
Ian Gibson
Sandra Gidley
Parmjit Singh Gill
Roger Godsiff
Matthew Green
Win Griffiths
John Grogan
Patrick Hall
Fabian Hamilton
Mike Hancock
Evan Harris
Dai Havard
Nick Harvey
Doug Henderson
Stephen Hepburn
Sylvia Hermon
David Heyes
Kate Hoey
Paul Holmes
John Horam
Alan Howarth
George Howarth
Lindsay Hoyle    
Kevin Hughes
Simon Hughes
Joan Humble
John Hume
Andrew Hunter
Brian Iddon
Eric Illsley
Glenda Jackson
Robert Jackson
Brian Jenkins
Jon Owen Jones
Lynne Jones
Nigel Jones
Sally Keeble
Alan Keen
Paul Keetch
Robert Key
Piara S Khabra
David Kidney
Andy King
Archy Kirkwood
Mark Lazarowicz
David Lepper
Tony Lloyd
Elfyn Llwyd
John Lyons
Calum Macdonald
John MacDougall
Andrew Mackinlay
Alice Mahon
Rob Marris
Paul Marsden
Robert Marshall-Andrews
David Marshall
Eric Martlew
Michael Mates
Chris McCafferty
John McDonnell
Ann McKechin
Rosemary McKenna
Tony McWalter
John McWilliam
Alan Meale
Austin Mitchell
Laura Moffatt
Michael Moore
Julie Morgan
Denis Murphy
Doug Naysmith
Bill Olner
Martin O’Neill
Diana Organ
Albert Owen
Kerry Pollard
Adam Price
John Pugh
Joyce Quin
Syd Rapson
Andy Reed
Alan Reid
Geoffrey Robinson
Iris Robinson    
Peter Robinson
Andrew Rosindell
Ernie Ross
Chris Ruane
Joan Ruddock
Bob Russell
Christine Russell
Alex Salmond
Adrian Sanders
Mohammad Sarwar
Phil Sawford
Brian Sedgemore
Jonathan Shaw
Barry Sheerman
Jim Sheridan
Debra Shipley
Clare Short
Sion Simon
Alan Simpson
Marsha Singh
Dennis Skinner
Martin Slater
Geraldine Smith
Llew Smith
Martin Smyth
Gerry Steinberg
Paul Stinchcombe
Gavin Strang
Gisela Stuart
Andrew Stunell
Mark Tami
David Taylor
John Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Richard Taylor
Teddy Taylor
Simon Thomas
John Thurso
Jenny Tonge
Dennis Turner
Desmond Turner
Paul Tyler
Bill Tynan
Rudi Vis
Joan Walley
Robert Walter
Robert N Wareing
Angela Watkinson
Michael Weir
Brian White
John Wilkinson
Betty Williams
Hywel Williams
Roger Williams
Phil Willis
Ann Winiterton
Pete Wishart
Mike Wood
Tony Worthington
Derek Wyatt
Richard Younger-Ross    (248)     

The above MPs have signed the Children’s Food Bill EDM (EDM no.1256), tabled by Debra Shipley MP on 24 May 2004.                           

Please click here to download the document

Published Wednesday 2 February 2005

Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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