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News: £130k awarded to food growing projects in Aberdeen

In March 2017, the local authority earmarked £145,000 to develop innovative community growing projects in the regeneration areas across Aberdeen, the areas with the highest levels of multiple deprivation. Nearly £130,000 has already been shared among a dozen projects with £20,000 still available.
Veg Cities | Wednesday 26 September 2018

Blog: The role of food partnerships in environmental land use transitions

Following on from Defra’s commitment to publish a Land Use Framework and the early findings from the Food Farming and Countryside Commission’s land use pilots, we explore what role food partnerships could have and what resources would be needed to realise that potential.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 27 April 2023

News: Government announces welcome school food policy reforms

The Government's Levelling Up White Paper commits to improve accountability of school food which Sustain and partners have long advocated for.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 4 February 2022

Blog: Eating our planet – options for local campaigning to reduce the impact of food on our planet

Driven by the magnitude of the environmental impacts of the food system and the slow pace of change from businesses and national governments, local areas are starting to take matters into their own hands. Sofia Parente, Sustainable Food Places Policy and Campaigns Coordinator, weighs the options for local campaigning to reduce the impact of food on our planet.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 13 May 2021

News: Calls for Government to include food in climate commitments

60 food organisations write to ministers calling on them to include food in climate commitments.
Food for the Planet | Wednesday 29 September 2021

News: Food Talks: Wellbeing

On Thursday 29 June, the second in the 2017 series of free talks asks ‘How can we eat and live well in the future?
London Food Link | Monday 15 May 2017

Reports: Hot Food Takeaways: Planning a route to healthier communities

Sustain’s new guide for Councils draws on the experience of planning authorities in collecting evidence to support and defend planning policies to restrict new hot food takeaways.
Planning Food Cities | Tuesday 12 November 2019

News: New report exploring four key responses to food vulnerability during Covid-19

A new report from the Food vulnerability during Covid-19 research project examines four key responses to food insecurity during the pandemic: school food replacements, emergency financial support, emergency food and the shielding grocery box scheme.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 22 December 2020

Page: What could local food groups do?

Does your planning authority have up to date planning policies but nothing on the food system?
Planning Food Cities

News: New Film: SAY YES to School Food For All

What would happen if other parts of the school day – chairs, desks, bathrooms – were treated like food?
School Food For All | Monday 6 March 2023

School Food For All: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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