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Reports: Sustain Briefing: Good Food Retail

Updated January 2020: Sustain has produced this briefing in response to recent references to Good Food Retail in the London Food Strategy, among other documents. Our aim is to show how ‘good food’ works in a retail setting and the types of venues and operations this would apply to.
London Food Link | Friday 10 January 2020

Reports: Good Food Local: the London report 2024

Good Food Local: the London report assesses council action on food under six key themes - food governance and strategy, food growing and other community food action, healthy food for all, sustainable food economy, catering and procurement and Food for the Planet.
Good Food Local | Thursday 29 February 2024

News: London is a hive for good food work

Good food news for London as Sustainable Food Newham join the Sustainable Food Places Network and Southwark Food Action Alliance gain a Bronze Award.
London Food Link | Thursday 16 November 2023

Reports: Broadcasting Bad Health: Why food marketing to children needs to be controlled

Researched and written by Sustain's Policy Director and the Director of the Food Commission, the Broadcasting Bad Health report was commissioned by the International Association of Consumer Food Organizations and prepared as submission to the 2003 World Health Organization consultation on a global strategy for diet and health. It makes the powerful case for controls on junk food marketing to children to prevent the alarming rise in diet-related diseases worldwide. Drawing on numerous international examples of food promotion by large food companies, and the accompanying growth in diet-related diseases, it gives a consumer perspective on the extensive marketing of energy-dense, low-nutrient foods around the world. It calls for internationally effective policies that protect children from developing dietary habits that may result in disease and premature death.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 1 September 2003

News: Three in four Women’s Institute members donate to food banks

A food insecurity poll by Sustain member the National Federation of Women's Institutes (the WI) finds that 77% of its members donate to food banks - and is calling on the government to stop relying on volunteers to plug the food poverty gap.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 30 January 2019

News: Sustain response to 'FSA - Action Plan on Food Promotions and Children's Diets'

We are pleased to submit this response to the Food Standard Agency's (FSA) Action Plan on Food Promotions and Children's Diets. The comments relating to the promotion of foods to children and the food environments within schools are presented on behalf of the coalition of 115 national organisations which currently support the Children's Food Bill.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 21 June 2004

News: New Vocal For Local food campaign launched

Sustain member, the Landworkers' Alliance (LWA) have just launched their new report Vocal for Local – which  explores the numerous benefits of localised food systems, and outlines the ways in which decentralised food systems offer solutions to the market failures of supermarket supply chains.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 21 June 2021

News: USA moves to reduce food waste

The US Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency have announced the United State's first national food waste reduction programme, with a goal of 50% reduction by 2030.
Sustain | Friday 18 September 2015

News: Good Food Nation Bill stirs debate

Scotland's pioneering Good Food Nation Bill is still at an early stage, but it is already prompting Members of the Scottish Parliament to ask questions about the sort of food supply they want and can achieve.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 16 June 2017

News: Why should Labour care about the future of food farming and the countryside?

Sustain with SERA - Labour's Environment Campaign  - and Wildlife & Countryside link (including WWT, RSPB, Woodland Trust, RSPCA and National Trust) are hosting an event at the Labour part Conference 25 September, Liverpool. 
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 17 September 2018

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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