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News: DEFRA's 25 year food and farming plan

DEFRA launch consultation on their 25 year food and farming plan. 
Sustain | Monday 10 August 2015

News: Government responds to children's healthy food demands

Following an open letter signed by 108 local and national food and health leaders, as well as public e-actions backed by hundreds of individuals, Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 1 December 2020

News: Improving civil food resilience – your help needed

A new report is being developed by Professor Tim Lang for the National Prepared Commission to establish the need for food supply being considered within resilience planning in the UK. He is launching a survey to gather civil society input.
Sustainable Food Places | Wednesday 19 July 2023

News: Square Meal: Food, farming, health, nature - why we need a new recipe for the future

This is a new attempt to reiterate the overwhelming evidence for the need for a major change in national food and farming policy. Collaborators on the publication are: Compassion in World Farming; the Eating Better Alliance; Food Ethics Council; Food Research Collaboration (coordinated by City University London); Friends of the Earth; the National Trust; Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts; RSPB; the Soil Association and Sustain.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

News: Government should name and shame food companies delaying Traffic Light Labelling

Children's Food Campaign's response to the Department of Health's announcement that it will promote a national front of pack labelling scheme incorporating traffic light colour coding
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Reports: Sustainable food in care catering - a briefing paper

In 2005, the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) and Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming, embarked on a project to explore the opportunities for healthy and sustainable food procurement in care catering. This briefing paper set out the case and scope for work to improve the healthiness and sustainability of food in care catering, with an initial focus on improving the food standards for meals served to older people in care homes.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Wednesday 1 November 2006

Reports: Checkouts checked out - how supermarkets promote junk food to children and their parents

Results of a survey of national supermarkets and high-street chains. It found that food and drinks are regularly displayed at the checkouts and in the queuing areas in these stores, and the vast majority of the products are unhealthy and often within easy reach of children.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 25 April 2012

Reports: Capital Eats: An analysis of London's food economy

The complexities and significance of the food sector in London is summarised in this report. Europe's biggest city contains a quarter of the UK population, half the nation's restaurants covering a huge range of national cuisines and around 60,000 registered food businesses. Some 10% of all jobs in London are linked to the food sector, and farming, while a tiny part of the capital's GDP, covers about 12,000 hectares of Greater London's land area. 'Capital Eats' offers statistics, analysis and policy options for making London's food system more sustainable and more diverse. Sectors include farming, retail, manufacturing, catering, wholesale and farmers' markets and social enterprises.
London Food Link | Wednesday 30 June 2004

News: Government urged to support metropolitan councils that are falling short on tackling food emissions

New research from Sustain reveals that most councils don’t have clear targets for food and farming in climate emergency plans, and calls on national governments in the UK to do more.  
Food for the Planet | Wednesday 6 December 2023

News: The people have spoken: nature should be a human right and food companies held accountable

'The People's Plan for Nature' was developed by a representative assembly of participants from across the UK as part of the Save Our Wild Isles project, a partnership between WWF, the RSPB and the National Trust.
Food for the Planet | Thursday 23 March 2023

Food for the Planet: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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