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News: Hot food to be more widely available

Pubs and restaurants will soon be able to offer a hot food takeaway service despite being closed for their eat in service.
Sustain | Monday 23 March 2020

News: Changes at Slow Food UK

The UK branch of Slow Food has welcomed a 70% increase in membership since January and has announced a new structure of the organisation. 
Sustain | Sunday 8 November 2015

Blog: Consumers are ready for food companies to change their recipes

In this week’s Recipe for Change guest blog we hear from Shefalee Loth, Nutritionist and Principal Researcher at Which? and a Sustain Trustee. She shares the role that food and drinks companies can play in producing tasty, affordable food that doesn’t cost our health.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 27 March 2024

Page: Food marketing

We gather evidence of the harmful impacts of unhealthy food marketing and urge governments and industry to take action to protect children and harness the powers of marketing for good.
Children's Food Campaign

Article: Man's Best Fed: Pet Food and Sustainability

The ’Eel usually focuses on good food for Londoners, but what about our furry friends? Kirsten Foster reaches for the can opener to lift the lid on kitty chow and pooch provender.
London Food Link | Monday 28 January 2019

News: Making Local Food Work films released

The films tell the inspiring stories of communities around the country taking control of their food and where it comes from.
Making Local Food Work | Tuesday 13 December 2011

Blog: Rishi’s reshuffle – what does this mean for food and farming?

After just four days in post, new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Cabinet re-shuffle appears to be reaching a conclusion. With some old faces and some new, let’s take a closer look at the track record of Rishi Sunak’s new team covering the brief for food and farming.
Sustain | Thursday 27 October 2022

Page: Children's Food Ambassador Programme

If you’re a parent or carer with a child / children under 18, you can apply to be part of our programme, where we make your voice heard on the food issues which matter to you and your children.  If you are interested in joining our programme, please email Naema Jannath at
Children's Food Campaign

Blog: Introducing Bridging the Gap, making agroecological food affordable to all

Bridging the Gap is an ambitious new programme, coordinated by Sustain. Here Sarah Williams, Programmes Director at Sustain, sets out how the alliance experience has built towards this ambition and how the work aims to bridge not only the broken food system but also divisions in the movement. 
Bridging the Gap | Wednesday 17 August 2022

Blog: What role does finance play in creating a fairer food system?

Simon Crichton from Triodos Bank UK’s specialist food and farming business banking team explains how banks could help the transition towards agro-ecological farming.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Friday 1 May 2020

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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