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News: Ecuador is said to be considering a junk food tax

The UK Independent newspaper has reported that President Rafael Correa promised a new tax, though details have yet to be confirmed.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

News: Urban Food Fortnight

This September, London will feast on the fabulous local produce being grown, produced and cooked on its doorstep.
Ethical Eats | Tuesday 10 September 2013

News: What will TTIP mean for food and climate?

Confused by the TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)? Read on for Vicki Hird's explanation.
Sustain | Saturday 20 June 2015

News: Help us push for better food labelling

The Real Bread Campaign needs your help by responding to a new governmental consultation, which includes the option of mandatory full ingredient labelling.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 31 January 2019

News: Food under the greenwood trees

The Soil Association is co-organising a conference to champion the benefits of agroforestry -- the practice of planting crops and trees together.
Sustain | Friday 19 May 2017

News: Farming for food and nature

Like a pebble thrown into a pond, the ripple effects of a reformed agriculture could benefit farmers, consumers, wildlife and the natural environment we all depend on, now and into the future.
Sustain | Friday 6 January 2017

News: New CEO for the Food Standards Agency

Jason Feeney, a lifelong public servant, has been appointed head of the FSA, where he has been Chief Operating Officer since 2015.
Sustain | Thursday 20 April 2017

News: Food growing on prescription

The Kindling Trust's trial of 'social prescribing' will see patients at a Stockport medical practice offered a healthy veg box, cookery sessions and an opportunity to do some gardening, as an alternative to medicine.
Sustain | Friday 21 April 2017

News: Too many pesticides in our supermarket food

Sustain member PAN UK ranks the top ten UK supermarket and finds they all failing to reduce pesticides.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 5 December 2019

Blog: Looking back to go forwards - a review of Children's Food Campaign activity

When I started at Children’s Food Campaign in January 2012, getting cooking onto the curriculum, junk off the checkouts and traffic light nutrition labelling onto the front of packaging were the big campaigns I got stuck into first. And there has been significant progress on each of those since, as well as on a Sugary Drinks Tax, School Food Standards and Universal Infant Free School Meals ... and that is just for starters.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 20 December 2017

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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