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News: City of York Council introduces a healthier food advertising policy

City of York Council becomes the second council in Yorkshire to shine a light on healthier food, as leaders sign off healthier food advertising policy.
Commercial Determinants | Monday 20 May 2024

Events: The cost of living and local action by food partnerships

With food inflation reaching 13.1% and 7.3 million adults already experiencing food insecurity, many food partnerships are planning for an anxious Winter ahead, and seeking to understand their role during the crisis.
Sustainable Food Places | Monday 7 November 2022

Events: Devolution, the rising powers of Metro Mayors and food

Join this learning session on the history and outlook of devolution in England, the growing powers and influence of Combined Authorities and Metro Mayors and how to engage.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 27 June 2024

News: BREAKING: Chancellor confirms £200m for school holiday activities and food programme

The Chancellor has today confirmed £200 'a year' to support the school holiday activities and food programme but failed to extend free school meals or the Healthy Start voucher scheme.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 27 October 2021

News: Number 10 holds 'Farm to Fork' food summit - joint statement from Sustain and others

A number of food and farming organisations have signed a joint statement regarding the food summit to be held today at Number 10 Downing Street. There is scant information on the guest list or agenda.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 16 May 2023

News: Cities are driving a food revolution in the US

Cities are stepping up where the federal government has fallen short. The New Food Economy has published an uplifting article on the local food policy councils which are driving a food revolution in the US.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 14 December 2017

Blog: How can our food system benefit from planning reforms?

Government has published a package of proposals for reform of the whole planning system in England which could have a profound impact on food and farming. Gillian Morgan explores what is at risk, and where there might be opportunities from this consultation.
Planning Food Cities | Thursday 10 September 2020

News: 205 MPs increase pressure on Reid to ban junk food ads

Sustain, co-ordinators of the campaign for the Children's Food Bill have announced that 205 MPs already support legislation to end junk food marketing to children. The announcement coincides with a keynote speech today by the Rt Hon Dr John Reid MP, in which the Secretary of State will set out the philosophy and political approach to the forthcoming White Paper on Public Health.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 22 September 2004

News: Children's Food Campaign's response to the release of PHE's evidence review

"Finally all politicians, as well as parents, teachers and the food industry, have the opportunity to look at the evidence themselves and understand why tough measures to tackle the marketing, advertising and promotion of less healthy food and drink to children and their families are necessary. All options should be on the table to protect children’s health. So it is irresponsible of the Government to continue to refuse to consider a sugary drinks tax, especially now Public Health England’s lists it as one of their eight areas for action." 
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 22 October 2015

News: Citizen Food and a new Sustainability Index

Sustain member the Food Ethics Council has launched two new publications. One uses a new index to assess the sustainability of our food supply. The other looks at what would happen if everybody in the food system stopped thinking in terms of 'consumers', and started thinking in terms of 'citizens'.
Sustain | Friday 14 July 2017

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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