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Events: Engaging Young People in Food Growing

Catch up on the second session of Growing Resilience through Food, a series of conversations on culture, community and relationship building in urban food growing spaces.
Capital Growth | Thursday 8 April 2021

News: Children's Food Bill EDM increases pressure on public health White Paper consultation..

An Early Day Motion (EDM) in support of Sustain's Children Food Bill, tabled by Debra Shipley MP, already has support from 57 cross-party MPs. The EDM acknowledges the strength of the Children's Food Bill in improving children's diets and future health and sends a powerful message to the Department of Health, whose public health consultation ends this week.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 25 May 2004

News: NHS must prioritise healthier and sustainable food

Sustain press statement following lead story on BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme (5 July, 2008), featuring Richard Parish, Chief Executive of the Royal Society for Public Health.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Friday 4 July 2008

News: Heavy opposition to London's healthier food advertising policy uncovered

New research reveals how companies lobbied Transport for London to influence the Healthier Food Advertising Policy.
Commercial Determinants | Friday 3 September 2021

News: MPs and peers call for radical new food, land use and nature solutions

Cross party group calls for measures to promote local food, investment in local food infrastructure and new duties and powers for local authorities and communities to promote economic growth in a climate crisis.
Sustainable Food Places | Wednesday 8 March 2023

News: Good food set to take centre stage at UK festivals

Festival organisers across the UK are being challenged to serve up delicious, healthy and sustainable food to festival-goers, with the launch of a new Good Food for Festivals Guide, published by the food and farming charity Sustain.
Ethical Eats | Friday 24 August 2012

Reports: The Childrens Food Bill: Why we need a new law, not more voluntary approaches

This report places the crisis in children's diet-related health in the context of the unhealthy food environments which have become part-and-parcel of their every day lives. Using a range of examples from a number of policy areas (for example, control of tobacco advertising, alcohol promotion and marketing of breastmilk substitutes), the report explains how industry is unable, in a competitive market, to exercise the social responsibility required to make voluntary approaches successful. It also demolishes the many arguments used by the food and advertising industries to promote self-regulation rather than effective legislation.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 31 May 2005

Blog: Let's keep food sector pay ratios within fair limits

In the food industry, top bosses can sometimes be paid over a hundred times more than the workers who grow or make our food. This embeds inequalities and means that many of those who provide our sustenance cannot afford to eat well themselves - a bitter irony. To provoke a healthier conversation about money, Sustain has undertaken its own Pay Ratio Analysis and put in place checks and balances to avoid disparities widening in future, writes Sustain Chief Executive Kath Dalmeny.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 20 March 2019

News: 'Intention' is to protect EU nationals working in UK food sector

The Defra Secretary of State tries to be reassuring -- but admits no-one knows how the negotiations will go
Sustain | Friday 30 September 2016

News: Do you want to stimulate local authority action on good food in your region?

Applications are open to become Sustain's regional project partner on an exciting programme of activity engaging local authorities to push the good food agenda further.  
Sustain | Wednesday 24 May 2023

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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