Urban Food Awards set to celebrate women in food

Since 2015 London's Urban Food Awards have been shining the spotlight on those putting good food at the heart of our communities. This year they taken on a different angle with 8 new catergories plus an fantastic new award for Women in Food. 

Sustain London Food Link Articles

Published: Monday 11 February 2019

The Urban Food Awards were launched to celebrate the people behind good food in London and since then have celebrated dozens of great food businesses and people, serving up Londoners healthy, sustainable and delicious food with purpose. 

In 2017 they took a different approach and focused on creating a listing of 50 Urban Food Heroes, looking at the difference that individuals are making on London's communities through growing, baking, making and much more.

In 2019 they are back and this year they are focusing on eight categories that show how London is addressing some of the biggest challenges from our food and farming system, whether that be getting kids to eat more veg (Veg City Champion) to those tackling the huge issue of waste (think 'Surplus Superstar') to those making 'Good Food For All'.

This year there is a special focus on ‘Women in Food’ which will recognise a number of women who are using food for good within their communities or helping to improve food in London. This follows on from the success of the Mayor’s ‘Behind Every Great City’ campaign in pushing for greater gender equality.and covers food education, community food, good food enterprise, urban food growing, or good food campaigning or policy.

Plus this year the London Growth Hub is sponsoring this year’s ‘Superfood Social Enterprise’ award category, which will see the winner receive up to £5,000 of free business support.

Full details, entry guidelines, and how to enter

Chair of the London Food Board, Claire Pritchard, said: “I’m delighted the Mayor of London is once again supporting the Urban Food Awards in partnership with London Food Link. I’m really looking forward to seeing Londoners nominate the projects and social enterprises which are growing, producing, selling and promoting good food. I’m also thrilled that, for the first time, the awards will be used to celebrate some of the fantastic women doing great things for food in London – whether through food education, charity work or campaigning.”

This year’s categories

  • Good To Go: Rewarding takeaways dumping the junk. For example, by offering healthier options, plant-based menus, less but better meat, sustainably-sourced fish and seafood, and operating in people and planet-friendly ways.
  • Surplus Superstar: For those working to reduce food surplus and waste, including those involved in circular economy
  • Super Social Enterprise*: Open to food-related social enterprises launched in the past 12 months
  • Innovation and Tasty Tech: Throwing the spotlight on good food enterprises based around innovative new ideas or technology
  • Good Food on Prescription: Enterprises and initiatives helping to improve people’s health and wellbeing through the growing and production of good food
  • Veg City Champion: Local campaigns or initiatives on a mission to encourage kids in the capital to eat more veg.
  • Sugar Smart Hero: Organisations and partnerships helping people to reduce their sugar consumption.
  • Good Food For All: Businesses, organisations and partnerships working beyond the food bank to help improve people’s access to good food.

*The winner will receive up to £5,000 of free business support from The London Growth hub.

The awards are run in partnership with London Food Link and The Mayor of London and will help to raise the profile of good food enterprises and projects in London.

Finalists will be chosen by a judging panel of experts chaired by Claire Pritchard, chair of the London Food Board . Winners will be announced at an invitation-only awards ceremony in March, and featured in the Jellied Eel mag and online.

People can enter themselves or someone else until Sunday 17 February and winners will be announced at an invitation-only ceremony in March. Everyone who makes a nomination will be entered in a draw to win a pair of tickets to the awards.



London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

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