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Blog: How can we enhance the resilience of London’s food systems?

A new report recommends a range of actions to build more resilient food systems in the capital, particularly for those experiencing or at risk of food insecurity. Simon Shaw outlines the report’s key findings and recommendations. 
London Food Link | Tuesday 22 February 2022

News: Rosie Boycott presents inaugural Urban Food Awards

On 4 December 2014, London Food Board chair Rosie Boycott presented some of London's finest food businesses with the city's first ever Urban Food Awards at a gala event at Whole Foods Market in Kensington.
London Food Link | Friday 5 December 2014

Page: How to use the food co-op toolkit

This food co-op toolkit aims to provide an overview of the important things you need to think about when setting up and running a food co-op.
Food Co-ops toolkit

Pages: Food Poverty

Millions people in the UK struggle to get enough to eat. We’re working to change that through people-powered projects and campaigns that tackle the root causes of food poverty and ensure everyone has dignified access to healthy, affordable food.
Food Poverty

Page: International Links: UK Food Group

The UK Food Group is the network for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working on global food and agriculture issues.
Projects and campaigns

Article: Food Hunt: how to make your own Sauerkraut and what to do with it

Chef Tom Hunt says that one way of preserving your autumn cabbage glut is an acquired taste that’s well worth acquiring.
London Food Link | Tuesday 6 February 2018

News: Children's Food Campaign's response to the Institute for Fiscal Studies sugary drinks tax analysis

The IFS, in its response to all elements of the Chancellor's March 2016 budget, have produced an analysis of different ways a sugary drinks tax could work, and the impact it could have. Read our response.
Sugary Drinks Duty | Thursday 17 March 2016

News: Your food, their profits

Although the food sector is famous (or infamous) for its poor pay levels, there are neverthless a few people who make a lot of money by providing the food we eat. This year's Rich List shows that three UK manufacturing families  -- the Samworths, Warburtons and Boparans -- are worth more than half a billion (yes, billion) pounds each.
Sustain | Sunday 14 May 2017

News: Horsemeat scandal should lead to food system reform

The widespread contamination of processed meat products with horsemeat raises many questions about the way animal products are produced and consumed, and their effects on our health. Good food policy is needed to address them.
Sustain | Thursday 21 February 2013

News: £5000 up for grabs in the Urban Food Awards

Nominations for London’s 5th annual Urban Food Awards are now open!
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 21 January 2020

Jellied Eel: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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