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Blog: Calling Sustain alliance members: Please join Sustain’s Council of Trustees!

The Sustain food and farming alliance is seeking new Trustees, and also offering three 'Trustee role-share' positions for younger Black people and people of colour to gain connections and experience in charity leadership. We’re especially keen to welcome people from diverse backgrounds, identities and experiences to help guide our work. Please get in touch!
Sustain | Thursday 26 September 2024

News: Best bakery in Britain

Real Bread Campaign supporter tops the bill.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 26 September 2024

News: Metro mayors eye restrictions to unhealthy food advertising

Following the success of similar policies in almost 20 UK places, metro mayors announce they are interested in restricting unhealthy food advertising across the areas they control.
Commercial Determinants | Wednesday 25 September 2024

Blog: 'Impact Matters' for this year's National Inclusion Week

The 2024 theme for National Inclusion Week is Impact Matters, which is why we strive to move beyond tick box diversity initiatives and have launched a programme of support to enable other organisations to do the same. 
Roots to Work | Tuesday 24 September 2024

News: Children's Food Campaign responds to new government childhood obesity figures

New government figures on childhood obesity and overweight, that have been released as part of the Government's health survey for England expose the urgent need to tackle deprivation and inequality says Children's Food Campaign.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 24 September 2024

News: How do children and young people want to access food in their communities?

Report from Barnardo’s and Coop based on views and experiences of young people makes recommendations to local authorities, retailers and Westminster Government including a food partnership in every local area.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 23 September 2024

News: Managing takeaways near schools: a toolkit for local authorities

New toolkit provides practical steps to support local authorities in Planning or Public Health seeking more information about takeaway management zones or in the process of adopting and/or implementing a takeaway management zone policy.
Good Food Local | Monday 23 September 2024

Reports: Toxic trade-off: The cost of factory farming on the UK’s housing future 

A third of the English councils with the highest projected housing demand are in areas where it is too polluted to build new homes, with factory farming pollution a major cause. In order for the UK to achieve its housing aims and its nature recovery and climate targets, nutrient pollution from agriculture must be reduced at source.
Food for the Planet | Thursday 19 September 2024

News: Sustain joins call to Prime Minister to enable healthier local food environments

Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 18 September 2024

News: Budget wise: Sustain publishes recommendations for Government ahead of the Spending Review

Healthy food for all and better regulation of the food and farming industry -  just some of Sustain’s recommendations for the upcoming Autumn Budget.
Sustain | Wednesday 18 September 2024

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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