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News: Scotland to cut food waste by a third by 2025

Scotland becomes the first country in Europe to commit to a food waste reduction target.
Sustain | Friday 26 February 2016

News: Prime Minister announces annual food security index and conference

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a package of measures aimed at the farming community today as he spoke to the National Farmers' Union conference. 
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 20 February 2024

Blog: Parliamentary highlights for food and farming in 2022 

Number 10's hope for a re-set in the New Year are proving to be short-lived. Regardless of the trouble at the top, here’s our round up of what to look out for in parliament this year.  
Sustain | Tuesday 18 January 2022

News: TfL’s healthier food advertising policy begins

In an effort to tackle childhood obesity, the Mayor and Transport for London's restriction of unhealthy food advertising is now active.
Jellied Eel | Monday 25 February 2019

News: Good food enterprises: adapting to the pandemic, one year on

A new survey report, published by Sustain, outlines how good food enterprises have been affected and responded to a year of disrupted supply chains, lockdowns and changes in buying behaviours. 
Sustainable Food Places | Wednesday 23 June 2021

Blog: Cost of living crisis and sustainable food

Sometimes it can feel like there is a tension between high quality sustainable food and the needs of low-income families. But everyone deserves to access a healthy, sustainable, nutritious diet. With cheap food, somebody, somewhere in the food chain pays. So how can we deliver high quality food that is kind to people AND the planet through local policy and planning and what is the role of food partnership?
Sustainable Food Places | Friday 13 May 2022

News: Why urban food policies work

A new report looks in detail at five world cities that have developed successful, joined-up food policies, to see what lessons can be learned.
Sustain | Friday 23 June 2017

News: Hull residents given new Right to Grow Food in historic council motion

Hull City Council unanimously adopted a motion to empower local communities with a formalised Right To Grow food on public land. The initiative, which has been pursued by residents in Hull since 2020, is based on a national campaign by Incredible Edible which seeks to radically change the way public land is used.
Good to Grow | Tuesday 24 October 2023

News: Get behind the Mayor’s proposal to ban junk food adverts on Transport for London

The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is consulting on the possibility of a complete ban on advertising of junk food and sugary drinks across the Transport for London network, to help combat child obesity, responding to campaigning on junk food marketing from Jamie Oliver, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Sustain and our alliance of organisations. We applaud this bold ambition, as part of the launch of a public consultation on the draft London Food Strategy. Show your support for the Mayor’s proposal?
London Food Link | Wednesday 16 May 2018

News: Will Government's new planning framework create sustainable food cities?

The proposed revisions to the planning policy framework for England are open for consultation. But are the proposals a missed opportunity for a more sustainable food system?
Planning Food Cities | Wednesday 11 April 2018

Planning Food Cities: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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