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News: New Canadian Prime Minister backs National Food Policy

Sustain Ontario have welcomed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's call for a food policy promoting healthy, safe and high quality Canadian-grown food.
Sustain | Friday 20 November 2015

News: National Lottery £600K brings Glasgow community food partners together to act on climate change

A new project aiming to transform Glasgow’s food system and reduce its impact on the climate crisis is today receiving £629,582 of National Lottery funding.
Veg Cities | Thursday 19 November 2020

Blog: Reforms to national planning policy are underway: what’s at stake for food and farming?

A revised National Planning Policy Framework for England is expected later this Spring and longer-term changes await legislation that will come out of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill currently going through parliament. Read more about what’s at stake and key points from our response to the government’s consultation on reforms to planning policies.
Planning Food Cities | Tuesday 7 March 2023

News: MPs debate the childhood obesity strategy

On Thursday 21 January MPs will take part in a debate on a motion relating to the childhood obesity strategy. This debate was scheduled by the Backbench Business Committee following a bid from Dr Sarah Wollaston, Conservative MP for Totnes. The motion brought forward  by Dr Wollaston is 'That this House calls on the Government to bring forward a bold and effective strategy to tackle childhood obesity'  
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 21 January 2016

News: Sustain and allies urge MPs to address children’s food in national planning policies

Sustain, alongside other organisations including The Food Foundation and Food Active, are urging the Government to champion children's health in the current planning inquiry by stemming the flood of unhealthy food.
Planning Food Cities | Tuesday 13 February 2024

News: Defra abandons its plans for a Horticulture Strategy

In the Government’s food strategy, Defra committed to co-producing a Horticulture Strategy with the sector. But responding to a recent Parliamentary Question, Mark Spencer confirmed that Defra will be canning this pledge.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Wednesday 3 May 2023

News: Scottish government launches pollinator strategy

Since 1980, the number of pollinating insects in Scotland - honey bees, bumble bees, the solitary bee, butterflies and hoverflies - has fallen by an estimated 51%. The decline, which threatens food crops and biodiversity, has rung alarm bells in Holyrood. This new strategy is the response.
Sustain | Monday 31 July 2017

Reports: Sustain Strategy 2021 to 2025

This five-year strategy for the Sustain alliance is launched in 2021, at a time of great change for the future of the UK’s food, farming and fishing. Sustain is also 21 years old, symbolically marking our ‘coming of age’, with a renewed sense of agency, determination and shared purpose.
Sustain | Tuesday 1 June 2021

Blog: Horticulture Strategy ditched: a massive backward step for the fruit and veg we need

The Farm Minister Mark Spencer MP recently announced that the Government will not produce the Horticulture Strategy, promised in the Government’s food strategy. Sustain's Head of Farming Vicki Hird vents her huge frustration at this backwards step and sets out why and how such a strategy, a coherent policy package, could deliver so much.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 9 May 2023

News: Islington Street Trading Strategy

To read London Food Link's response to this draft strategy, please follow the link above.
London Food Link | Friday 23 March 2007

London Food Link: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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