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Events: COP26 Panel Discussion Food Justice in the UK

Climate change and growing inequality are two of the biggest issues shaping our food system and exacerbated by it. This is a decisive moment to align movements around climate, right to food, and community food resilience.
Sustain | Thursday 4 November 2021

Blog: Time to Invest in Local Food Hubs

Food hubs have been circling as a concept to increase supply of local food and shorten supply chains for many years, but perhaps finally their time has come. Martin Yarnit explores their potential for responding to the opportunities and needs exposed by the events of the last year.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 2 February 2021

News: Healthy food policies to promote childhood health and reduce obesity in New Zealand are lacking

This is according to an assessment of policy priorities by a panel of more than 50 of the country’s public health professionals, medical practitioners and NGO leaders. The panel reviewed all the evidence on recent government actions and rated the degree of implementation compared to international benchmarks, in what is being described as the first systematic study on national food policies in the world. The report was part of work by the INFORMAS network to develop the first Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI).
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

News: Scotland revises hospital food standards

Revised standards for Scottish hospital food are to be introduced later this year.
Sustain | Saturday 25 July 2015

Reports: Briefing: Local Food - benefits, obstacles and opportunities

This paper gives an overview of what local food economies are, the benefits of and obstacles to more local food, and the priority measures needed to support local food economies.
Making Local Food Work | Tuesday 1 January 2002

News: Will Rishi Sunak's Spring Budget deliver children's healthy food?

Sustain has called on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to make the Spring Budget count in tackling rising food insecurity for children and childhood obesity alike.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 2 March 2021

News: New briefing warns EU trade talks threaten food safety and animal welfare

Friends of the Earth Europe, Compassion in World Farming, IATP, Grain and the Centre for Food Safety have produced a new briefing on the controversial TTIP trade agreement. The briefing warns the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a trade agreement being negotiated between the US and the EU, could threaten healthy sustainable diets by putting trade interests ahead of food safety concerns, as well as shifting power from national governments to a new trade committee.  
Sustain | Friday 13 March 2015

Blog: What do the 'Super Thursday' election results mean for food and farming?

What are the implications of the recent election results for food and farming? Oliver Ratcliffe explores highlights from the mayoral, devolved assemblies and council elections across the UK.
Local elections | Thursday 20 May 2021

News: Peterborough Council introduces a healthier food advertising policy

Peterborough Council becomes the second in the East of England to switch the spotlight away from unhealthy food as leaders sign off on a healthier food advertising policy.
Commercial Determinants | Monday 22 July 2024

Reports: Policy Brief: The power of Local Authorities to tackle food and farming emissions

Local councils have significant power to help achieve Net Zero. However, food and farming is missing from nearly two thirds of council climate and biodiversity strategies despite making up a third of UK GHG emissions. This briefing summarises new research from Sustain into how UK local authorities are tackling emissions from the food system.
Food for the Planet | Wednesday 23 November 2022

Food for the Planet: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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